There's Always A First Time To Everything


“You do eat like a guy,” Kim Bum told his sister during breakfast that morning.

Kim So Eun looked up from her plate wide eyed.

“Oh no wait. Even I don’t eat like that,” Kim Bum shook his head.

“What? I’m hungry and I’m rushing for school.”

“Wake up late again.”

So Eun rolled her eyes.

“Whatever,” she said and grabbed her bag.

“Be home early. Appa and Umma are coming home today,” he reminded her.

“Yeah okay. Bye,” she called out over her shoulders.

Kim Bum nodded at their butler, Mr Lee, to make sure So Eun got into the car safely. That girl was accident prone. Her every move had to be watched. Sometimes, she got irritated by these, but there was nothing that she could do. She was the Kim family’s youngest heir, one of the richest families in South Korea.


So Eun’s chauffeur finally pulled up at Nan San High school’s gate. The second it stopped, she threw open the door and hurried out, afraid that she was already late for class.

“Miss Kim, they will wait for you,” her chauffeur told her.

“It’s not nice to make people wait,” she muttered. She closed the door and rushed inside, not noticing a bicycle heading towards her.

“Ow!” she exclaimed when she was knocked down.

Someone pulled her up. It was her best friend, Mir.

“Eunnie, are you okay?” he asked.

She checked her hands and legs. There was a scratch and a slight bruise on her right arm and leg.

“I’m okay. Nothing serious,” she gave a small smile.

Mir looked around for the cyclist that had knocked her down. He was standing a few feet away from them, hesitating on whether he should approach her. Mir glared at him. He decided to take a look on the girl that he had accidentally injured.

“Mianhamnida. Are you okay?”

So Eun looked up at him. Man, was he tall. She shook her head slightly.

“It’s okay. Just a small scratch.”

“I’m really sorry. I was rushing for class and you just dashed across. I had no time to brake.”

She waved her hand in dismissal.

“I told you, it’s okay. I was rushing too. See you around,” she walked away with Mir.

He watched her as she go. He was still feeling guilty but didn’t know what else to do.


“You let him off too easily,” Mir scolded her during lunch period.

So Eun sighed.

“I was partly at fault too. How can I put all the blame on him? And anyway, it’s just a minor injury. It’s not like I broke anything.”

“Do you want to wait until you break something then?”

So Eun was about to open to answer when their other friend, Jiyoung, appeared.

“Okay that’s it guys. You’ve been arguing about this non stop. Time to call it quits.”

“I wasn’t the one who started it,” So Eun protested.

“I’m just trying to point out that she shouldn’t be too nice to everyone. She should learn how to stand up for herself,” Mir defended himself.

“Okay! That’s it! Stop! I mean it!” Jiyoung exclaimed. “You guys are acting like kids.”

So Eun stuffed herself with food so that she wouldn’t be tempted to say anything else. She knew Mir was concerned about her. And maybe, she did let the boy off easily. But when she took a look on his face, there was something that she couldn’t quite figure out. It was like, she felt sorry for him, instead of herself.

As they were eating in silence, they suddenly heard a commotion coming from outside the cafeteria. So Eun and Jiyoung looked at each other. They quickly got up and went to check out what was happening.

“Girls,” Mir rolled his eyes and he followed slowly behind them.

A group of students were crowded together watching a fight happening before them. None of them tried to stop the fight, they seemed to enjoy it actually.

So Eun pushed her way through to get a closer look.

“Stop!” she shouted.

A male student was about to punch the boy who had knocked her down that morning. He was already beaten up badly and looked like he was about to pass out. So Eun rushed forward before Mir or Jiyoung could stop her. She pulled the boy away from getting beaten up again.

“What are you doing?” she demanded the assaulter. “Do you want to kill him?”

“He doesn’t deserve to live either,” he spat before walking away.

So Eun looked down on the guy who she was holding. She touched his face.

“Hey, are you okay?” she asked anxiously. But there was no response.

“We have to bring him to the hospital. Mir, come on. Get your car.”

Even though he didn’t really like that guy, Mir still did as he was told. Nobody deserved to die like that. They had to help save him in any way they can.


He came out half an hour later, all bandaged up. He walked towards them slowly. So Eun saw him and stood up quickly to help him sit.

“Are you okay?”

He nodded slightly.

“I’ll go settle the bill. Jiyoung, come on,” Mir decided to give them space to talk. So Eun could handle it alone.

When they were gone, she turned to face him.

“What happened?” she asked softly.

“Guys getting into fights are normal,” he replied in a hoarse voice, unable to meet her eyes.

“Did you start it?”

“He started it!”

“Well, he wouldn’t have started it without any reason right?” she continued to press him for details.

He hesitated for awhile before answering.

“I owe him money,” he said quietly and looked down on his tattered shoes.

“How much?”

“10000. I am going to pay him, but I don’t have any money now. And he keeps asking me to pay him back even after I begged him to give me some more time.”

So Eun sighed.

“Why did you borrow money from him,” she said that more as a statement than a question.

“Because I need money?”

So Eun rolled her eyes at him.

“Come on, let’s go. We’ll send you home.”

“It’s okay. I can go home by myself.”

She looked at him up and down, injured from head to toe.

“Like that? I don’t think so.”

“I’m stronger than you think I am.”

“Right. If you are, you wouldn’t have been that badly injured.”

“I was just giving him a chance to beat the crap out of me. I could have won if I fought properly,” he gave her a small grin.

So Eun shook her head and smiled. She held out her hand.

“Kim So Eun.”

He stared at her hand for a minute before taking it.

“Song Seung Hyun.”

“Thanks. Now I know who to sue for knocking me down this morning,” she said jokingly.

“Oh great, that was a trick.”

She laughed.

“I’m just kidding. Let’s go.”

“So Eun,” he called out.


“Kamsahamnida. For helping me.”

She just smiled at him and pulled him along.


“This is the money to pay up the 10000 that Seung Hyun borrowed from you. After this, please leave him alone.”

He took the envelope from her and checked the contents inside. He gave a satisfied smile.

“Good. I won’t make life difficult for him anymore. But really, what did he do to get such a pretty girl like you?”

So Eun ignored him.

“If you do anything to him again, I’ll get you expelled from this school.”

So Eun usually hated to use her authority over things. But for people like him, she cannot be too soft.

“Consider it done,” he walked off.

She heaved a sigh of relief and turned around to go back to her class but someone was blocking her way. She took one look at the shoes and dreaded looking up to face him.

“What did you do?” he asked her quietly but the voice was full of anger.

“I just wanted him to leave you alone,” she said, still not daring to look up.

“Why did you involve yourself in my problems? I can settle it myself!”

“If you could, I wouldn’t have had to bring you to the hospital to get stitches do I?” she shot back.

“I didn’t ask for your help either!” his pride as a man felt challenged.

“I did it, because I don’t want any more needles to touch your skin again!”

Seung Hyun took a deep breath.

“Well,” she continued. “If you don’t want to feel indebted towards me, you can pay me back. But take your time, I won’t press you for payment. Or ask you for interest. Or hire people to beat you up. Or to kill you myself.”

Seung Hyun had to stifle his laugh.

“Do you feel like doing that now?”

“What do you think?”

He shrugged.

“I’m going back to class,” she told him and left him standing there alone.

He shook his head. This girl was something.


I'm really nervous since this is my first fanfic. So, tell me what do you guys think about it. It's kind of long isn't it? Well, tell me if it's okay or you want it to be shorter the next time. I'll wait for a few comments first before publishing the next chapter. It just gets more exciting ;)

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great fic, thank you!
oh my god. I just finished reading and I'm crying. The ending was so sad T.T are you a fan of sad endings or something huhuhuh T.T
i loved the fic! It was beautiful.
okay so i just started reading :'D
yayy another seunghyun fic. And you didn't disappoint me, I loved this fic, just like the other fic I read :D
I'm so curious about Seunghyun's background right now and I hate her appa for the arranged marriage ;w;
gonna continue reading now!
Awww, thank you :)
treasurelove #5
i cried .. :(<br />
i love this story...
treasurelove #6
nice ^0^
Hey. Thank you veryy muchh ! :))
Thank you veryy muchh for your wonderful comment :))