First Time, First Love


“Eunnie-ah,” Mrs Kim called out when they were eating dinner that night. “How are your studies so far?”

“Everything’s good Umma. You don’t have to worry. I’m a very good girl,” So Eun grinned.

Kim Bum pretended to choke. So Eun shot him a look. He chuckled.

“Bum, what about you? How’s college?”

“I’m a very good boy Umma,” he smiled knowingly.

So Eun snorted.

“No originality.”

“Kim Bum, So Eun, appa and umma are rarely here. You guys are on your own most of the time. Eunnie, listen to your oppa. He knows what is best for you,” Mr Kim suddenly spoke up.

So Eun smiled sheepishly. Kim Bum glanced at his dongsaeng. He knew his sister was a good girl. Although she would really love to have some freedom, she just kept it to herself. That’s one thing about her. She doesn’t like to trouble others. She’d rather keep to herself.

“Eunnie, there’s something appa and umma would like to tell you,” her father begin.

So Eun looked up expectantly.


Mr Kim gestured at his wife to continue. Her mother held So Eun’s hand.

“Eunnie-ah, appa and umma have discussed this and we have decided to get you married to the Lee’s family heir, Joon.”

So Eun choked on the food she was eating.

“What umma?” she coughed. “Why so suddenly?”

“Yeah appa. What’s the occasion?” Kim Bum asked. Even he didn’t see this coming and he didn’t like the idea one bit. So Eun was still too young. This must be because of business matters.

“So Eun is already all grown up. It’s time for her to think about marriage. And marriage to the Lee family means good partnership for our company,” Mr Kim explained calmly.

Aha, just what I thought. But this is unfair to Eunnie. They really shouldn’t put her in a spot, Kim Bum thought to himself. He watched his sister closely. She still hasn’t gotten over the shock. It was written all over her face.

“Appa, umma, I know how much this means to you. But marriage, I’m not ready for it yet.”

“What are you talking about? You’re finishing high school this year. Get married and you can practically just sit back and do nothing. Money will come easy to you. This is all for your convenience Eunnie,” Mr Kim said.

So Eun shook her head.

“Oppa is not even married yet,” she tried again, her voice already weak.

“Who said Kim Bum has to marry first before you just because he’s older? It doesn’t matter. Lee Joon’s family is coming over next month. We will hold your engagement party then. You’ll get married end of this year. It’s all been decided,” Mr Kim said, not giving any chance for So Eun to protest.

So Eun turned towards her mother for help. But Mrs Kim just gave her a small smile, asking her to go along. She couldn’t do anything to stop her husband’s decision.

She turned to her brother. Kim Bum’s and So Eun’s eyes met. He could see the pleading look in her eyes. But what can he do? Once their father set his mind to something, nothing they say will matter.


The next day after school, So Eun walked home alone. She told her chaffeur she was going to Jiyoung’s house and not to wait for her. She just wanted some alone time to herself. She was still thinking about the whole marriage thing. How is she supposed to get herself out from this mess? She hadn’t even told her friends about this.

As she was walking, she suddenly stopped in front a florist shop. Her eyes were fixed on all the beautiful flowers there. She loved flowers. Just looking at it, cheers her up abit.

“Looking for anything in particular?” a voice asked her, snapping her back to reality.

“Huh? Oh I...” her voice trailed off. “What are you doing here?” when she realised it was Seung Hyun in front of her.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” he said, pointing towards the T-shirt he was wearing, which showed the shop’s name.

“You work here?” So Eun asked in disbelief.

“A guy like me can’t be picky about jobs.”

“But that is so cool. I’ve never seen a guy doing this job before.”

“Well, now you’ve seen one. What are you doing here then? Want to buy any flowers?”

She sighed.

“I don’t know. Is there any flower that can cheer me up?”

“What’s wrong?” he asked, concerned.

So Eun shook her head, refusing to tell anything.

He grabbed her hand suddenly and pulled her into the shop.

“Here,” he let go of her hand when he found what he was looking for. He held up a cactus.

“Cactus?” she asked puzzled.

“Nay. Cactus. Do you know why I chose this for you?”

So Eun shook her head and shrugged.

“Cactus is actually a very special kind of plant. It’s beautiful and unique. You need to give it special attention. It’s not an easy plant to take care of, there are many restrictions for you to be able to touch it. You’ll get hurt by doing so. But, because of your love for it, the hurt becomes bearable for you.”

So Eun stared at the cactus he was holding. What he said did make sense but,

“Why cactus?”

“I see you, and I’m reminded of cactus. I don’t know why,” he looked away. “Well, if you want the usual pretty flowers, there are many roses, orchids, sunflowers out there,” he started to put back the cactus but So Eun grabbed his hand.

“No wait. I’ll buy it.”

Seung Hyun looked down at her hand that was still on his. She quickly pulled away.


“Well, if you’re sure about it, I’ll wrap it up for you.”

She followed him to the cashier. She started to take out her purse.

“It’s okay. Consider it a treat from me.”

So Eun took the bag from him.

“Are you sure?”

He nodded.

“Maybe you can minus it from the amount that I owe you.”

She chuckled.

“Okay, sure. Kamsahamnida. I’ll see you tomorrow at school.”

He nodded at her. 

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great fic, thank you!
oh my god. I just finished reading and I'm crying. The ending was so sad T.T are you a fan of sad endings or something huhuhuh T.T
i loved the fic! It was beautiful.
okay so i just started reading :'D
yayy another seunghyun fic. And you didn't disappoint me, I loved this fic, just like the other fic I read :D
I'm so curious about Seunghyun's background right now and I hate her appa for the arranged marriage ;w;
gonna continue reading now!
Awww, thank you :)
treasurelove #5
i cried .. :(<br />
i love this story...
treasurelove #6
nice ^0^
Hey. Thank you veryy muchh ! :))
Thank you veryy muchh for your wonderful comment :))