A Chance.


“Where did you go?” Kim Bum asked So Eun when they were already inside the house. “You told Changmin to go home first and not to wait for you. Did you really go to Jiyoung’s?”

So Eun knew she couldn’t lie to her brother.

“I just went to take a walk, to clear my mind.”

Kim Bum sighed.

“You could have called, or answered your phone.”

“Mianhe. I didn’t noticed.”

“Who was that boy?”

“A friend. From school.”

“Friend? I didn’t know you are close to anyone else except for Mir and Jiyoung.”

“A new friend,” she replied, still not offering any other clues about Seung Hyun.

“It’s a good thing appa and umma are not here.”

“Can I go now? I’m tired.”

Kim Bum took one last look on his sister’s face, hoping she would give away anything but he found nothing.

“Go ahead. Dinner will be ready soon.”


“So, did you get into trouble last nigt with your oppa?” Seung Hyun asked So Eun the next day as they were sitting at the beach after school.

“Anyo. Luckily. Or I...”

“You what? Beat me? Scold me? Scream at me? Go ahead,” he .

She narrowed her eyes at him.

“Don’t dare do you?”

“I’m just too nice to do that.”

Seung Hyun snorted.

“Right. I believe that.”

She punched him on the arm lightly.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Nothing,” he smiled at her.

So Eun didn’t ask further. She stared at the sea. Her thoughts were far away.

Seung Hyun nudged her.


“What’s wrong?” he asked. “It looks like something’s troubling you.”

She sighed.

“Tell me. Maybe I can help you.”

“I don’t think you can.”

“Well, tell me anyway. You know you need someone to talk to.”

So Eun kept quiet for awhile before answering.

“I’m getting engaged next month.”


Seung Hyun’s POV

“I’m getting married next month,” I heard her said.

Instantly, I felt the air being knocked out of me. A huge lump formed in my throat. I felt a knot tightened in my stomach. My heart sank. I felt as if time had stopped moving. Everything froze in my world. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“What? Engaged? With who? Why?”

“Appa and umma arranged it for me to be married to their business partner’s son, Lee Joon. I’ve known him since we were kids. We are childhood friends. But I’ve never thought of marrying him. It never crossed my mind. Everything is happening so suddenly. I tried to protest. But appa said it has already been decided. I don’t know what else to do.”

“Do you like him?” I asked her slowly.

“I don’t know. I like him as a friend. But I have never seen him as someone I’d spend the rest of my life with. He’s not the one.”

But what does it matter? There are people who get married first and fall in love later. Anything can happen. I’m going to lose her, I feel that.

I want to tell her exactly what I felt. I want to tell her, that her beautiful face is the one I look forward to seeing to everyday. Her bright sweet smile is the one that keeps me going when times gets tough. Her cheerful personality makes me want to be a better man. Her caring side makes her the most beautiful woman in my eyes. Even though I’ve only known her for a short while, I feel like I’ve known her for a long time.  I know that she’s someone that I could see myself spending the rest of my life with. There were so many things that I want to tell her, too many words for me to utter. But I can’t bring myself to open my mouth and let her know my true feelings.

“Why have you gone quiet?” she broke the silence between us.

It was my turn to look at the sea.

“You’re right. I don’t know how I can help you.”

Her face fell and she looked down at her shoes.

“I know. Thanks anyway, for listening. It helped a little.”

“Anytime,” I forced a smile and hoped she didn’t notice it. She was already in a dilemma. I didn’t need to add on to her worries. Perhaps, I should keep this feelings to myself.

But if I don’t take the chance now, I might never have another chance to do so.

I turned to face her.

“So Eun,” I started.

She immediately looked up at me with that cute innocent face of hers.


“What would you do, if er, how do I say this...” I stammered, suddenly unsure if I should continue.

“What is it? Just say it, it’s okay,” she gave me one of her gorgeous smile again.

“I don’t want you to get married,” I blurted out.


“I won’t let you. He can’t marry you.”


“Because, I’ve fallen for you.”

There. I’ve said it. Somehow, I don’t want to know her reaction. I keep fidgeting with my hands.

So Eun kept quiet for a long time.

“Seung Hyun,” she spoke up suddenly.

I ignored her. I couldn’t bring myself to face her.

“Hyun-ah,” she called me again, this time gently. It was the first time she called me Hyun, and in that tone.

She tugged at my arm to get my attention. I forced myself to look at her, but I couldn’t meet her eyes.

“Thank you for telling me. I’ve been waiting to hear that from you. I like you too.”

Wait, what? Did I hear correctly? I immediately looked at her directly.

She gave a small angelic laugh.

“You should see your face now.”

“What did you say?”

“Joahe-yo,” she replied simply.

My face broke into a huge grin.

“Are you serious?”

She just smiled.

“Well, it must be because of my charms right? You couldn’t resist me,” I joked.

So Eun rolled her eyes.

“I’m taking back what I said,” she started to get up but I pulled her hand.

“I was just kidding. You know I love doing that.”

“And I like that about you,” she smiled.

“Nae yeojachinguga doeeojullae?” (will you be my girlfriend?)

So Eun nodded, that smile never leaving her face.

“Thank you. Thank you for giving me a chance,” I squeezed her small hand. 


Please guys, I don't want silent readers :) Do leave me some comments, on how I can improve or anything at all ;))

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great fic, thank you!
oh my god. I just finished reading and I'm crying. The ending was so sad T.T are you a fan of sad endings or something huhuhuh T.T
i loved the fic! It was beautiful.
okay so i just started reading :'D
yayy another seunghyun fic. And you didn't disappoint me, I loved this fic, just like the other fic I read :D
I'm so curious about Seunghyun's background right now and I hate her appa for the arranged marriage ;w;
gonna continue reading now!
Awww, thank you :)
treasurelove #5
i cried .. :(<br />
i love this story...
treasurelove #6
nice ^0^
Hey. Thank you veryy muchh ! :))
Thank you veryy muchh for your wonderful comment :))