Because Of You, I Was Happy. Because of You, I Was In Love


Weeks passed, months passed. So Eun’s wedding day was nearing. She still attended school as usual, carried on her daily life just like she had before, but her heart and soul was not with her. She’s lost all will and faith to live. She carried on living for the sake of it, but she had no more purpose in life. It was as if she had become a walking dead.

Seung Hyun had quit school too. Nobody knows where he had gone to. Mir and Jiyoung tried to find him at home, but they found the place deserted. They had tried asking his neighbours too, but nobody knew anything. Even his workplace said he had stopped coming to work suddenly.

So Eun’s condition was becoming from bad to worse. During the nights, she would have nightmares and started calling out Seung Hyun’s name. There are times when she would run a very high fever and kept muttering for Seung Hyun to come back. Kim Bum stayed by his sister side all the time and took care of her. He had even deferred his studies for awhile to watch over So Eun. He didn’t trust anyone else to do it, not even his parents who were only interested in money rather than their children’s welfare. He felt disgusted by their actions.

Even when Lee Joon comes over to visit So Eun, Kim Bum wouldn’t allow him to stay alone with her. He hated Lee Joon. He hated the guy who had caused his sister so much pain and tears. He hated the guy who had come in between So Eun and Seung Hyun causing them to part ways and So Eun becoming like that.

“So Eun-ah, have some porridge. You haven’t eaten anything since morning,” Kim Bum tried to feed his sister but So Eun refused to open . She had a faraway look in her eyes. Her mind was elsewhere.

“Eunnie, please. You need to eat something before you can take your medication,” he tried to persuade her again gently.

“Why do I need to take my medication?” So Eun asked in a hoarse voice. It was hard to make out what she was saying.

“Of course you need to eat your medicine jagiya. You need to get well soon. To study hard, go out with your friends. Mir and Jiyoung have missed you a lot. They always come to visit you.”

“I don’t want to get well,” she said quietly. “I don’t want to get married.”

Kim Bum sighed. He really didn’t know what else to say to So Eun.

“Eunnie-ah, please. Eat something for me please? Kim Bum oppa loves you a lot. Don’t do this to me and yourself.”

“I miss Hyun,” she said instead.

“When is he coming back? When can I see him again?” So Eun’s eyes was full of hope, asking Kim Bum for answers.

Kim Bum wrapped his arms around her and held her close. He closed his eyes, not wanting his tears to fall.

“Jagiya, listen to me. You have to get better okay? You have to be strong. Nobody can help you except for yourself. Have a lot of patience. I will always be here beside you.”

So Eun laid her head on Kim Bum’s shoulder, just listening to what he had said. She closed her eyes, wanting to escape from reality.


“You see the stars up there?” Seung Hyun pointed at the sky.

So Eun looked up to where he was pointing.

“They are beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you,” Seung Hyun looked at her.

So Eun looked down shyly.

Seung Hyun took her hand in his.

“Jagiya, as long as there is still a single star up there, that means I still love you and will always love you. Even if we are far by distance, we are near at heart. If you happen to miss me, touch your heart, I’m always there,” Seung Hyun told her with a smile.


“Seung Hyun!” So Eun woke up startled. Her eyes flew open and she shot up from bed.

Kim Bum, who had fallen asleep by her side, was woken up too.

“So Eun,” he said, rubbing his eyes. “What is it?”

So Eun didn’t answer. Instead, she went straight to the windows and peered outside.

“Eunnie, what are you doing?” Kim Bum asked worriedly.

So Eun looked up at the sky. The night was so clear, not a single star in sight. A sick feeling formed in her. Just as she was about to retreat back to bed, she happened to glance up again and she saw a single star twinkling brightly up high. A small smile formed on her face.

“So Eun, are you okay?”

So Eun’s right hand went up to her chest. She touched it gently. Immediately, she felt better. She felt as if Seung Hyun was really there with her.

“I’m okay now.”


The next day, Kim Bum took her out for ice cream. She seemed to be in better spirits and he was happy to see his sister that way. Whatever happened the night before, seemed to have a positive impact on So Eun and Kim Bum was thankful for that.

Even her steps were light and a bit bouncy when they reached home.

“Oppa, shall we watch some horror stories like we used to last time?”

“Sure,” Kim Bum said with a smile. “Anything you want.”

So Eun was all smiles when she heard that but the smile froze on her face when she saw the figure standing before her, at their front door.

“So Eun...” Lee Joon called out, smiling at her.

“What are you doing here?” So Eun asked, already backing away slightly.

“I came to see you, to see how you were doing. You seem much better. I’m glad.”

“Nay. You’ve seen me, you can go now.”

“So Eun...” Lee Joon reached out to her but Kim Bum stood in front of him.

“She doesn’t want to see you. Go home.”

“So Eun, why are you doing this to me? We are getting married in a couple of weeks and you still don’t allow me to get near you.”

“Nay! Do you think, with Seung Hyun gone I can go to you? Fall in love with you? You’re wrong. I hate you. I hate you even more now. I don’t even want to see your face. Go away!”

Lee Joon’s face fell. He didn’t know So Eun hated him that much.

With a heavy heart, he started to leave. He glanced back at her, but she refused to even look at him.


My second last chapter :) What will happen next?

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great fic, thank you!
oh my god. I just finished reading and I'm crying. The ending was so sad T.T are you a fan of sad endings or something huhuhuh T.T
i loved the fic! It was beautiful.
okay so i just started reading :'D
yayy another seunghyun fic. And you didn't disappoint me, I loved this fic, just like the other fic I read :D
I'm so curious about Seunghyun's background right now and I hate her appa for the arranged marriage ;w;
gonna continue reading now!
Awww, thank you :)
treasurelove #5
i cried .. :(<br />
i love this story...
treasurelove #6
nice ^0^
Hey. Thank you veryy muchh ! :))
Thank you veryy muchh for your wonderful comment :))