Silent Steps

Silent Steps [work in progress]

You hear the sound of the doorbell and that turns the curious people's eyes away from you. You watch as your grandmother walks out of the living room, claiming to get the door. You sit there with the two guys and the two women who stare at you.

"Not even a word?" WooHyun asks breaking the silence, you shake your head. Is he dumb? You can't help but think that, no really. The two women both roll their eyes and walk out of the living room to the kitchen, you hear banging pots and pans and them talking loudly about how stupid WooHyun is sometimes, you think he’s used to it because he ignores them.

"Ignore them." Sungjong says and walks over to you; he stares at you intently before he stretches his hand towards you. "Handshake." He says when you stare at his hand like it’s an alien, you shyly shake his hand.


“This is why I don’t go for the shy ones, Sungjong.” WooHyun comments with a huff, you look up at him and he stares back at you. He quickly looks away, you pout. Your grandmother walks back into the room with someone trailing behind her, you curiously look over her shoulder and when you spot someone, you jump to your feet.


HoWon! You think as you walk past WooHyun and Sungjong to your grandmother, you don’t spare her a glance. You step in front of HoWon and he stares down at you with a faint smile.


You then come back to your senses when everything goes silent. You take a step back and your face gets hot. Why did I run up to him like that?! You think as you continuously bow in apology. You hear your grandmother laugh, she pats your head.


“I think someone is fond of you already.” She remarks giving HoWon a smile, he shyly smiles back.  “I’ll be in the kitchen with the two crazy women,” She whispers the word crazy mothers before she heads for the kitchen. “Remind me to give you your medicine later, Sweetheart!” She yells from the kitchen.


“Oh, hey, HoWon.” WooHyun says, not sounding too happy, “I didn’t see you there.” He adds sarcastically, you raise your head and you look between the two. You feel the tension in the room and you swallow, you make yourself comfortable on the couch and you blankly stare at the TV.


“Guys, not now.” Sungjong says sounding annoyed and he sits next to you. “They aren’t each other’s best subjects,” You turn your head to look at him and not notice him staring at you. “Sorry,” He blushes, “Apart from HoWon’s mother, you’re the only mute person I’ve seen.” You smile softly at him and you nod your head in understanding.


You get your notepad and you scribble down a sentence.


Nice to meet you, Sungjong.


“Nice to meet you too!” He tells you happily.


“Dance classes, WooHyun,” Hoya says calmly, “You haven’t shown up for over five days.” He shoves his hands in his pockets and stares at WooHyun who gives him an annoyed look.


“I’m busy – ” Sungjong interrupts WooHyun.


“Too busy flirting with random girls – I swear you’re going to have with a pig – ” Sungjong gets smacked by WooHyun.


“I don’t want to be blamed! Sit there, keep acting innocent and shut up;” He rolls his eyes before he turns to HoWon; he crosses his arms over his chest and stares. “I’m taking a few days off.” He says firmly, “Tell DongWoo that.” He adds after a short period of silence.


You poke Sungjong and he looks at you, you write a question neatly under the last sentence you wrote for him.


Are they always like this?


He nods before he laughs, “Yeah, because they both have mood swings,” You smile when HoWon and WooHyun glare at him. “I think it’s their time of the month – they are worse than the girls in my class, I swear.” You place the notepad on your lap and you cover your mouth, a sign that you’re about to laugh but you don’t want to because you inhale when you laugh and it’s embarrassing on your side.


“Let it out,” Sungjong chuckles before he starts laughing, WooHyun and HoWon stare from him to you. You raise your hand and wave it around while shaking your head. A gesture telling them to stop looking at you because you’re on the verge of laughing but you don’t think they get it. Of course they don’t get it, not yet anyways. They still have to learn about you and you have a lot to learn about them.  


A snort escapes you; you flash scarlet and quickly stand up – dropping the notepad and pen to the floor. Not knowing your way around the house, you fail which way to go, you sit back down on the couch because you can’t stand for too longer, thank to your shaky legs. You keep inhaling and exhaling, thanks to Sungjong and his remark – you start snorting – the room is silent before the three guys burst out into laughter. The tension from before goes away, you let yourself go and laugh. You cover your mouth trying to stop another snort, you eventually calm down but you’re too embarrassed to look at any of them.


“She laughed!” WooHyun says with a bright smile, he’s about to sit beside you but HoWon beats him to it. He rolls his eyes and mutters a few things under his breath. HoWon picks up the notepad and pen when you point for them and hands them to you with a sincere smile. Thank you! You think with a smile as you write down something.


 I snorted!

And thank you HoWon.


“I think she’s yelling at you, WooHyun,” Sungjong turns to you, “Are you?”


Yes, I am.


“Go do your homework,” WooHyun mumbles. “You’re talkative today.” He pouts at Sungjong.


“We have school in three days,” HoWon says staring up at WooHyun, “You need to stop being lazy and attend dance classes, the school’s audition is in I don’t remember when – you screw up, he’s going to kick you off his list and you’re gonna get kicked out of school.” Sungjong nods at the statement with a thoughtful look.


“You thin liar,” Sungjong gasps and his voice starts dripping with heavy sarcasm, “No one gets kicked out of school – they just get suspended and they never return.” He’s going to make me snort again. You think with a smile. You can’t tell if he’s being serious or not.


“My, my, my,” WooHyun begins, “Sungjong, you naïve little thing.”


Dad, I’m stuck with drama queens.



You run out of your room and down the stairs, you find the person you’re looking for and you smile up at her. Your grandmother looks from the boiling water on the stove and smiles warmly at you, you’ve observed her since you got here. She loves the kitchen and she spends most of her time in it when she’s not with you. You give her a good morning nod and you sign it, you know it’s sloppy but you remember how HoWon did it.




You blush before you shake your head; you place your notepad on the counter and write down a question for your grandmother. The question has been bugging you for days, your grandmother turns off the stove and she walks over to you. She ushers you to sit on the chair and you do so as you continue writing down questions.


What is Woollim all about?

Are Auntie Nam and Auntie Lee ever going to come back here? What about their two sons?


She blinks at the amount of questions before she laughs softly, “Woollim is a dance academy – preforming arts in general but dancing is what Woollim is known for.” She pauses and give you a smile when you nod, urging her to continue. “Auntie Nam and Auntie Lee, hm,” She taps her finger on her chin in deep thought. “They’re both working – busy women.” You nod and you sign I see.


“WooHyun and Sungjong are in school,” She says after staring at her wristwatch, “Speaking of school, you start tomorrow.” She informs, your eyes grow large and you start feeling insecure. You shake your head and you begin to shake. You hate yourself sometimes; your grandmother sighs and rubs circles on your back, trying to comfort you somehow.


I don’t want to go.


You write it down with shaky hands, your grandmother gives you and stern look and you look away. “Why?” She demands softly. You hide the notepad as you write down a long sentence, not wanting her to see it, you turn away.


Because people are mean, I don’t like it when people stare at me. I’m mute, it’s impossible to get along with people.


You show it to her and you read her expression as she reads it. She looks at you and shakes her head.


“That’s not a good reason.” She tells you and crosses her arms over her chest. “You got along with WooHyun and Sungjong, didn’t you?” She asks, you paused in deep thought before you nod your head at her weakly. “And the two crazy women?” She questions, referring to Mrs. Nam and Mrs. Lee.


Yes, You sign and you look away.


“See?” She says and makes you look at her. “You get along with HoWon too,” You blush. Why am I always blushing?! You think as you shake your head. “Don’t worry about a thing,” She smiles at you, “I’ll take care of you. I’m sure your father has always wished for you to get into a dancing school.” She states, a sad look crosses your face and she sighs softly. “I’m sorry,”


It’s okay.


You feel weak and you’re trying to get the weird feelings away. You don’t want to be sad at the mention of your father but it’s hard. You miss him so much, it hurts. You look at your grandmother and you quickly blink back tears. Why am I such a cry baby? You wipe away the tears that forced their way out and you stare at the brownish kitchen counter. Your grandmother pulls you into a hug and rocks you back and forth.


It takes you over 30 minutes for you to calm down, you’re still sniffling though. Your grandmother guides you back to the couch and you sit down, she places the remote on your lap and kisses your forehead. “Smile,” She tells you lovingly as she runs her fingers through your hair. You’re getting used to her, faster than you thought you would.


She suddenly straightens and stares at you with wide eyes. “We need to get you clothes!” She exclaims and grabs your wrist pulling you to your feet, the remote drops to the ground. “Forget about it,” She drags you up to your room and you let yourself get dragged around.


She makes you sit on your bed and flings your closet doors open. She pauses before she turns around to look at you. “It’s barely full in here.” She says with a frown, she claps her hands when you space out and you stare at her startled. “We’re going shopping, you and me!” She giggles. Sometimes you wonder if she really is your grandmother, she doesn’t look that old and she’s definitely not weak.


“Get ready!” She calls over her shoulder as she exits the room, mumbling a few things under her breathe.



You both walk through the busy streets, your grandmother is hooking arms with yours and she’s pointing at different buildings. It’s more of a tour around town than shopping and you’re happy.


Three people catch your attention and you stop walking, your grandmother stops talking and stares at you before she follows your gaze.


Wow. You think, their quick movements leave you in awe. Wait, you think dumbly, who dances in the middle of the streets?!


Your grandmother laughs, earning your attention. “That’s HoWon,” She points at the person wearing a dark hoodie, your eyes widen at how the person your grandmother says is HoWon.He looks so serious, concentrated. You look from him to her, she nods with a smile. “Dancing is his passion – he dances like it’s the last day he’ll ever get to dance,” She comments with a chuckle, “The redhead is DongWoo and the tall one is Sungyeol.” She informs, you nod your head not taking your eyes from the three figures. You start bouncing, you feel like dancing because if you don’t, you feel like you’re going to explode.


You look at your grandmother and you point at her purse, she hands it to you. You pull out the notepad and pen, you scribble down a sentence and you grimace at how ugly the handwriting looks.


How do you know?


She giggles and pinches your cheeks. “Where do you think you got the talent from? Your father couldn’t dance to save his life.” She says, you give her a confused look before you pout. “I was their dance instructor a few years ago – I worked at Woollim,” She answers your question.


That explains how energetic you can be sometimes.


She laughs.  


All right, so the next part is gonna be quite hard to write because she goes to school or not, depending on what I decide. Bold is sign language, I'm pretty sure I said that already D:? Until Next Time :]¡

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great job!
kagaki #2
Chapter 34: I finally caught up! -is forever lazy-

Their moments are cute <3
snowjoker #3
Chapter 33: Wow. Hope you'll finish reread soon. ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 33: howonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn i neeed a freaking kisssssssssss tooo... and i miss you authornim. glad that u r back :D hurrah!
gyuness #5
Does wip mean writing in progress? O.o