Silent Steps

Silent Steps [work in progress]


"Very good!" The doctor says proudly as his grip on your arm loosens. "Your legs are co-operating with you now." He comments when you take a shaky step forward. "I trust that in a few days, you'll be on your feet without me having to support you." He rambles. You just nod feeling drained but obviously he doesn't know that because you can't voice it out. You need to write it for him to know it but it’s as if he forgets you're mute, you roll your eyes and sigh. 


"Your grandmother won't drop by today," The doctor says after you take a few more steps around the room. "Now," He begins, "Let’s get you back to bed." He slowly turns around, following your slow pace. "Does anything hurt?" He questions as soon as you're sitting comfortably on the bed. You stare down at him as he unties your shoelaces and takes your shoes and socks off. He examines your feet and legs. "Nothing unusual," He mumbles to himself. 


He stands up and stares at you in deep thought; he stares at you as if you're a Mathematics problem or a science project. "I will be right back! Wait right here," He spins around and quickly exits the room. Where can I go? You ask yourself dully. It's not as if I can walk without my legs always trembling like I'm a toddler.


Five minutes is a lot, the doctor walks back into the room and flashes you a smile. "I'm back," He says brightly. He's in a good mood. You smile back at him; you notice that he has something in his hand as he walks over to you. He holds it up and your eyes widen at the sight of something you've been longing to see.


Hoya! Your eyes feel with tears, you hop off the bed and grab Hoya from his hand. You hold it close to your chest and smile. The same Hoya you had on the plane before the crash is in your hands and back to you. 


"Ahem." The fake cough breaks you out of your thoughts and that's when you realize something. You're standing on your own two feet without any support. You look at the doctor with wide eyes, your legs start to tremble and you stumble forward. 




"Get inside!" Your grandmother ushers you, it's showering outside and a has been over a few weeks since your legs finally decided to respect you again. You smile and inhale before you step into your grandmother's car - well you think it's her car because there's no one in the driver's, so it's obviously your grandmother's car. 


Your grandmother enters after you and slams the door shut. You look through the window and you wave at the doctor and the regular nurse, they wave back at you with smiles that look a bit sad. 


"They'll miss you," Your grandmother says as she starts the car, "Seatbelt!" She orders cheerily as she slams the door shut and makes herself ready and does the same. "Feel free to sleep." She smiles at you; you nod your head before you look down at your lap. You stare at Hoya and you smile sadly at it before you place a notebook over it. You don’t want to use Hoya at the moment because you don’t want it to finish and well, it’s special to you and has always been. It’s the last Hoya your father bought you and the last sentence in Hoya was directed to him before the plane crash.


You shiver at the thought of that day and you shake your head to get rid of the thoughts. You flip the notepad open and you scribble down a sentence. 


Thank you. 




Your eyes grow wide at the sight of your room. It's huge! You think as you walk further into it, you hear your grandmother laugh softly behind you. You walk over to the bed and you sit on it, you collapse on it and you smile widely. When was the last time? Sleeping on a normal bed? You think to yourself as you lay on your side, you stare at your grandmother by the door.


She gives you a small wave. "I'll be downstairs if you need me." She informs, "I'll leave you to yourself," She turns around when you nod at her but turns back to you, "Oh," She starts. "I know adjusting with the new things that will be thrown at you will be difficult and different from what you're used to but," She pauses; you give her a confused look. "You're not alone, do you understand?" She inquires seriously, you give her a firm nod and she smiles. "I'm here for you, always will be when you need me." 


"Our neighbors will be here in a few hours, get ready by then." She tells you gently but sternly, "I haven't told them you're mute," Your eyes slightly go large. "It'll be more suitable if you tell them yourself." You shake your head at the thought. You're used to someone telling people you're mute on your behalf because you don't want to witness their reactions. 


"You have to." She says, "You have to get used to telling people you meet you're mute for them to understand, I can't because I won't be attending High school with you." She continues, "I want you to be independent and I want you to make your own decisions." 


You stand from the bed and you slowly walk to her. You stop in front of her and you shyly give her an awkward hug. She laughs and rubs your back. 


"You're welcome," She kisses the top of your head because she's slightly taller than you. You pull away with an embarrassed look; she pinches your cheeks and giggles. "Come find me if you need me," She winks and walks out, she closes the door with a click. You spin around and immediately, you run for the bed. You pull the covers off and you climb on the bed. You place Hoya on the nightstand and you stretch. You cover yourself with the duvet and you rest your head against the pillows. 


Screw the neighbours. You want to get some rest. 


You walk out of the room, more like stagger out like a drunk person. You stop by the door and lean against it for support, your legs are quivering and you know they'll give out on you soon. Where is Grandmother? I need my medicine. You think as you take a shaky step forward, you step away from the door and you immediately use the wall to support yourself. I was fine this morning. You bite your lower lip and your eyes water as the pain from your legs runs through you.

You hear voices coming from downstairs, you need help before you fall but you have idea how to catch your grandmother's attention or anyone's attention for that matter.

"Are you okay?" You don't know what startles you the most, the question or the voice coming from behind you. You swallow and make an attempt to turn around to get a view of the person but your right leg gives out on you. You lose your balance and meet the floor.

"Ah! Are you hurt?!" The person exclaims, sounding freaked out, you shake your head and you try to get up.

"Need help?" You pause before you nod your head, seconds later, you feel an arm snake around your waist and the other grabs your arm, he throws it over his shoulder and he pulls you up. You're too embarrassed to look up at him and so you stare blankly at the ground.

He leads you down the stairs and announces something along the lines of I found a clumsy girl. You take offense to that but you say nothing, he's helping your anyway. Your grandmother gasps and shoves the guy away from you and she begins to fuss over you, looking for any cuts or bruises.

"Are you all right?!" She asks cupping both sides of your face in her hands and makes you stare at her.

"She tripped - I swear I didn't touch her!" He shouts when they all give him skeptical looks, "I didn't flirt with her! I got out of the bathroom!" He adds quickly.

"Sure, you didn't." Another new voice says sarcastically and that's when you notice the four new faces staring at you.

"Shut up, Sungjong." The first voice you heard since you woke up snaps, you look at the person and he's staring back at you with wide eyes, "What?" He asks bluntly, you shake your head and turn away. You hear a smack and you wince.

"Stop being rude, WooHyun! We're not at home!" A woman hisses angrily. "Did he touch you?" The woman knees in front of you and gives you a concerned look. You shake your head and she smiles. "You're cute!" She squeals and pinches your cheeks, "What's your name, darling? Is she your granddaughter?" She turns her attention to your grandmother, you grandmother nods happily.

"I told you I didn't in - " Another smack, it's louder this time.

"You're grounded!" The other woman shrieks, "Why can't you be more like Sungjong? He's an angel." The guy called WooHyun rolls his eyes and scowls, the one Sungjong looks like he has been filled with ego. He smirks proudly, he looks at you and give you a happy wave. You shyly wave back and stare at the ground.

"Someone's a little shy." Your grandmother comments, your face gets hot at that. Embarrassing, you think and suddenly feel small. Too crowded. You swallow and look up at your grandmother, you hold her gaze and you reach out for her hand. You want to hold her hand, you won't feel so small if you do.

She holds your hand and kisses your forehead, she murmurs a few things under her breath and whispers a few words in your ears. "It's okay, don't worry." She looks at you and tucks some of your hair behind your ear, she stands up and looks at the confused neighbours. "This is my granddaughter, she'll be attending Woollim High." She says, the two women nod in understanding, the two guys raise their eyebrows.

"That's our school." WooHyun says.

"None of your parents own that school, idiot." Sungjong rolls his eyes he turns to one of the women and smiles innocently, "Right, Auntie?" You take it that the Auntie person is WooHyun's mother, you can see the resemblance.

"Gee, Sungjong, quit trying to fuel your ego." WooHyun raises his voice, earning another smack. How many times are they going to smack him? You wonder a smile spread on your face. "Are you enjoying seeing me in pain?" He snaps, you shake your head and stare at the ground with a slight smile. "That sounded dirty." He adds out of the blue causing you to blush.

"Only erts know what that means." One of the women grunts. I'm not a ert! You think. Am I? Your grandmother lets go of your hand and walks out of the room to what you think is the kitchen.

"So," A woman sits next to you and smiles, "Call me Auntie Nam," She shakes your hand, "I'm WooHyun's mother - unfortunately."

"Mum!" WooHyun shouts, not pleased at all.

"I'm Auntie Lee - Sungjong's Mum." The other one sits opposite you and flashes you a smile. "What's your name?" She asks kindly.

"She hasn't said a word." WooHyun says, sounding slightly confused. "Are you shy?" He exclaims, you look up at him and shake your head.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Sungjong asks curiously, you turn your gaze to him and raise your two hands, you make a gesture.

"Somewhat?" He questions and you nod your head. Your grandmother walks in, she hands you a paper and a pen, she hands them to you and ignores the confused looks. You adjust the notepad in your lap and with shaky sweaty hands you scribble down a sentence.


"You can't talk?" WooHyun inquires with a doubting voice. You nod your head and make a pop sound out of boredom. "So you're mute?"

"You catch on pretty quick." Sungjong drily says before you can write down the answer for WooHyun.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" He growls.

"It means what you think it means," Sungjong rolls his eyes and turns his attention to you, "Can you sign 'idiot'?" He questions, the two women beside you stand up and smack him upside the head.

"Boys!" The two women cry out in frustration.


I wasn't fully awake when I wrote this but meh LOL Until Next Time!

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great job!
kagaki #2
Chapter 34: I finally caught up! -is forever lazy-

Their moments are cute <3
snowjoker #3
Chapter 33: Wow. Hope you'll finish reread soon. ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 33: howonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn i neeed a freaking kisssssssssss tooo... and i miss you authornim. glad that u r back :D hurrah!
gyuness #5
Does wip mean writing in progress? O.o