Suga's Evil Nose

Y'All Only Got One Shot Of Crack Ya Know?

A/N: Requested by Graysome

Characters  Suga (M)
Suga's Nose (M)
Jin Hyosang (C)

[ bc, why not add another sassy as co. founder of 'Jin and his es' ]
Story Line /  Plot Suga sticks his finger into his magic nose causing the world to turn upside down and making every single person on earth talk backwards, having weird symptoms to be ghei and a slight change personality ( suspected to be caused by gender tranfiguration (?) ).
Even the greatest wizard cannot fix this. The world can only be safer again if Jin and and his other es aside from suga, help Suga unstick his finger from his blackhole nose.
The End

Once upon a time in a parallel universe it was very very very quiet in BTS’ dorm.

Obviously it was a parallel universe because it was highly unlikely for those 7 idiots to be quiet without a jhorse going neigh neigh, a wild Jungkook being hunted by the y bounty hunter named Jimin, a radar being planted into the dorm by mommy Jin that beeps 24/7, a twitching ballerina named Namjoon, a dumb blonde with the 22nd letter of the alphabet as his name and a sweet sugary guy who poops out swag, not feces.

So in this parallel universe, everyone in the dorm was casually laying around scratching their asses and picking their noses.
Ahhh what a lovely hygienic lifestyle they led.

This all came to a halt though when Suga ed his finger a little too deep into his tight nosehole.

“AHHHH I CAN’T BREATHE, MY FINGER IS STUCK UP MY NOSE!” Suga screams in agony as he tried to pull his finger out, yet it just stayed plunged in there. Suga could see black spots invading his personal space as he slowly went unconscious.

All of the Bangtan Boys facepalmed at Suga who was stupid enough to forget he had another nostril and a mouth to breathe out of.


Suga had opened his eyes again to see his finger still deeply stuck up his nose and six girls giggling at him. He had to admit these girls looked very familiar, too familiar.

He decided to hits cockledoodledoo for the sake of late puberty, but once Suga started to palm it, he realised there was atnothing to palm. There was no piece of wood to like a palm tree anymore. As Suga started to grab his crotch more and more, he became fully aware of the fact that his was gone.


The girls giggled before they all stopped and screamed, “!wit us to this did you [you did this to us wit!]

Suga stared at them before opening his pants to see a instead of a dickywicky. He stared at it before reaching out to grab the cat. He was so close to touching it before the girls interrupted his y alone time.


“I DON’T KNOW HOW, GEEZ ARE YOU GUYS ON YOUR PERIOD? WHY ARE YOU SPEAKING BACKWARDS? FIRST YOU’RE ALL AEGYO NOW YOU ALL GONE MAD.” The girls started slapping Suga and at that moment, he realised that these girls were BTS.

?us understand even you do How [How do you even understand us?]” Questioned female!Jin as all the girls finally calmed down.

“Backward language,” Suga states as he flicks his imaginary long hair which wasn’t actually imaginary because he actually had long hair now. The only thing that made him unattractive was the fact that there was a finger stuck up his nose.

All of BTS facepalmed again for the 100th time before the world started spinning. They all screamed as it happened so fast, but before they could even blink, they were already now standing on the ceiling.

Apparently when the world turns upside down all the objects stick like glue to the floor which is now the ceiling.
(-‸ლ) x69

“AHHHHHH,” squealed female!Jimin as the roller coaster world came to a stop.

“,now stop can You [You can stop now,]” stated female!Namjoon as only female!Jimin was squealing even though the spinning already stopped. After female!Jimin became quiet the other girls let out a big sigh.

What the hell were they going to do?


After finding 69 condoms, female!Jin could feel a wood blooming from his crotch again.
After killing 69 noonas, female!Jungkook suddenly felt a tentacle wriggling in his pants.
After baring his forehead for 69 seconds, female!Suga was aware of a cat disappearing and a stick reappearing.
After cursing 69 swear words, female!Namjoon sighed before gasping at the sensation of a tree coming back to life.
After jiggling his for 69 milliseconds, female!J-Hope realised that something was dangling down there again.
After breaking a toilet in 69 seconds, female!V was well aware that he could pee in the urinal now.
After staring at female!Jungkook for 69 microseconds, female!Jimin could feel his slinky spring.

“ MY [MY ],” they all scream shouting in joy.

No more long hair, they were all males again.

It was only after 69 microseconds of Jimin staring at Jungkook’s beautiful face did Jimin turn back into a female. Female!Jimin cried in agony as he stared at Jungkook again before his appeared again.

“!ANYMORE BABY PRECIOUS MY AT LOOK CAN’T I FAULT YOUR ALL IS THIS SUGA [SUGA THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT I CAN’T LOOK AT MY PRECIOUS BABY ANYMORE!] And with that, Jimin kept going back and forth between being a male and female as staring at Jungkook was too hard to resist.

Whilst Jimin had that dilemma, J-Hope had the problem of not being able to resist doing girl group dances.

“WHO GIVES A CRAP I JUST WANT THIS WORLD TO BE NORMAL AGAIN!” Suga screams in agony as the thought of what his finger would smell like after being in that nostril for so long popped into his brain.

No one knows what the hell happened but after that, all of BTS started crying and kissing each other to feel better. [/cough/ ALERT…jks...maybe]
As V-Hope, NamJin and JiKook started being all dirty with each other, Suga fell asleep forever alone with a finger up his nose.


Suga woke up again to find himself not surrounded by shemales, but a galaxy. Yes, he was floating mid-air in space, but this galaxy was filled with kidneys and intestines?!
“What the mother father?”

“SILENCE, YOU ARE IN THE STOMACH OF THE GREAT WIZARD WU YI FAN! DO YOU REALISE YOU HAVE CAUSED SUCH A MESS?” screamed the voice of Wu Yi Fan, yet his body was nowhere to be found.

Suga hesitantly nodded his head, pointing his free hand to his other hand stuck in his nose as an answer.
He grinned before stating, “Opps?”

Then the stomach Suga was located in growled loudly as Wu Yi Fan said, “Crappoo I’m hungry, ugh get out of my stomach will you? So just unplug your nose with the help of 2Jin and the world will be normal again. SEE YA LATER!”


This time Suga woke up surround by , YES HE WAS HOME SWEET HOME!
Now to save the world…

“Yo, I’d join and make this a sevensome but we need to save the world,” Suga says as he discovers half of BTS were females now. Some people couldn’t help but stare and jiggle their butts could they?

All of BTS drops their jaws before saying, “?WORLD THE SAVE WE DO HOW [HOW DO WE SAVE THE WORLD?]

“JIN CALL JIN!” was all Suga needed to say before six shemales simultaneously started calling Jin Hyosang from Toppdogg.

After waiting about 69 years, Jin Hyosang finally came to BTS’ dorm stating that he took a long time getting ready. After Jin and his (Jin) held hands, they pulled forcefully on Suga’s finger causing the world to spin back to normal.


Except for the fact that all humans died after the smell of Suga’s finger polluted the world.

Admin Hope : Hope ya liked it Graysome ^^ 
We apologize for not updating last week :-)

Admin : Yes, sorry about not updating last week. Now about the chapter, it's amazing isn't it? It's my type, ALL THE UAL REFERENCES.

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Bunny_Hopper #1
Chapter 11: I don't even know what I'm reading bbut i LOVE it. XD
hope you guys will do my request soon :)
superkpopp #4
love it :D
Chapter 16: LOL this is awesome!!!!! like Kenjumma and D.Onut turn into titans
Chapter 14: OMG really guys especially Admin
Admin Hope and I are pure!
VanessaLim #7
Chapter 16: "Some cucumbers and cumunication. "
U CAN NEVER ESCAPE FROM MY WATCHFUL EYES (which is partially a lie)
Chapter 16: ...........
Chapter 15: I'll miss you both but I totally understand. I hope you can pros of what you write and I will continue to support you both with whatever you do. I've gone through similar things! Hwaiting! <3