Part 6: Bonus Material!


Character profiles

Kim Hana

  • Looks 21
  • Past ‘lives’: Lee Soomin
  • Spirit, angel, goddess, immortal, higher being of love – works for Doojoon
    • Can see connections between people (red thread thing) and brings them together
    • Often does her job as a human – easier than mentally pushing at people
  • Loves her job/seeing the look of happiness on people’s faces
  • Can’t fall in love with anyone, but she can still be friends with them
  • She’s kind and caring, but stresses too easily and too much, which sometimes makes her very selfish

Yong Junhyung

  • 22
  • First hears of Hana when she’s Soomin and matchmakes his sister
  • Falls in love with Hana
  • Romantic
  • Stubborn and persistent – he works hard, and likes to get what he wants
  • A rapper, singer and dancer

Yoon Doojoon

  • Looks 23
  • Spirit/angel/god/immortal – the boss
  • Formerly Angel of Love, but he gave it to Hana as punishment
  • Kikwang was his self-assigned mission, and he succeeded until Hana became a douche and made Kikwang die
  • He hates Hana, and wants her to feel the pain equal to Kikwang’s when they broke up

Other characters

Yong Jaehwa – Junhyung’s sister

Yang Yoseob – Junhyung’s brother-in-law/married to Jaehwa

Jang Hyunseung – Junhyung’s friend

Lee Kikwang – Hana’s past love, who she rejects for her career

Son Dongwoon – boyfriend of Park HyeMi, who gets killed because of Junhyung

Immortal beings...

When human:

  • They can both see the red string of fate
  • Hana has limited mental/emotional influence
  • Junhyung has his full powers
  • Injuries and pain - same as if they were fully human
  • When they die, they are ressurected into their immortal selves at the age of 21 and 22 (Hana and Junhyung respectively)

When immortal:

  • Have full powers
  • Injuries and pain - same as human
  • Death - Doojoon usually ressurects them instantly to their gathering-place-warehouse-thing, fully healed - can come from injuries and stuff
  • True death comes only when Doojoon wants it - he has to kill them himself, or he simply doesn't bother bringing them back

When Doojoon tortures Hana, she probably would have died of her injuries - but since he wanted her to feel everything, he partially healed her (so she can feel the pain without dying). If she had died, her injuries would have healed.

Plot outline

  1. Hana is with Kikwang and they love each other a lot, and live together (true love). She slowly forgets about him and their relationship, and focuses instead on her career, money and ambition. Kikwang realises this; they argue and she breaks up with him. He is killed tragically. Hana feels really guilty, because she knows that he truly loved her. She commits suicide/is killed in the next year or something. She is resurrected as an immortal/angel/goddess thing, in charge of love. She brings love to others, but cannot fall in love herself – her curse and punishment for what she did to Kikwang (see what she’s missing out on)
  2. As Soomin, she brings Jaehwa and Yoseob together, and meets Junhyung at their wedding. As Hana, she brings Hyunseung and Gyuri together, and this is when she properly meets Junhyung at their engagement party. He is completely taken with her. Naturally, she immediately realises his feelings and tries to stop him by going back to ‘heaven’ for her new assignment. Doojoon, being the cruel douche, assigns her to Junhyung.
  3. She is completely screwed, because true love is never unrequited but Junhyung’s love is, since she can never love him back. She is doomed to stay with him until he dies. She tries to turn him to other girls, but sees the red string thing around her finger. She refuses to date him for a while, but eventually relents. She tries to tell him that she can’t fall in love, but he mistakes it as won’t, being the stubborn romantic fool. They are friends, something they both agree on, but he wants more. He proposes, and she accepts (nothing else to do).
  4. After a few months of marriage, when nothing has changed romantically for them, he starts getting angry at her. He believes that she was simply leading him on, and his love turns to hate. Everytime he asks about her feelings she tells him the truth, which only increases his bitterness.  After all, you can learn to love. But she can’t.
  5. Eventually they both die; Hana resumes her angel job and finds Doojoon has also resurrected Junhyung to be the Joker – someone who plants doubts, plays pranks and in general is very mean, and the opposite to her job, kinda. She brings people together, and he breaks them up. Now they are really doomed, because Junhyung still hates her for what she couldn’t do and Hana feels nothing but guilt and pity. Junhyung also hates Doojoon for assigning Hana to him, and for resurrecting him, but Doojoon says it’s all Hana’s punishment.

She understands that this was the price of rejecting true love.

If there is anything you don’t understand, just comment and I’ll try an answer. And of course, the sequel to Paradox:Cursed.

Thanks to all my commenters, subscribers and silent readers!


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Youths #1
Yeah, xBluebellx is me, nuff said.
Oh and you're amazing.
xBluebellx #2
Sanghee sent me here and WHOA!!!!!!!!!! I'm glad that I get to read this fic!
It's rare to find something fantasy here on AFF and this story got me hooked!
I'm commenting before I get to read the ending, but I'm already tearing up...
Seems like it's going to be a tragedy ))):
you're such a clever writer and I'll sure check out your other stories too ;)
chilla88 #3
oh and i realised why your chapter title's are going "gikwang" "gikwan" "gikwa" haha. that's really smart, way to go!
chilla88 #4
ah crap. sanghee told me to read this so here i am reading the first few chapters and then gikwang passes away. you made me tear up :/ and that's the first time that's happened while reading a fan fic. they might be short chapters but it's really good :) imma keep reading now..
smileysgoboing #5
@Fallen_Blossoms I'm glad you like it!! Thanks for the comment <3
Fallen_Blossoms #6
LOVED IT. THE BEST. ♥ so much angst though....uhuhu ;-; amazing job~ i love you :')
Kind-Hearted_Devil #7
Heading to your sequel!
smileysgoboing #8
I don't think I'll write a sequel...and if I do, it probably won't be about Junhyung and Hana. Their story is...unfinished, I guess. And it won't finish until they die. Right now, I need to focus on my other stories...<br />
I might write a mini-mini series on Dongwoon, though :D
-kpop_bunny- #9
Sequel plz?? i want junhyung and hana to fall in love~~~