


“So my job was to find Hana and bring her to Kikwang. I was successful; they started dating and moved in together. But then Little Miss Insecure decided she wanted a better job.” Doojoon glared daggers at Hana’s bowed head. “Unfortunately, I had grown a little too attached to Kikwang – I was like his imaginary older brother.

“I formed an emotional bond with him, which meant I could feel his emotions. But I didn’t notice it until their relationship started to die. And the moment Kikwang left Hana, I felt such pain from him,” Doojoon hissed. “Imagine being stabbed in the heart.”

A small silver dagger materialised in front of Hana’s chest. “What are you–” The dagger plunged itself in and out of her heart, red blood coating the blade. Desperately, she clutched her chest, fear and desperation in her eyes.

“And imagine that…times a hundred.” The knife viciously stabbed into her torso again and again, rivers of blood pouring from her wounds. “And imagine being burned alive.”

As he spoke, a ring of fire surround Hana’s kneeling form, the small flames growing higher and higher until they blocked Junhyung’s view. She began to scream, crying loudly.

“Doojoon-Doojon please! I know how it felt! I’m his soul-mate, I know how it feels!” she shrieked, the skin on her arms and legs adopting an angry red. “Please! Stop! DOOJOON! JUNHYUNG! HELP ME!”

“You call yourself Kikwang’s soul-mate, and yet you still gave him up for your own selfish ambition!” Doojoon snarled. “You deserve everything you’ve gotten.”

She’s getting what she deserves, Junhyung told himself fiercely. A mean satisfaction appeared as a smirk on his face.

The older man continued his story like nothing was happening, muffling Hana’s cries with a click of his fingers.

“And when she died, I knew it was too easy for her. An innocent life – Lee Kikwang, who had never committed a crime except for love his girlfriend. And he was dead because of her.”

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Youths #1
Yeah, xBluebellx is me, nuff said.
Oh and you're amazing.
xBluebellx #2
Sanghee sent me here and WHOA!!!!!!!!!! I'm glad that I get to read this fic!
It's rare to find something fantasy here on AFF and this story got me hooked!
I'm commenting before I get to read the ending, but I'm already tearing up...
Seems like it's going to be a tragedy ))):
you're such a clever writer and I'll sure check out your other stories too ;)
chilla88 #3
oh and i realised why your chapter title's are going "gikwang" "gikwan" "gikwa" haha. that's really smart, way to go!
chilla88 #4
ah crap. sanghee told me to read this so here i am reading the first few chapters and then gikwang passes away. you made me tear up :/ and that's the first time that's happened while reading a fan fic. they might be short chapters but it's really good :) imma keep reading now..
smileysgoboing #5
@Fallen_Blossoms I'm glad you like it!! Thanks for the comment <3
Fallen_Blossoms #6
LOVED IT. THE BEST. ♥ so much angst though....uhuhu ;-; amazing job~ i love you :')
Kind-Hearted_Devil #7
Heading to your sequel!
smileysgoboing #8
I don't think I'll write a sequel...and if I do, it probably won't be about Junhyung and Hana. Their story is...unfinished, I guess. And it won't finish until they die. Right now, I need to focus on my other stories...<br />
I might write a mini-mini series on Dongwoon, though :D
-kpop_bunny- #9
Sequel plz?? i want junhyung and hana to fall in love~~~