
High School Prince

I laid on my bed, looking up at the white ceiling of my room, wondering what to do tomorrow. I had school and I wished it was the weekend already but instead there laid four days of torture... and possible hiding. Why did he do that? I wondered. Why did I do that? My self concious kept telling me to do the right thing... and that was to apologize, no matter whose real fault it was. I turned to the left side of my bed, against the window. The moonlight shone through and it blinded me. I turned my back away and closed my eyes, hoping that this night wouldn't slip away.
Ha, I was screwed. No matter what, there was no real way out. Hiding was my only choice. I wasn't decisive and I usually went through on what I thought first. Who knew that this little incident would keep me up all night, thinking through. Since I didn't do it often, my head hurt. I sat up, deciding to give up on sleeping and opened my window. I slipped on some shoes and jumped out. The last time I did this was three years ago... when my parents were fighting. A little kiss wasn't a big deal, so why was I sneaking out?
"Wake up Wendy! You're gonna be late for school!" I heard my mother screech. That was the plan. But now it was foiled. I thought my mom was supposed to go to work early today. I guessed I looked at the schedule wrong. I sighed, got out of bed and went to the bathroom, my mother blaring her horn at me. After I brushed up and changed, my mom handed me a lunch and kicked me out of the house. So that was what it felt like being kicked out... I never thought that something like this would happen. My mother and I were always on good terms. School... I dreaded it. Even thinking of it wanted me to jump back up my window of my bedroom but that would only cause my mother to errupt... Which I never wanted to happen... again.
I walked to school in no hurry, though the school bell should've rung by now. When I arrived, the second bell had already rung. Knowing my mother, she probably called the school telling them that I was going to arrive late. Even though the front lawn of the school was vacant, I noticed some dark spiky hair appearing from behind the shed of the school's caretaker. He then turned around. Jacky. I ran toward the front door of the school as quickly as possible.
Damn. It was lunch. I wondered why I didn't confront him then and there that moment. I lost my perfect moment. I was too much of a coward then I thought. I picked at my sandwich my mother hurriedly prepared this morning. I was barely awake.
"Hello Wendy!" I looked up to Lena's smiling face.
"What?" I was never like this. Rude and arrogant.
"Com'on sleepy head. Eat your lunch! You'll need your energy." Lena pushed the bag closer toward me. I sighed and took a big bite, hoping Lena would stop pestering me now.
"Energy for what?" I asked.
"Gym!" I groaned when Lena said this. My first class of gym. Lena was the total opposite of me. She loved P.E., considering the fact that she was also atheletic. I could imagine all the sport teams she could join...
Jacky then sat down at our table. I started getting nervous. He started chatting happliy with Lena, acting like a real couple. I never seen him like this. I finished my lunch in a rush, feeling hungrier than usual, or the fact that I wanted to leave the room as quickly as possible. I thought I could feel Jacky's stare boring onto my back as I left the crowded room. I wanted to stop my moving feet. I was going back to square one. What happened to my plan? But I kept going and going until I was outside, sitting on top of a large tree, yelling at myself in my head.
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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Can't wait to read this!
Beautiful ❤️
Visiting old fics!