Farewell Party: Invitations

High School Prince

I couldn't believe it. That's what kept running through my head as I tried my hardest to go to sleep last night. Now, it was morning, and my head was hazy. I just remembered that my mother promised me a 'Farewell Party' this weekend. She told me to invite all my closest friends. I then had a sinking feeling. My closest friends before were Jacky and Lena. I thought of all the other girls in my class that I sometimes talked to. I also thought of the Student Council. I had a meeting after school so I could invite everyone there.

"You don't have to do this mom," I urged. I tried to tell her that the party wasn't necessary. No matter how hard I was trying though, she didn't want to budge.

"No way Wendy! This is my way of congratulating you." My mother was so happy-- now. I sighed, knowing that I was getting nowhere with this. I decided to give up. Plus, I was sorta late for school.

When I walked out the door, I spotted Jacky up ahead. I looked down, hoping that he wouldn't notice me. He noticed me of course, but said nothing.

"Jacky..." I began. He didn't hear me, or at least pretended not to. I rushed past him in a breeze, deciding that he wasn't necessary at the party. My heart seemed to ache at the decision. I was just hoping that he wouldn't be coming to the meeting after school or at least I hoped that he would be late for it again.


I decided to invite some of the student council members and a number of my friends at lunch. I found nearly everyone on my list. I just had to invite the president of the council and the vice president. This was best for after school considering that I couldn't find them. There were too many students here at the school to even count. Finding the small number of my invites was already difficult. I turned around quickly to go to my locker. Maybe a little too quickly. I bumped into someone. I wondered why this always seemed to happen to me. I was a bit too embarrassed to see who it was. I mumbled my apology and ran off.

"Hey, wait!" I recognized the voice. It was Gregg.

"Oh! Hi Gregg! Sorry about that..." I blushed.

"Haha, that's fine. We keep on bumping into each other don't we?" I nodded, blushing knowing that my clumsiness was at fault and then continued.

"I apologize again for stalling you but I would like to invite you and Michelle to my Farewell party." I handed him a typed hand-out of the event.

"You're moving?" he gasped. Just like the many other people I talked to.

"Yes. I received a letter from P.E.A. and they invited--"

"The P.E.A.?!" he shouted a little too loud. People started glancing at us but then looked away.

"Wow! Lucky much! you must be some braniac! I'll come for sure and I bet Michelle can too." He grinned widely at me. "Be sure to show up for the meeting afterschool!"

I was glad that I got to Gregg and Michelle before the meeting. Let's just hope that they would keep quiet about it, especially in front of Jacky. Then Mike Do passed by.

"Sorry," he apologized as he brushed past me.

"Mike! Wait!" But the bell had already rung and Mike was dashing to his class. He mouthed the words, 'after school', and I knew that Jacky was going to find out either way. I wonder if I should invite him...


I appeared at the doorway, entering meekly just like the first day.

"Uhm, hello everyone," I greeted.

"Aww! I can't believe you're gonna leave soon!" Tina Nguyen whined. I winced. At least they weren't here yet.

"You're leaving Wendy?!" I turned around face-to-face to Mike and Jacky. Perfect, I thought.

"I can't believe it! That's what you wanted to tell me at lunch right?" Mike kept talking to me. I nodded, blushed and replied but I was mainly watching Jacky's reaction. He was expressionless, maybe even solemn, I couldn't tell. After all these years, I couldn't read this unusual expression. Was it pain? Fear? Sadness? Relief? I handed Mike the invitation, and he jumped immediately.

"I'll definitely come Wendy!" he promised, reading over the sheet. I knew that I had to invite Jacky. I tried my best to talk to him during student council but Mike would sometimes interrupt and at times when Mike wasn't there, it didn't feel right to speak to him. Finally, the meeting was over but I still had the extra invitation in my pocket. I was following him closely, walking home from school.

"Uhm--" I started, then I got cut off.

"So, you're moving eh?" he said. I couldn't believe it. It felt like years since the last time we spoke.


"Where to?" 

"Well, my mom would still be living here, but I would be moving to a different school, P.E.A. It's an academy, so that's where I would stay." It felt like I was talking too much.

"Oh. That's a good school. No wonder you accepted." I nodded feebly, even though I knew he couldn't see me. I noticed that I was looking down the whole time. It felt like day one.

"What's so interesting about the ground?" he asked angrily.

I looked back up, directly at his face. "Nothing," I muttered. I was about to walk back to my house when I remembered the invitation.

"Uh, Jacky! Would you like to go to my 'Farewell Party'?" I turned around to see him following me.

"Uhh, yeah, sure. Lena can come too right?" I nodded, too happy to be concerned about Lena being there. I was happy that I got it over with, that I could say my final goodbyes with Jacky, and make things right with Lena. Maybe this party wasn't going to be so bad.

Let's hope things would go right for the party... depending on my mood. xD

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Can't wait to read this!
Beautiful ❤️
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