Love At First Site

B2ST Relationship Gone Wrong! D:

*yoseob you and kikwang walking out of a sub station*

"hey guys hold on i'm going to the restroom okay?" you said as you saw the sign to the ladies restroom. As Yoseob listening to music he said, " Okay we'll wait here for you." "wait...i needa go too so you stay here okay?" said Kikwang. "Sure" as Yoseob is singing to his music. As Yoseob got into the music he started dancing to it, just then a girl that was rushing bumped into Yoseob and made a big "oooph" sound.  "oh i'm sorry...I was in the rush to see if my ride was here...i'm not from here" the girl said getting off of Yoseob. "haha it's okay if you need to go somewhere i could take you there. Where do you need to go?" said Yoseob trying to get up and turning off the music and taking off the earphones. "I have to meet my friend in the parking lot ....i think?" She said. "I know where that is let's go!"


*Yoseob's Prov*


When I first saw her with that smile....and her beatiful hair....I-I- my heart droped...she reminded me that possible? She is so nice...and could i get to know her more? Is she really be the one? No...I can't ask her yet I have to know her more....I just need to  calm down....I'll just walk with her and meet her agian later....




"Thanks for bringing me the way what's your name?" she said. Yoseob froze for a moment then said "Huh? Oh i'm Yoseob. Nice to meet you what's your name?" "Juni very nice to meet you. We should talk more ... here's my number if you want to hang out I'd love to. Bye Yoseob" As Juni was leaving. "T-thanks Juni I will!"

"Um hey Yoseob...where you've been? We were looking for you." You said as you ran with Kikwang behind you. "Sorry...I met a girl and she was lost so I thought I might help her." yoseob said. "Woah! You?! You met a girl?! You must fallen in love with her...I would never thought it would be love at first sight!" said Kikwang exicited.  As Yoseob was blushing a little bit he said," W-what are you talking about? I-Iwas just escorting her to her biggy..." You looked at Yosoeb and he was turning red, and just then you had an idea. 




Juni's Prov


He..he ..he was so there a guy so adorable in this world? He was so was like destiny! Is he? I wonder if he will call me...I should of got his number. I want to meet him once again. I hope he will ask me out. He is so a bear...he super sweet, kind, and very lovable...he is like mr. perfect!




Yosoeb is looking at the paper that Juni gave him and holding his phone on the other hand. Kikwang woke up and peeping at Yoseob as he was just sitting there like that. "Listen Yoseob, if you want to see her again ask her out she didn't give you her number just because she wanted to. She wanted you to call her!" said Kikwang while taking the paper to get his attention. " What makes you think that I want to call her?" he said while taking back the paper. Kikwang walking away with a little smile that is trying to say "whatever you really must like her" 




Yosoeb's prov


Should I call her? She might of gave me her number you know just like a friend...*sigh* Why did she give this to me? Did she want me to go ask her out? Does she really like me? Why is there so many question just for this girl? Is .... is she really the girl? I bet if I asked (your name) she would of said,        "OMG YES YES YES!!!!" She would so set me up....Alright. I'll ask her out. "Hey Juni?" I said very nervously. "Oh hey Yoseob! What's going on?" said Juni very happily...well at least I think. Then I got the nerve to ask her out..."hey uhm...if you can want to meet me at the bus stop near by Quicklys? We can hang out." "Sure i'd love to! meet you there in half an hour?" said juni like she was hoping I was going to ask her. "yeah okay see you then." and after that call, inside i was ''YES! YES! YESSSS!!" But before i was going to do that I saw (your name) smiling and then leaving to go back upstairs. Wow...I'm going out again...i wonder if it will work out....for our first date i think I might give her a big lolipop...




okay so sorry I haven't been creatiing new ones...I was busy you know with homework...I have tons....but anyways I thought it would be time for yoseob to get a girl hah. Next chapter he will he gets kinda nervous and make his girl mad....what will happen next? check out next week!

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luvMetoo #1
let her be with kikwang
Omg cliff hanger :( HAHA KIKWANG!
Choose Kikwang. They were supposed to get married in the first place until stupid Junhyung came in.
almighty_bling #4
i hope she ends up with Kikwang,,update soon^^
You're story is cool! Update soon!
woohyunism #7
@almighty_bling : yeah I tried to make him childish but if you like this try reading my new story it tells a sad story but will get better :)
almighty_bling #9
aww~ childish kikwang <3 update soon^^