Study Troubles

B2ST Relationship Gone Wrong! D:

* The bell rang to end class* 

Teacher - Now class have a good weekend!

You - *packing books into your backpack* *sigh* Man! I got a F on the test again!

Friend - Again?! How are you gonna tell your mother that! She will totally kill you!

You - I know! She will take away my phone from me! =.=

Friend - You didn't study one bit did you?

You - How could I? Ki Kwang and I were texting each other all night!

Friend - Maybe you should spend a little time away from each other! I know he's your boyfriend but seriously!  Your getting no studies done! What are you gonna tell your mom?!

You - *sigh* maybe your right....I'll start right now! *beep* *looks at phone* Oh i gotta go! I have to meet Ki Kwang at the cafe! See you later!

Friend - *sigh* you never learn....

*At the cafe*

Ki Kwang - Hey over here!

You - Oh hey! *kisses him*

Yoseob - Look I know you love each other but please do it somewhere else =.=

You - Haha sorry Yoseob. 

Ki Kwang - How did you do on your test?

You - Ugh. I got a 0 again!

Ki Kwang - Again?! Oh no....

Yoseob - Why don't I help you study? 

You - That would be great! Thanks! Can I meet you guys here tomorrow? 

Ki Kwang&Yoseob - Sure!

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luvMetoo #1
let her be with kikwang
Omg cliff hanger :( HAHA KIKWANG!
Choose Kikwang. They were supposed to get married in the first place until stupid Junhyung came in.
almighty_bling #4
i hope she ends up with Kikwang,,update soon^^
You're story is cool! Update soon!
woohyunism #7
@almighty_bling : yeah I tried to make him childish but if you like this try reading my new story it tells a sad story but will get better :)
almighty_bling #9
aww~ childish kikwang <3 update soon^^