Supposed to be a Normal Day...

B2ST Relationship Gone Wrong! D:


Your prov~


I woke up around 9 or 10 ish. Wondering if Gikwang slept on the couch last night as what he has done.


I went downstairs surprisingly not seeing Gikwang down there at all.


He must of went back to the beast's dorm and slept.


I went to the fridge and grabed out the oange jucie and poored in into a cup.


Out of no where Gikwang opened the door, pissed off  and slammin the door behind him.


He looked beaten up and bloody.


He staired at me, then went upstairs.


I was nervous...i was scared junhyung beat him up!


should i care to ask?


Gikwang's prov~


Flashback~~(last night)


I was walking home from a breezy night passing the park as I always do, thinking about _____.


Out of no where Junhyung poped out of my sight.


I smiled innocently and asked," Hyung, What are you doing so late at night?"


"cut the chit chat." he said as cracked his nuckles.


"huh?" I was so confused.


"acting all innocent doesn't work on me, hyung."


Now i was really confused.... -.-


"I knew what you were up to. You said those words last night because you knew I was better for her." he said.


"hold up, i did not plan that. You are NOT better for her. She loved me from the beginning of time." I got mad of what he said.


he smirked. "_____ needs a guy who can defend her from anything. You can't do that. Let's face it, I'm stronger than you and cooler than you."


"but, i'm hotter than you" I grinned (xDDDDD)


"you are the dumb one out of our group. You don't belong in Beast."


"that's why i'm quiting."


"that was your plan all along huh?"


"yeah, when I got that ring and ____-ah said yes to ME, I was going to quit Cube entertainment."


"and you think telling her this right now will make her change her mind about choosing me?"


I stayed quiet.


"She loves me more than you now. You didn't tell her anything about Beast. I did."


"she doesn't need to know about it anyways. I ws going to quit, whats the point of showing her a worthless piece of trash right here?"


He punched me.


I punched him back.


We had a fight until it was 2am.


The cops found us and grabed us and took us to the police station.


We got ice and the officer asked some questions.


"why in the world would you guys fight for?!"


we stayed quiet.


the officer sighed and said," your manager is comming to get you guys, so hang tight. DOn't try to punch each other anymore."


10 minutes later.


"are you crazy?! if anyone recorded that or took a picture of that you would would of been dead!" my manager said comming into the room and slaping both of us.


"JUnhyung punched me first, it was defence to fight back." i said looking down


"Yah, you were the one saying stuff about the group, why would you do that for!?" junhyung staring at me


"because, i'm quitting Beast." i said stongly


"what?! I don't think so," my manager  said.


"i know so, i'm tired. okay? I want to start a life with the girl I love the most." I said standing up looking at him.


he didn't say anything but slaped me once again.


"you think a slap will stop me, you think this is a dream? WELL IT'S NOT." i said then ran away.


I got lost along the way home.


I didn't care, it gave me more time to think about everything.


~~end of flashback~~


when I got home it was like 9?


Was mad and happy, to walk into a house that has the scent to ____.


I acted mad and once i came into the house, ____ was there looking at me.


I felt horrible, letting her stare at me so I went upstairs to take a shower.


Your prov~~


okay I wont say anything but when he comes down i'll pretend like we are friends.



he came down and I saw him so I acted friendly.


"gikwang- ah, here is breakfast! I made it myself! ^_^ " I said.




he just sat there and ate.


"so where did you go off last night?" acting all innocent as always >:D


"had a fight." he was picking at his food.


okay now that wasn't cool. I stood up and put my hands on the table and was like,


"WHATTT?!!!?!?!?! WITH WHOO?"




I sat back down and sighed.


"is he alright? are you? Who started this?"


"yes, yes, and him."


"what did you say to him?"


"i said beast is trash just like him"


"well of course you would get punched...."


it was quiet and I ate my food quietly.


"I quit Cube Entertainment."


I froze.


"w-why would you do that for?" i asked


"i did it for you."


he walked away from the table puting his plate in  the sink.


"i'm going to get fresh air."


"araso." I said quietly


He put on this jacket and left.


I sighed. What has he been up to?


that day I stayed home watching tv. 


fell asleep on the couch and the next morning I woke  up on the couch and Gikwang was right next to me.


I smiled, kissed him on the cheek and he smiled.


I had a little laugh and went to shower.


I thought I might go see Woonie again.


with that, it's was sort of a normal day...




lamme chapter but i totally forgot about making a new chapter but here you guys go!! Sorry I was busy, and I have to go make a movie with my friends -.- ugghh winter break is sooo busy. *sigh* anyways look forward for the new chapter!! OKay new chapter will be on MONDAY. promice. and have an awesome CHRISTMASSS<33333 BYE~YUM. ~~~~~

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luvMetoo #1
let her be with kikwang
Omg cliff hanger :( HAHA KIKWANG!
Choose Kikwang. They were supposed to get married in the first place until stupid Junhyung came in.
almighty_bling #4
i hope she ends up with Kikwang,,update soon^^
You're story is cool! Update soon!
woohyunism #7
@almighty_bling : yeah I tried to make him childish but if you like this try reading my new story it tells a sad story but will get better :)
almighty_bling #9
aww~ childish kikwang <3 update soon^^