Telling Kikwang....

B2ST Relationship Gone Wrong! D:

okay so i'm making a new chapter today because its thanksgiving!! haha just wanted to give you this message:


After your done reading this.....EAT SOME TURKEYS!!!! >:D .......Happy Thanksgiving! ^^





your prov.~


my heart stoped after Junhyung asked me....then...what is Kikwang going to say?


we got back to the house and kikwang was watching tv with hyunseung and then he stood up and hugged me.


"hey wifey! where you been you've been missing out of their stories." he said happily.


"oh you know I was talking with Junhyung at the park..." I said with a akward smile.


He looked confused then he looked at Junhyungs hand. 


He saw that i was holding my arm and he march over to Junhyung and pulled his shirt and said,


"yah! did you hit hurt?! I'm going to kill you...." he said.


Hyunseung and I grabed him and I said,


"Lee Kikwang! Yah! Stop making some assumtions! When you assume, you make an out of u and me!"


"but...." he said on the couch.


I couldn't stay angry at his face for too he got up and he said,


"I'm sorry...." he said then looking at Junhyung, "I'm sorry Junhyung."


I had a faint smiled on then Junhyung went up to him.


"I have to ask you something." Junhyung said.


"sure, shoot." Gikwang said.


"I know that ____ is your wife now...but I can't let her go....just yet."


"whats that suppose to mea--" he got cuttoff by Junhyung.


"I want to have a chance to make her mines again." He said firmly.


Kikwang was angry but he was holding it in ...I could tell.


"If you allow her to have just 3 dates with me, 3 chances....If i could make her say no to you in the last date....then ;ets have her think about who she wants to be with. if she does chose to marry you, i will let her go."


Kikwang smirked.


"fine only 3 and I know my wife. She wouldn't ever go out with you. whatever don't be crying when she regects you."


Kikwang said confident.


They smiled at me, I smiled with a worry look.


it was quiet now...then Yoseob spoke up.


"so...uhm with that annoucement done..I have one for you guys too."


Me and Kikwang smiled as the others looked confused. 


Dujun was laying on the table playing his DS.


hyunseung was still watching tv as he fliped through the channels.


Dongwoon was finding food in the fridge still.


But once Yoseob said the everyone turned as he was standing up.


"I was trying to tell you...I met a girl...."


Dongwoon stoped and closed the fridge in shock. 


Everyone was because he never wanted to meet another girl. 


What people don't know about Dongwoon...had feelings for Yoseob...Just never exressed it.


"her name is Junni. I met her at the train station, i sorta bumped into her...she reminded me of...Saehyo. I thought it was fate so i couldn't just let her pass. After awhile of knowing her...we are a couple now." Yoseob said happily.


"Yoseob! I'm soooo proud of you! I never doubt you...well I did...but nevermind!! We gotta meet her!" Said hyunseung.


"be quiet hyunseung, but we are soo proud of you. Can we meet her?" said Dujun.


Dongwoon said all the way from the kitchen, 


"congrats" with a fainted smile.


Yoseob smiled faded too because he knew that he had feelings for him....


I did too. 


Acually Dongwoon only told me first. Yoseob just found out on his own.


I took Dongwoon to the park, it was dark so no one would follow us.


We sat at a bench and I started the convo since he seemed sad.


"aren't you happy for yoseob?"


"Yeah, but I wanted him to be happy with me."


"it's okay maybe this is fate, maybe god wants you with this...this pretty, young, and y girl that is gonna come in your life"


"I doubt it....God is so unfair."


"but didn't you say when you first told me that it doesn't matter if he didn't love you just as long as he is happy?"


~flash back!!~


we were on the swings moving back a forward.



blah blah blah.



"as long as Yoseob is happy, I'm happy!" Dongwoon said.



End of flah back~~~



"I guess you right. Maybe this is fate."


"There you go! " I sad cheerfully.


"thank you ____, you always help me when I'm down." he said then got off the swing and hugged me.


I hugged back of course haha.


We walked back happy and Yoseob seemed to be happy and then we all fell asleep in the living room but I guess Kikwang carried me up to my room and slept with me.


I have him a kiss in the forhead and fell back asleep.





Yayy(; I'm done haha now i can eat some turkeys!! hehe again happy thanksgiving.  commets are loved! and subscribe ^^ bye -yum

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luvMetoo #1
let her be with kikwang
Omg cliff hanger :( HAHA KIKWANG!
Choose Kikwang. They were supposed to get married in the first place until stupid Junhyung came in.
almighty_bling #4
i hope she ends up with Kikwang,,update soon^^
You're story is cool! Update soon!
woohyunism #7
@almighty_bling : yeah I tried to make him childish but if you like this try reading my new story it tells a sad story but will get better :)
almighty_bling #9
aww~ childish kikwang <3 update soon^^