A Girl Worth Fighting For....

B2ST Relationship Gone Wrong! D:

*As it turned 2pm Kikwang was there waiting for Yosoeb to show up* *He finally shows up alone*


Your Prov:


So Kikwang is really going to fight Yoseob....I no! I'm late.....!! *runnin to da park***




Kkwang: So you're here....


Yoseob: Listen Kikwang I dont want to fight you!!!..............


Kikwang: doesn't matter ..... i will kill you! *swings his fist back*


You: Stop!!! *you get in the middle of them and but your hands out*


*Kikwang swings and hits you in the face and backs away*


You : Are you happy now?! HUH? Congrats...you hit somebody! You made your ex girlfreind bleed.....nice...*evil smiles* I hate you!!!!! *run as you leave*


Yoseob: Nice....just great.....you must be really happy.....*runs to you try to catch up to you*


Kikwang : I - i didn't mean to....i -i ....i was just trying to....i was....I was stupid......\




*at your house and Yoseob is putting medicine on your lips**


You: Owch! ...Hey take it it easy....i'm sensative!


Yoseob: I'm sorry I just want it to heal faster....did it hurt? I'm sorry ...why did you do that?! he was aiming for me! 


You : I took it like a man! I;m strong.....I took it like it didn't hurt! I didn't want anyone to fight I just couldn't let Kikwang hurt you....


Yoseob: I know....but he was doing that for you...he would protect you no matter what.....


You : still....


Yoseob: still nothing! 


*for a couple of minutes it was quite and Yoseob desided to change the subject*


Yoseob : Okay we were sad enough don't let it get to you....lets get some sweets....what do you want?


You: Crepes!!!!!


Yoseob : Haha I see your appitie hasn't change okay lets go!




*done eating at that place then you bump into Kikwang*


You: Yummm! that was supper good!! Thank you for spending time with me i needed it.


Yoseob: Haha no problem....So what do you want to--


Kikwang: Uhm.....hi....


Yoseob: oh...hey!...uhm u guys can talk i'll get some ice cream.....i'll wait for ou in the car....*runs away*


Kikwang: Uhm thats oka---


You : what do you want? you wanna go hit another person? or did you come here to hit me agian? If you did ...leave go punch a tree or something...


Kikwang: acually i was just seeing if you were alright....i'm---i'm sorry....i didnt want to cause a fight but i can't help myself.....can i make it up to you?



You : You can by leaving me alone I don't want to see you after doing that to me and trying to Yosoeb! If you really loved me you would of stoped yourself.......I-I really hate you *lowering your head as a drop of tear drops to the ground* *turns around ready to run away but Kikwang grabs your hand before you could leave*


Kikwang : If you really hated me you would of left me without hesatating. You still love me...*Pulls you in so that he could hug you*


*in your mind*


he so warm and soft....like a bear..you miss these hugs.....but i can't do this....but ...then again he is right....i still do love him....so ....what to do....?


Kikwang: I will always love you i carried this fight a bit too long....can you ever forgive me?......


You :* Grabs on to him* apology accepted.....*smiling as you hug him tightly*


Kikwang: *smiles and he hugs you tightly too* Thank you! I will make this up to you....i wont get carried away ever again! 




*you holding hands with the guy you love the most walking to the car ready to tell Yoseob*


Yoseob: *smiling* well...well....well.....looks like the young couple is once together......well i hope your happy now and will always be! Now here is your ice cream! I bought only 2 because i knew you guys would get back together and would like to share one :)


Kikwang : Share? With this girl? Pfft. She would hog it all up!!


You: Hey! Fine then you can have it !! *smiles and puts icecream on his nose* Ha! 


Kikwang: Oh no you don't! *grabs Yoseob's ice cream cone and puts it on her face laughing*


Yoseob : Hey! i was going to eat that! Yannoe!


You : I'm sorry you can have some! *puts ice cream on his face too*


Yoseob: Omg!! Your gonna pay for that!! 


*every one  runing around chasing each other happy*




*read this if you enjoy this fanfic* :D


Soooo how you guys like it??!! I didn't know how to end it so i ended it up like this....hope it good....anyways ....subscribe and comment down below! New chapter will be here soon and check out my new fanfic it's more sad though....same people but I might add some people in it also special thanks to EnjoySmilesx3 she kinda helped me with the whole concept of this and also introduced me to this so thank you very much!! anyways luv you all <333  new fanfic called : Beautiful Love <33 *dont forget the heart :) so uhm....byee!

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luvMetoo #1
let her be with kikwang
Omg cliff hanger :( HAHA KIKWANG!
Choose Kikwang. They were supposed to get married in the first place until stupid Junhyung came in.
almighty_bling #4
i hope she ends up with Kikwang,,update soon^^
You're story is cool! Update soon!
woohyunism #7
@almighty_bling : yeah I tried to make him childish but if you like this try reading my new story it tells a sad story but will get better :)
almighty_bling #9
aww~ childish kikwang <3 update soon^^