Love Story

B2ST Relationship Gone Wrong! D:

*arives at cafe and sees Ki Kwang and Yoseob*

You - Hey guys ready to help me? I brought my math book!

Yoseob - M-M-Math?!

You - Yeah math, I failed my math test...what's wrong?

Ki kwang - He hates math but I can help you in it. Did you bring another book?

You - Hm? Yeah I did, my English.

Yoseob - Oh I can help you in English.

You - Yay! Getting help but 2 B2ST members! How can it get any better?!

*after awhile of studing*


Yosoeob - Good idea! I'll get some coffee!

You - Thank you!

Ki Kwang - So did you get your phone tooken away? i tried to text you but then oyu never replied.

You - Sorry...yeah my mom took away my phone....

Ki Kwang - It's okay, at least I still get to see you! 

You - Hey, has Yoseob ever gotten a girlfriend before? We should set him up with one!

Ki Kwang - He had one before before something happened...

You - Tell me!!!

Ki Kwang - It started when it was about our 1st year in college. He fell in love with this girl, Saehyo. She was really really popular amongst the guys. She gone out with lots of them, then she found out the Yoseob likes her. Saehyo took advantage of that. They gone out of couple of times but Saehyo was plannig to break his heart on there one month anivarsary. But just then Yoseob created a whole event just for her. She was touched of what he had done for her that she couldn't do that. But she couldn't lose her reputation just for him. Which was a mistake, once she had told him that she really hated him and he cried bit by bit, she ran away. Crossing the street a truck ran her over and Yoseob couldn't save her in time. Before she left this world, she told him that she loved him more than anything but was stupid to try to break up with him. Too late, she had died. With that I met him on that day taking him back home. We became friends after that and I saw it too. After that we got into B2St and still Yoseob wont date another girl. 

You  - *cries* Thats so sad!!! 

*Yoseob comes back with coffee*

Yosoeb - here you go i got a large for you to keep you energized!

You - *keeps on crying* Yoseob! I understand that you love Saehyo, but i bet she doesn't want you to keep on being this way! I'm sure she wants you to be happy with someone! We all want that!

Yoseob - *smiles* I know but I haven't liked a girl since then because no one is my type...but it's okay....lets continue studing!

Ki Kwang - Yeah lets study some more 

You - okay...

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luvMetoo #1
let her be with kikwang
Omg cliff hanger :( HAHA KIKWANG!
Choose Kikwang. They were supposed to get married in the first place until stupid Junhyung came in.
almighty_bling #4
i hope she ends up with Kikwang,,update soon^^
You're story is cool! Update soon!
woohyunism #7
@almighty_bling : yeah I tried to make him childish but if you like this try reading my new story it tells a sad story but will get better :)
almighty_bling #9
aww~ childish kikwang <3 update soon^^