Date 2, Chance 2

B2ST Relationship Gone Wrong! D:



Kikwang's prov~


I woke up seeing her asleep right next to me.


I smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead and tried not waking her up, get out of bed.


I went to take a shower.


Once I was out, i was ruffling my hair with the towel as I saw _____ wake up.


"good morining" she said sitting straight with a yawn.


"good mornin', how was your date?"


I didn't really wanted to ask her because it might make me mad but I still did.


(your prov~)




"good mornin', how was your date" kikwang said.


I was surprised he asked me early in the morning.


"it was fine we went to a vietnamese noodle shop! I never knew you guys can speak different kind of languages" I said


"oh yeah, heh i never told you  because my speaking is horrible." he said embarassed


"aww" I went up and hugged his warm body and said,


"you can tell me anything, i will always love you."


He hugged back seemed happy which made me happy.


He stoped hugging me and said," you should get dressed for you 'second date'"


I nodded and did of what he said.


It was hard to pick but i think i found a really nice outfit to wear.




I thought it was pretty cute and as I walked out the bathroom I saw kikwang looking at me.


His jaw droped, I blushed.


"what? is it my makeup? too much?" I said.


"no.... it's your outfit.." he said mumbling.


I was like *whaaatttt?! wherrreeee!!!????*


"where? whats wrong with it?" I said


"it's beautiful on you...too beautiful." smiling 


That made me completly red.


Kikwang stood up and hold me by my waist.


"my beautiful soon-to-be-wife looks beautiful in anything." he said 


"can you not say soon-to-be? It makes me sad, and it makes you sad and you know it"


He said nothing but then when i was going to say something the doorbell rang.


"you should get that" he said


"what about you" I said in a sad voice looking up at him


"i need to practice with the boys with the new song"


"how come junhyung won't practicce with you guys?"


"he will later, he just catches on fast."


"okay, annyong!" I kissed him on the cheak and i left.


(in the car with junhyung)


"where are we going?" I said breaking the silence


"the mall"


"do you need to buy things?"


"nope, lets walk around."


"won't fans run up to you?"


"this mall is only for celebirties"


"then why am i goin?"


"because your with me"


"how come gikwang never took me here?" 


"has he taken you shoping before?"


"yeah at the reular shoping mall"


"hm...i don't know.he has his reasons"


it stayed quiet like this until we parked and we were walking in.


I was shocked as i walked in and Junhyung smirked.


"wahhh it soo huge and omg!!! is that SHINEE?!?!!?!??! NOOOO WAYYY!" I screamed


"heh yeah wanna meet them?" he said putting his hands around me


i knew what he was doing but no.


"nah i'm good looking at them makes me happy already, so what are we gonna do?"


"anything, go look for clothes! it's on me, plus it will be cheap with my card." 


I was squeling in my mind and ran straight and it said 'Forever 21' 


I wonder if it's the same inside.


Nope! I waz wrong, it was bigger than ever and had hottest trends that didn't even came up yet! 


"this place is my place!" i said running to some shades


I put one of them on  and looked in the mirror....LOVED IT.


"it suits you, try some drresses on, i know you love dresses." he winked.


He sat on the couch as i started to run around then got tons of dresses and went into the dressing room.


"i'm comming out" i said 




" you look cute, but it also looks like a prison outfit." as he was smiling


he tells the truth when it comes to fashion, i made a :O face and went back in,


second one :


"eh too pink" he said weirdly


I went back in and these were my favorite ones:


" you look like a real princess" he smiled


I smiled back and said "thank you"


I went back in and tried the other ones



"wow, you should soo be a model in that outfit!" he said with big eyes


I smiled and went back.


Last dress :


"i love this one because this is you." he had a big smile on his face.


I changed back to my other clothes I was gonna hang them back up until he said to the lady


"were gonna buy those last 3 dresses she wore" and handed his card.


"thats too much junhyung!"


"i told you it's cheap, don't worry about it" and he got all of it in 2 bags and the lady said to me


" you are very lucky to have a boyfriend like him" with a big smile.


I was gonna tell her he isn't my boyfriend until junhyung pulled me out of the store.


We walked to the ice cream store where he bought me  ice cream.


As i was my ice cream I saw Key from SHINee just standing there.


I walked up to him.


He was shocked and then he was like "how did you get in here?! whatever do you want a autograph or sumthing?" 


He seemed mad and i was about to say something until Junhyung steped in.


"shes with me, got a problem? she is a fan, be nice, key." as he put his arm around me again.


"whatever im late, chao' (french)" then he left.


I was kinda down that key was all mean to me but i was fine....


it was already 7 and Junhyung drove me home.


"thank you again for today, i had an awesome time geting new clothed and seeing SHINee" i said smiling


"yeah sorry about key...he is always like that."


"its okay, i kinda figured one of them might be that way"


"anyways tomorrow is our last date, and my last chance."


"after it, you will have to wait, i have to think about it."




then he laft.


When I opened the door i expected kikwang to be home.


He wasn't so he must be still practicing.


I gave him a call.




-----kikwangs prov------


gotta keep doing my best, for ____.



~beautiful for my girl ! uh oh girl ! ~ (kikwang ring tone( sorry, coudn't really pronouce it song:beautiful)


I picked it up .


" annyong ____ - ah" i said


"annyong! coming back soon?"


"uh...well we are finishing up, but me and the boys are gonna go out to eat"


"oh...can i come?"


"if you want, but we are gonna be talking about our dance moves the whole time..."


"nevermind then.... i'll just wait until you get home"


I knew she was sad but since they came back we've been busy.


"sorry, i'll come home after though so don't wait for me okay?"


"araso, annyong...."




(end of convo)


your prov~~


*sigh* is he ignoring me or just busy? Is he gonna be busy all the time....? If i marry him will it be the same?




heyyy so how do you guys like it?! yah i kno i don't update 2 on the weekend but i got time so i was like why not?! ahha anyways last datte!! omggg find out where they will goo. Comments are lovedd! Sunscibers are awesome!!! and i love you guyss haha see you guys next week!!




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luvMetoo #1
let her be with kikwang
Omg cliff hanger :( HAHA KIKWANG!
Choose Kikwang. They were supposed to get married in the first place until stupid Junhyung came in.
almighty_bling #4
i hope she ends up with Kikwang,,update soon^^
You're story is cool! Update soon!
woohyunism #7
@almighty_bling : yeah I tried to make him childish but if you like this try reading my new story it tells a sad story but will get better :)
almighty_bling #9
aww~ childish kikwang <3 update soon^^