Chapter 5

Only You

Jessica's POV

"Mmm." I nodded slightly. Her being in the same school with me was the last thing I had expected after what happened.

"So...which class are you in?" I asked, praying hard that she is not in the same class with me. It'd be too awkward if she is.

"I'm in err.... 2ME3. How bout you?"

"Oh. I'm in 2ME1." In my mind, I was sighing in relief.

She just nodded and pouted a little.

I was still not comfortable talking with her after such a long time.

"Ehem. Our classes are opposite each other. I can show you to your class." I broke the awkward silence and started leading the way to Block E where our class are located at.

All the way to the corridor of our class, we remained silent.

I could sense her disappointment.

You should not have left without a word. Things would not have changed so much.

The journey to the class was almost 5 minutes long. 

We were never able to remain quiet for more than 2 minutes last time.

Now, even if we don't talk for a lifetime, it will be okay.

Why do you appear when I was just about to forget about you?

"There's your class. Mine's here. See you later?"

"Okay, goodbye." she smiled faintly and waved weakly.

I managed a small smile before turning and walking to my class.

When I peeped in to check if the teacher already came, I saw Yuri already sitting in her desk, staring into blank space. 

That was supposed to be my job. But now she's the one doing it.

My small smile became a grin when I saw her and I walked faster to my seat beside her.


Yuri's POV

When the '10 minutes before lesson time' bell rang, I came back to my senses.

I wiped off my tears with the sleeve of my uniform and went out of the cubicle.

Good thing nobody was in the toilet.

Turning on the tap, I look myself into the mirror. 

I don't want Sica to see this face.

I cupped my hand under the running water and splashed the water onto my face.

Pulling off two pieces of tissue from the dispenser, I dried my hands and face before leaving the toilet.

Not wanting to be late, I rushed to my class. 

As I was nearing the class, I saw Sica walking with Fany from the opposite side.

Again, I was disheartened. 

Bowing down, I entered the class before I see anything else that could sadden me more.

As always, Sooyoung has already reached class and was eating a sandwich.

She only lifted her brows and smiled with full when she saw me. 

That shiksin. Nothing is more important than food for her.

I shooked my head a little and took my seat beside her.

"Eating again. Any left for me?" I asked as I put down my bag on the desk.

"Nooo." She said after swallowing her last bite.

"Of course. Since when do you leave food for anyone?" I laughed off.

"Yah!!" her eyes enlarged as she raised her fist.

"Chill, man. I'm just kidding. Haha."

"Huh! Where's your Sica?" Sooyoung continued doing her incomplete homework.

I smiled at how she said my Sica, and simply shrugged to answer her question.

At the same time, I prepared my books while waiting for the teacher to arrive. And while waiting for her.

Where is she? What's taking her so long? She was just outside before I came in class.

Negative thoughts started filling my head.

Who is Fany, Sica?


Tiffany's POV

It was really that hard for her, huh?

I doubt she's fully over it.

I can't blame her though. After all it was my fault.

I was disappointed to find out I was not in her class.

But I guess it's better. I don't need things to be more awkward then it is now.


I waved her goodbye reluctantly and walked into my new class.

Nervousness overwhelmed me all of a sudden.

As soon as I stepped into the class, eyes were all on me.

I smiled shyly and looked for an empty seat.

Just then, a short brown haired girl walked towards me.

"H-hey. You must be the new student. Ti-Tiffany, right? You can sit there with me."

The whole time she was talking, I was not paying attention to her. I was just staring at her brown hazelnut eyes. There's something about her...

I hope we can be good friends.

My gaze was cut off when I felt a hand grabbing my wrist followed by a pull.

My heart skipped a beat.

The girl had took my hand and led me the way to my seat.

I just followed and glanced at my new classmates along the way.

They all looked friendly. I should be able to get along well with this class.

A smile formed on my face.


Taeyeon's POV

"Yah Lee Soonkyu, is that the new girl Mrs Lee told us about?" I nudged Sunny when I saw an unfamiliar girl walking into the class slowly.

Everyone was gawking at her. I stared at her, captivated by her smile. Her eye smile.

"Yah! How many times have I told you not to call me that in public. Hm. I guess so..." Sunny replied and continued playing her NintendoDS after glancing at the door. She is so engrossed in her games, she doesn't even care about her surroundings.

What was her name again? Tiffany? Yup.

I stood and walked up to her to show her seat Mrs Lee had given. The seat which was beside me.

Mrs Lee had asked me to show her around the school and get her familiarized with the school rules and everything.

I gladly accepted her offer. 

The nearer I get to her, the more nervous I get.

Now I was standing right infront of her and I could see her eyes right before me.

At that moment, I felt something I have never felt before.

Is this the feeling of love at first sight?

No, it can't be. She's a girl. I'm a girl. How can I have feelings for her.

I shooked my head, putting aside the silly thoughts.

"H-hey. You must be the new student. Ti-Tiffany, right? You can sit there with me."

Blood was rushing to my cheeks, embarrassed after stuttering.

She gave me a smile. One which I thought was the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.

Her eyes were sparkling and we were staring into each other's eyes.

I mind slapped myself.

Unknowingly, I took her wrist and pulled her to her sit.

Surprisingly, she didn't pull back her hand and just followed.

Why did I? What have gotten into me? 

My heart was thumping real fast. It has never beat that fast before.

It felt like my chest was going to burst soon.

Sunny was mischeviously smiling at me when we reached our seat.

She must have seen through my thoughts.

From that, I quickly let go of Tiffany's wrist and showed her her seat.

"This is your seat."

"Thanks!" She smiled at me again.

"What's your name by the way?"

"Taeyeon. Kim Taeyeon. This is Sunny. Or Lee Sunkyu." I smiled back and introduced myself and Sunny.

Sunny shot me a glare and pinched me with one hand and then smiled and waved at Tiffany with her other hand.

I flinched in pain and saw Tiffany laughing at us.

Blushing, I sat on the chair and rubbed the spot where Sunny pinched me.

Sunny continued playing her game while I turned to Tiffany who was sitting awkwardly, obviously shy.

"Don't be shy, Tiffany. The students in this school are all friendly. Even the teachers are." I assured her.

She just nodded and smiled.


Jessica's POV

"Yuri! You disappeared!" I snapped my fingers infront of her eyes, shocking her.

"Hi Sooyoung!" The tall girl smiled at her paper, too busy completing her homework to even turn and smile at me.

Sitting down, I placed my bag on my laps and took out my stuff.

"Daydreaming, huh?" I asked Yuri.

"Just thinking of some things."

"Where were you just now?"

"In class?"


She was not herself since just now.

I shrugged off the thought. 

You would've told me if there's something wrong. Right, Yuri?




I will end here for now.

Busy with school stuff.

Will update soon!! :)

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I miss yulsic so i will read this again
Chapter 31: It's one of the amazing story that i'he read..
i really love this story..
thank you for the story author..
Chapter 31: THANK YOU FOR SENDING ME TEARS AND JOY! You're jjang, Author :)
Chapter 31: Thanks author for the happy ending for YulSic!
The "who are you?" Really shocked me...
When Yul say "oh ____,I was just joking", I mentally scolded Yul for her dumbness haha
Once again,thank you for this fic:)
Chapter 31: Happy ending yulsic !!! Sequel author !!
happy ending of yulsic ^^
SomethingExtra #7
lol trolled when I read the "Who are you" I was like "knew it.. *reads its a joke* OOH SHIIZZ *troll*"<br />
<br />
xD Great story ^^
i love this!!!<br />
but its end too soon!<br />
u should at least add one more chapter! hahahaha<br />
thanks author!! :'D
yay!! a happy ending :)) everybody would expect a happy ending in the end right ? :DD author please write another fic about YulSic again please? :)) author hwaiting! :D