Chapter 25

Only You

Yuri's POV

The weekend was nothing extra-ordinary. We did what we would always do.
Shopping, walking around in the park.
The only thing that made it different was that I couldn't enjoy it as much due to the pains that constantly appear.

We walked slower and we had to stop a few times to rest as I get tired rather easily now.
Sica asked everytime we rested, if we should go home. And every time, I told her that I was fine.
If I'd want to stay home, I wouldn't have bothered asking for early leave in the first place.
She kept checking if I was okay.

That's another different thing.
It was usually me asking if she's already tired.
Now, it's the other way round.

I feel so weak. I couldn't protect her now.

That Saturday evening, mom asked me to invite my friends for dinner. And so I did.
Hoewever, Sunny couldn't make it as she have a family reunion dinner that same night.

So, it's only Taeyeon, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, and Tiffany.
When they arrived, I thought that something was weird between Taeyeon and Tiffany.

When Sica helped mom in the kitchen with me, I asked if she noticed it.

"What's up with Tiffany and Tae?"
"Oh. I forgot to tell you. They argued and somehow... they broke up." she answered bluntly.
"What?! Why??"
"Shh!!! I'll tell you later." she covered my mouth, making the fish smell on her hand pierce through my nostrils. I pushed it away immediately.
"Ugh, your hand's gonna kill me."
We laughed and started smelling our own two hands. 
I retracted my hand when I smelled cucumber. And it reminded me of something.
Sica hates cucumbers.

I bit my smile, chuckling softly, as I quietly crept up behind Sica who has her back facing me.
In my hand was a cucumber.

When I came close enough behind her, I held out the cucumber infront of her nose and laughed in an evil manner.
"Ya~!" she let out her high-pitched dolphin scream and jumped backwards. Accidentally stepping hard onto my feet.

Okay, I deserve that.

I groaned in pain as I got down, grabbing onto my foot which she stepped on.
"Serve you right! That's for disturbing me." she pouted, hitting my shoulder gently and continued preparing the food.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop pouting?" I shoved the cucumber infront of her again and ran to hide behind mom. Only to earn a tight slap on my arm from her.
"Stop playing and help me with this!" she scolded me.
"Okay, sorry." I said to her as I rubbed my arm and made a face at Sica who was sticking out her tongue at me.

Dinner was served on the table in no time.


"So, what's the special ocassion?" Soo asked.
"None. My mother asked me to invite you all for dinner." they all eyed mom suspiciously before thanking her.
"Hey, do you care anyway? You're getting free food." the comment made her glare at me as she mouthed 'you watch out' and fed herself another spoonful.

Jessica sat beside Tiffany to keep her accompanied.
Although it was slowly making me jealous that I was not getting her attention, I acted normal, understanding Tiffany's needs.

I just hope the two reconcile and get back together.
They look so cute together.
Gosh, I can't believe I'm saying this.

After dinner, we watched a DVD together. Sharing laughters, tears, and unnecessary comments.
The whole time, Jessica was with Tiffany and I, with Taeyeon.
I wanted to ask Taeyeon what happened but decided not to, and just pretended not to know anything.

Then, the pain just have to come.
I excused myself to the toilet and went to my bedroom secretly to take the painkillers.

"Are you okay?" Sica's still and cold voice frightened me that I nearly screamed.
Why is it that you always know when I'm hiding something?
"Don't come up on me like that! You're gonna kill me. I'm fine. Just need to use the toilet." I turned and headed to the toilet. But was stopped in my tracks.

"Then what's that in your hand?" she pointed at my hand. She had seen the bottle that I thought I concealed well in my clenched fist. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"It's normal, Sica. I'm gonna feel this pain every once in a while. Besides that I'm really fine." I swallowed a pill and put the bottle back on the table.
She just stood there waiting, with a worried look, and her arms folded.
"Don't worry, Sica. I'm already used to it. Shouldn't you... get back to Fany?

"She- Ohhhhhh. You're jealous aren't you?"
I'm starting to think that my head is transparent and see-through.
"You're jealous because I didn't pay attention to you." I didn't reply and only stared at her.

"Don't worry, Yuri. You'll have me all to yourself tonight." she walked up to me and whispered to me seductively. "And please let me know when you get the pains. So I can help you."
Then, she kissed my lips lightly before walking out of the room, leaving me speechless.


Tiffany's POV

It was my first time going to Yuri's house.
I had second thoughts about coming but since Jessica had assured me that it wil be okay, I decided to just go. I don't want to disappoint Yuri.
And I don't want things that happen between me and Taeyeon to affect other things.

I walked down the street, looking at every house. Checking the number with the address Sica gave me.
Where is it?

Not looking where I was walking, I accidentally knocked into someone. A girl.

"Sorry!" I held the person's shoulder before looking up at her. 
It was a natural reaction. 


Realising who it was, I pulled away my hand immediately.

"No, it was my fault. I wasn't looking infront." she apologised, smilling slightly. "You're going to Yuri's house, right? It's here."
She pointed at the house just beside us.

"Thanks." she led the way, and I followed, leaving a big space between us. 

I just want to hug you right now.

While waiting for someone to answer the door, the silence between us became unbearable.
I had to control myself from approaching her.
Just when I was about to lose my control, Sooyoung and Hyoyeon arrived and saved me.
I sighed in relief.

I was more relieved when the door opened and we were invited in by Jessica.
However, Jessica had to help in the kitchen and four of us were left at the dining table.
Sooyoung was of course chatting with Hyoyeon.

I didn't know what to do so, I played games on my phone.
Luckily I downloaded these games or else I would be stoning.

I avoid looking at Taeyeon. But failed.
Our eyes met a few times and it made me blushed. 
In my heart, I was praying for dinner to be served fast.
And God listened to my prayers.

We started eating. 
Jessica sat with me because I begged her to.

After the awkward dinner, we watched a DVD.
Yuri excused herself to the toilet. It made me feel guilty for taking Jessica away from her. So, I asked Sica to go after her to check if she's okay.
Then, I went back to being immersed in the movie.

I realised that I could relate to the movie.
It was about this man who met this lady and they fell in love with each other.
Unfortunately, they found difficulties living together because of the doubts they have for each other.
Like almost every movie, of course it was a happy ending.
They made up and kissed and bam! The end. And they live happily ever after.

After the movie, I began to believe that me and Taeyeon will get back together in the end. 
I hope so. I was beginning to miss her.

Jessica was right. I shouldn't have ended it just like that.

Before we left, Jessica gave me a tight hug.
"Don't try to avoid her." she whispered and winked at me after releasing the hug.
I glanced at Taeyeon. She was watching me with sorrow eyes.

I'm sorry, Taeyeon.

"Bye Yuri. Thanks for the dinner and everything." I then hugged her. "Take care."
Hugging her felt so good. No wonder Sica love to hug her.
"As a good friend of Taeyeon, I know she wants you back." she whispered into my ear. "Thanks for coming."

"Ehem." Jessica coughed out purposely as she gave me her icy glare.
"Sorry ice princess." I smiled at her as I let go of Yuri.


I forgot that we will be taking the same bus home. 

"Don't try to avoid her." Sica's reminder echoed in my head. 

It was haunting me! The taunting only stopped when I decided to walk beside Taeyeon.
There was some space between us. It was like my first day in school.

"Tiffany, I'm really sorry." she broke the increasingly uncomfortable silence. 
"No, Taeyeon. It's my fault for not understanding you more.

She stopped walking, and took my hand.
It wasn't the first time she held my hand, but I was feeling the chills as though it was.
She pulled me into a hug.

"I miss you, Fany."
"I miss you too. I love you so much." I hugged her back tightly. 


Jessica's POV

That night, I slept at Yuri's house.

When I walked out of the toilet, Yuri was taking her painkillers again. She have been taking it for several times that night.
Did the painkillers work?
She went back to her side of the bed and laid down, massaging her head.

I sat beside her and asked if she was okay.
She just nodded.
She's starting to worry me more.

"Are you sure?" I helped her massage her head. Her eye lit up and she held my hand, stopping me and caught me by surprise.

"If I wasn't okay, would I be able to do this?" she sat up and brought her face nearer to mine.

Her cold lips touched mine, softly and lovingly, while her hands crawled around my waist.
The initially small kiss deepened.
Soon, we found ourselves breathing our souls into each other.
The kiss was hard but soft, fiery but cool, seconds but also forever.

"Yuri..." I whispered when she pulled away.
"Shh." she hushed me with another soft kiss. "Don't worry about me, Sica. I'm fine."
My eyes teared.




thanks for the comments!
will update soon!

i got so excited when i saw yulsic little moment at the end of SLT. hehehe.
don't you?
i love them so much!! ^^

again, thanks everyone!! :D

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I miss yulsic so i will read this again
Chapter 31: It's one of the amazing story that i'he read..
i really love this story..
thank you for the story author..
Chapter 31: THANK YOU FOR SENDING ME TEARS AND JOY! You're jjang, Author :)
Chapter 31: Thanks author for the happy ending for YulSic!
The "who are you?" Really shocked me...
When Yul say "oh ____,I was just joking", I mentally scolded Yul for her dumbness haha
Once again,thank you for this fic:)
Chapter 31: Happy ending yulsic !!! Sequel author !!
happy ending of yulsic ^^
SomethingExtra #7
lol trolled when I read the "Who are you" I was like "knew it.. *reads its a joke* OOH SHIIZZ *troll*"<br />
<br />
xD Great story ^^
i love this!!!<br />
but its end too soon!<br />
u should at least add one more chapter! hahahaha<br />
thanks author!! :'D
yay!! a happy ending :)) everybody would expect a happy ending in the end right ? :DD author please write another fic about YulSic again please? :)) author hwaiting! :D