Chapter 23

Only You

Jessica's POV

"Yuri!" I called out as I opened the door to her ward.
"Eh? Where is she?" Sooyoung asked as we were invited by an empty bed.

Then, we heard flushing coming from the toilet. Soon after that, Yuri came out.
"Hey guys. You shouldn't have come. I'm going back home tomorrow."
"Really? I thought the doctor said-"
"Yeah. But I begged him to let me leave early. I can't stay here. It's too boring!
"As expected." Sooyoung whispered softly as she placed her bags on the table.

I went to hug Yuri.
"Then I'll come pick you up tomorrow." I grazed her cheeks with my thumb and stared at her pink lips.
"Wow, you recover fast. You don't look pale anymore." I touched her lips as she smiled.
"The medicine's effective." she leaned in closer to kiss me but I stopped her with my palm.
"We're not alone." I reminded her, turning to Sooyoung who was unpacking the food she bought for herself.
"Yeah, I'm here. Don't do anything funny, please." she mocked us as she started digging into her meal.

I giggled at her, letting go of Yuri's waist.
Yuri sat on her bed and I sat on the edge of it, beside her, and we watched Sooyoung eat.

"Are you two just going to sit there and watch me?"
"You didn't buy any for me?" Yuri asked innocently.
"You're a hospital patient. Eat hospital food." Sooyoung snickered and continued feeding herself. 
"Ah Yuri ah. Your dear girlfriend doesn't want to eat just now. Will you persuade her to eat? Or else she'll end up in here with you."
"Really? Why didn't you want to eat?" she played with my fingers.
"I cannot do anything because I'm worried for you." I pouted.
"At least eat. And stop pouting, please. You're tempting me." she pinched my cheeks.
"Eww." we laughed at Sooyoung who got disgusted at Yuri's cheesiness.
"Now go and have some food."
"I bought two packets of these. You can share with me the other one." Sooyoung muttered, full with food.
I was expecting her to give me the whole other packet. Honestly, I was getting really hungry.

A few hours later, Taeyeon arrived with Tiffany. They too brought food with them. For themselves, of course.
"You guys come here to visit me or to make me jealous?" Yuri sighed at the sight of the food she was not supposed to eat.
We all laughed at her.

I felt pitiful for her and took a spoonful from Taeyeon to feed it to her.
"Since you're coming home tomorrow, might as well don't care."
"You're coming home tomorrow?" Taeyeon asked, gleefully.
"You think this restless can stay here for long? Of course she asked to go home early." Sooyoung answered for Yuri who was chewing the food and just nodded.

"Thank you, Sica." she swallowed the food before thanking me and pecked my lips.
"Ohhhhh! Don't do that infront of us!" Sooyoung grabbed one of Yuri's pillow and threw it at us.
The whole room started laughing when the door suddenly opened. We all hushed.

The nurse came in, bringing Yuri's meal and medicines.
"Here's your dinner. Remember. This one before food and this one after food. Okay?"
"Okay." Yuri gulped.
When the nurse left, we started talking again. We talked about many things to forget about Yuri's sickness.

When Yuri started getting sleepy because of the medicines, we decided to leave and let her rest.
Again, I waited for everybody to leave the room.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
"Neh." she pulled me closer to her and we kissed. For a few seconds.
"Bye, Yul."
"Bye, Sica. Get home safely."
I kissed her once again before leaving.

At least she'll be able to come home tomorrow.


Taeyeon's POV

That day was especially tiring for me. Although I didn't do anything much.
It was because I didn't sleep well last night.

"I'll accompany you to you house. You look really tired." she intertwined her fingers with mine and walked home with me.
We didn't talk the whole journey.

"Are you okay?"

I guess my tiredness was that bad.
"Yeah, I am. Just tired." We reached my house and I remembered of how scared she was the other night. So, I asked. "Can you go home by yourself?"
"Umm. Yeah..." she seemed a little down. But I don't know why.
"Okay.... Goodnight." I gave her a small hug and watched her leave.
Something's wrong.
I shrugged off and went inside, going to bed straight away.


The next morning, I received a message from her. She said she's not feeling well and won't be coming to school.

Okay, something's definitely not right.

I went off to school, with the decision to drop by her house after school.


Tiffany's POV

I woke up, feeling lethargic. And I don't feel like getting out of bed.
So, I texted Taeyeon, telling her that I am not feeling well and that I'm not going to school.
And then, I went back to sleeping.

I only woke up in the afternoon. Still feeling sluggish.
I had my lunch and lie down on the sofa, watching television and eating crackers.

Soon, I started to feel bored. 
I stretched my hand to take my phone which was on the table.
It vibrated as soon as I grabbed hold of it.

'Jessie <3 :
You didn't come school?? Are you okay? Take care of yourself, okay.

School must have ended.
Taeyeon didn't even reply to my message. Pffffffft.

'I am fine. Just don't feel like going to school. Heh.' I replied to my best friend.

'Jessie <3 :
That's good to hear. Something's wrong? You know you have me.

Of course she would know that I'm not okay.

'I will tell you later when I know how to, okay? Btw, thanks for the concern. And send my regards to Yuri.'

'Jessie <3 :
No problem, Tiffany. I'm your best friend, aite? Smile, Fany! And yes, I will.

I smiled. 

Wow! That girl knows how to make me smile even through the phone! 

Just then, the door bell rang.
Who would come at this time?
I dragged myself to the door and peeped through the door hole.


I opened the door and let her in.

"You okay, Fany?"
"I am. Feeling better." I almost forgot that I had told her I was not feeling well.
"Well, I'm here with your homework."

I led her to the sofa and she sat there, putting her bag down.
I was going to take a drink for her when she grabbed my arm and made me sit down.

"What's wrong? And tell me the truth." her voice sounded angry, and it sent shivers down my spine.
"I- Nothing's wrong. I just don't feel like going to school..." her hand was holding tightly onto my wrist. I tried to pull away but in vain.
"And what makes you feel like that?" she asked, her voice still firm.

Why are you being like this?
Why are you being so serious?

"Tell me, Fany."
"Well, you... Don't you realise how little interactions we had since the last two days?" I whimpered, tears forming up in my eyes. Not because of our little conflict but because she was scaring me.
"Yuri is sick. It's not like I don't love you anymore. I wasn't feeling good. Don't you understand the situation?"
"I did. That's why I said it was nothing. But you insist that I tell you when really it's not the matter anymore."

The tears built up in my eyes were starting to fall.
"Then, what is?" she still has not soften her voice.
"I said, nothing! I don't know, okay? I just don't feel right. Why are you being angry at me??" I yelled at her, successfully pulling my hand from her grip and then stood up.

"Since when was I angry??" she yelled back, looking up at me.
"Then why are you talking like that??" tears kept running down my cheeks.

Why are we fighting?

"This is how I always talk! Don't you know me?

I remained silent and sat back down, wiping my tears.

"And why are you being jealous of Yuri? She's my close friend. You should have known that I would be worried like that when something bad happens to her." she started again.
She didn't even help me wipe my tears and yet she's bringing back up the matter.

"Yes. I should have known. But I didn't. Because I don't know. I don't know you." It hurts to say that but sadly, it's the truth. I don't know her. I don't know anything.
"I don't mean it that way."
"It's okay, Taeyeon. It's true anyway. We don't know much about each other besides the basic things."
"Tiffany, I don't-"
"Let's just take a break from each other."

She picked up her bag slowly and headed to the door. She turned behind to look at me. I look down immediately.
As soon as the door closes, I grabbed the cushion and covered my face, crying my heart out.

Why did I even rush for you?
I'm so stupid to have fallen in love with you when I barely know you.
It's so stupid of me to even think that we'd last.


Yuri's POV

"Okay, Ms Kwon. Don't forget to take your medicines. And these are painkillers for when you get the head pains." The doctor passed me two small ziplocks, each containing the two different medicines I have been getting, and two bottle of pills. "Come back next week for your check up. We need to carry out the operation as fast as possible."

"Okay, thanks doc." I kept the medicines in my bag and sat on the bed, waiting for Sica's arrival.
Everything was packed and I had nothing to do. So, I laid down and took a nap.

"Yuri, I'm here." I felt a soft touch and heard a tickling whisper in my ear.
I opened my eyes slowly to see Sica's face infront of me. And she kissed my lips.
"Ready to go?" she pulled away, taking my hand.
"Yup." I got up and take my bag.
We took the cab to my house.

Home sweet home! Finally!

I went up to my bedroom as soon as I got into the house.
"Ahhhh. My bed!" I dropped my bag on the floor and threw myself on bed, forgetting about Sica who was following behind me.

She picked up my bag, putting it properly on my chair and sat on the bed beside me.
"Of course you would come here first." she smiled, lying down on her stomach and looking at me.
Our face were only inches apart.

"Yes. I miss my bed. And....." Smiling back at her, I brushed her hair to the side and pulled down her neck slowly. "I miss you."
She bent down, and our lips grazed against each other's.
"I miss you too, Yuri."
I kissed her deeper, ignoring the slight pain I was starting to feel in my head.

I just need you to make the pain bearable.

The ringing of Jessica's phone broke our kiss as she got up to answer the call.

"Hello? What's wrong?"
While waiting for her, I took out my medicines from my bag and popped one of the painkillers into my mouth, swallowing it with water.

She turned and look at me with a worried face.
"What's wrong?"
"Tiffany needs me. Will you be okay if I go? I'll come back later. Her house is not far from here."
I had to admit, I was sad. A little. And jealous.
"Yeah, I can take care of myself."

"Sorry...." She kissed me on the cheeks before rushing off.

Something bad must have happened.





there goes the update! 
taeny fought........... 

and i just wrote a one-shot on yulsic. a short and sad one.
hope you like it. :)

will update soon!


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I miss yulsic so i will read this again
Chapter 31: It's one of the amazing story that i'he read..
i really love this story..
thank you for the story author..
Chapter 31: THANK YOU FOR SENDING ME TEARS AND JOY! You're jjang, Author :)
Chapter 31: Thanks author for the happy ending for YulSic!
The "who are you?" Really shocked me...
When Yul say "oh ____,I was just joking", I mentally scolded Yul for her dumbness haha
Once again,thank you for this fic:)
Chapter 31: Happy ending yulsic !!! Sequel author !!
happy ending of yulsic ^^
SomethingExtra #7
lol trolled when I read the "Who are you" I was like "knew it.. *reads its a joke* OOH SHIIZZ *troll*"<br />
<br />
xD Great story ^^
i love this!!!<br />
but its end too soon!<br />
u should at least add one more chapter! hahahaha<br />
thanks author!! :'D
yay!! a happy ending :)) everybody would expect a happy ending in the end right ? :DD author please write another fic about YulSic again please? :)) author hwaiting! :D