Chapter 15

Only You

Taeyeon's POV

"Why are you blushing?" I asked her soon after that.
"I wasn't." she denied.
"Oh yes you were."
"Well.... she does look hot, doesn't she? And she hugged me comfortably even though we just met yesterday."
My heart shifted a little.
"You are falling for your best friend's girlfriend?" It hurts just thinking of it.
"Noooo. I was just stating the fact."
I calmed a bit but the jealousy was still there.

"Let's go. I'm hungry." she rubbed her stomach with one hand, taking my hand with another.
"Yeah, me too. Where do you want to eat?"

The touch of her hand diminished the jealous feelings, and I held onto her hand tighter.

"Your favourite place?"
The one place that I really love popped into my mind.
"Okay. I'm sure you'll love the place too."

I brought her to the small shop located at the park just beside the school.
"I love to come here because it's peaceful, windy, breathtaking.... and the dukbokki is awesome!"
"Okay, then let's have that." she said, smiling at me.

I pinched her cheeks softly.


Tiffany's POV

Our eyes met when I turned to look at her.
My heart beat faster when I felt her fingers on my cheeks.

"Do you know that you have the best smile I've ever seen in my whole life?" I blushed again.
It was the second time I blushed because of her.

Realising that we were still holding hands, I loosened my grip and she took her hand away.

Why did I even thought that you would like me?

We went to a table under the shade, placing our bags on each side of the bench.

"You wait here and take care of the bags. I'll order. What drink do you want?" I sat while she remained standing by the side of the table.
"Any drink will do."
She then nodded and walked off.

I like how you are always taking the lead. Like the boyfriend always does.

A few minutes later, she came strolling back to our table, holding a tray with two bowls and two cups of water.

Your body curves look
It doesn't matter if you're short.
You are attractive.

I thought she caught me staring at her and I turned away hesitantly.

"Here you go." she arranged the food nicely on the table.
One set infront of me and the other on her side.

And I like how you do things very systematically.

"Thanks." I took the chopsticks you were handing to me, accidentally touching your hand.

We remained silent while we ate.
The dukbokki was really delicious.

And you have really great taste.

"This is the second time you treated me. Next time, it's my turn, okay?" I said after sipping from the straw.
She just nodded in acknowledgment and wiped .

And you are really cute.

"This place is really nice.

And why am I the only one talking?

I looked around again.
The tables are not the kind of tables you would find in a coffee shop, or those metal ones with round metal chairs attached to it.
They are brown wooden tables that match with those in parks.

I looked back at her again.

"What are you going to do after high school?" a random question to make her talk.
"Hmm. I haven't really thought about it until you asked. But we are, after all, taking music and entertainment course, right? So, I guess that's what I'll be doing."
My face brightened up hearing her future dreams.
"As a?"
"Singer, most probably."
"Really? I'd love to hear you sing one day." I wonder how her singing would be like. Must be wonderful.
"So, what about you?"
"Just like you."
It became silent again.
I finished what's left of my drink.

"Is it raining?" Taeyeon held out her hands in the air.
I looked up in the sky.
Dark clouds were hovering above us. Drops of rain started falling on the table.
We hurriedly took our stuff and ran to the nearest shelter. The shop.
A part of the shop has its roof extending further out. The space was small but it was the nearest shelter we could get to.
The rain had started pouring heavily.

As soon as we got to the "shelter", I dropped my bag on the ground and so did Taeyeon.
I adjusted my uniform and wiped my wet face, sweeping my hair back and looked up.

I didn't realise that I was standing just an inch away from Taeyeon, who was leaning against the wall.
I moved back slightly to allow some space between us, forgetting that there was a step.

I thought I was going to fall when Taeyeon caught my waist.
I grabbed hold of her shoulder as she pulled me nearer to her, staring into my eye.
I couldn't look away from her. I don't know why.
And my heart was beating rapidly.
We were so close that if someone were to push me, our lips would have touched.

"Tiffany... I have something to tell you." she said softly, her eyes never left mine.
Just like her hand that was still on my waist, and my hand that was still holding onto her shoulders.
My pupils dilated as I waited in anticipation.

"I.. I-I think I l-like you." she stampered.

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say.
My heart was still beating rapidly, and jumping in joy. 

She looked down in dismay as her hand left my waist.

"I will understand if you hate me after this. I know it's too soon for me to like you since we just got to know each other yesterday. I even saw you with Siwon. How can I think tha-"

I cut her off by placing my index finger on her lips.
She thought that Siwon's my boyfriend?
I laughed.

"Siwon's my cousin, Tae. And no, I won't hate you. Cos... I like you too." I mustered up the courage and told her, pulling her chin up so that she was looking at me.

Her lips curved up into a bright smile.

"And earlier, when I was blushing, it was not because of Yuri. It was because you pushed her away from me. You were jealous weren't you?"
"Yeah...." she answered shyly as her hands went back up to my waist.
"Cute." I poked her cheeks.

"Heh. Talking about Yuri, I wonder if she already found Sica."
"Yeah, I hope they made up."


Yuri's POV

I wanted to call her cell, but remembered that my phone is in the locker.
Like as if she will pick up anyway.

I ran around the nearby places I thought she might be and finally found her in the field.
She was hugging her knees, resting her head on them.

It hurts me to see her like that.
But then I realised... it was me who hurt her until like that.

She heard my footsteps on the grass and looked up.
I stopped.
She got up, wiping those tears away, and walked past me.
I couldn't do anything but just watch as my heart cringed at her every step.
A tear rolled down my cheek.

I went after her and grasped her hand.
She pulled her hand free but didn't walk away.

"I'm sorry, Jessica. I truly am sorry."
"Sorry has no cure, Yuri." her sharp voice pierced my heart further. "You said you don't have any feelings for her anymore. But just minutes ago, your tongue were in !"
"Jessica. She pulled me! You yourself saw her hands on my face."
"Yeah, and you could have pushed her. But you were touching her body."
"That was..." I didn't know how to respond to that.
"I was stupid enough to believe that you really had no feelings for her anymore. Let's....end here."
Her last words shredded my heart into pieces.

Do you really want us to end?
Cos I don't want to.

She started walking away again but I pulled her once again, kissing her deeply.

At the same perfect timing, it started raining.

She pushed me away after a while and fixed her eyes on mine.
Anger, hurt, and despair.
I could see it all through her eyes as tears started falling from them again.

"You didn't push me away at first even though you were mad at me. It was just like that when she did it to me. It's true, Sica. I have no feelings for her anymore. She was playing with my emotions. I didn't mean to hurt you, Sica." I slowly took her hand and placed it on my left chest.
"Trust me. There's only you in my heart. Nobody else. Only you. I only love you. Sica, I only. Love. You." I wiped her tears away with my other hand and pulled her into a hug after that.

She rested her head on the crook of my neck, wrapping her arms around my waist loosely.

"I'm sorry, Sica. I will never let anything like that happen, ever again."
"Promise?" she whimpered.
"Promise." I reassured her, tightening the hug.
"I was really worried that I would lose you as soon as I just got you. I didn't want us to end."
"Don't worry anymore, Jessica. I won't leave you."

We stood there hugging, letting the rain fall on us.

I will let nobody else come between us.
I swear to myself.


Jessica's POV

I broke the hug although I was reluctant to.
I didn't want to let her go.
So I kept my hand around her waist as we walked, while her arm hung around my shoulder.

"So, how was the game..?" I shook my head slightly, flinching at the thought of earlier's incident.
"We drawed."
I just nodded.

"Should I not play next week?"
"Why?" I asked her, surprised by her sudden question.
"Her school got into the semis too."

I must not be selfish.
I have to trust Yuri.
Moreover, nothing happens the same way twice.
And it can't be worst.

"Your team needs you, Yuri."
"They'll be fine without me. I'm just afraid that... you know."
"Why? I thought you said you have nothing on her anymore."
"Yes. But accidents do happen, Sica."
"That, I can't blame you. Besides, I'm pretty sure it won't happen again. You won't let anything happen...right?" I shuddered.
"Of course I won't. But will you really be okay with it?"
"Yes, Yuri."
It was half a lie.
I might be okay now but I don't know if I'll be fine later on.

"I know you're not, Sica. Don't lie."
"Then what can I do? Stop you from doing what you love? Let the school lose just because my feelings need to be taken care of? I can't, Yuri. I just need to believe that you will be able to handle anything that might happen." it all blurted out of my mouth before I could even give myself some time to think.
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry." she rubbed my shoulder gently before bringing her hand down, hanging it on my waist.

"Stop apologising. It makes me feel guilty. Like I didn't want to forgive you." I requested.
"I don't know, Sica. I still feel very guilty about just now."
"Then, stop. I've already forgotten about it..."

It was partly true. I was forgetting about it.

"Thanks, Sica. Thank you for forgiving me. And trusting me still. Although it was very....bad."
"Want to know why?" I stopped walking and turned towards her, resting both my hands on her hips. "Because I don't want to lose you. You are everything to me now. I didn't thought I would say this so soon. But really, Yuri. You are my everything. No matter how disastrous things happen, you'll still mean so much to me."

A tear dropped from her eye.
"Aww, Sica. You're so sweet. You mean that much to me too, I need you to know that. And you must also know that I will always love you. Always."
She cupped my face and adjusted my wet fringe aside.

My eyes closed when she neared me.
A second later, I felt her soft lips pressed against my forehead.

I love it when you do that.
It makes me feel loved.

Encircling my arms around her, I hugged her tightly.

I don't want to let you go, Yuri.
I don't want.

The rain had became drizzles.
Just then, she held my arms, pushing it down gently to end the hug, but I kept my hand tight around her.

"Nooo!" I muffled through her shirt.
"You just love hugging me, don't you?" she giggled at my actions, still holding onto my arms.
"Don't you?" I backed away from her and pouted at her a little.
"Of course I do." she pulled me to hug me again but I shoved her away.
"Hmpf." I snorted at her and started walking.
"Aw, don't be like that." she catched hold of my arm, and slowly slide her hands down, interlocking our fingers.

She accompanied me to the bus stop where she told me she couldn't go home with me.
She had to take her things which were still in school so, I decided to wait for her there.
I watched as she slowly walked backwards, turning around after a few steps, and ran to school, until she disappeared from my sight.

I'm glad it was just an accident.
I really don't want to lose you.





Weeee~ Taeny! ^^

I'm really glad you guys like my story. :))
I thought that it was not that good.... :/

And I have finally finished my important papers!
I'll be able to update more frequently! ;)

Again, THANK YOU readers & subscribers!
saranghae~ <3

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I miss yulsic so i will read this again
Chapter 31: It's one of the amazing story that i'he read..
i really love this story..
thank you for the story author..
Chapter 31: THANK YOU FOR SENDING ME TEARS AND JOY! You're jjang, Author :)
Chapter 31: Thanks author for the happy ending for YulSic!
The "who are you?" Really shocked me...
When Yul say "oh ____,I was just joking", I mentally scolded Yul for her dumbness haha
Once again,thank you for this fic:)
Chapter 31: Happy ending yulsic !!! Sequel author !!
happy ending of yulsic ^^
SomethingExtra #7
lol trolled when I read the "Who are you" I was like "knew it.. *reads its a joke* OOH SHIIZZ *troll*"<br />
<br />
xD Great story ^^
i love this!!!<br />
but its end too soon!<br />
u should at least add one more chapter! hahahaha<br />
thanks author!! :'D
yay!! a happy ending :)) everybody would expect a happy ending in the end right ? :DD author please write another fic about YulSic again please? :)) author hwaiting! :D