Chapter 9

My Beloved Bodyguard

When Yuri come back from the toilet, she saw from a distance Siwon already close enough with Tiffany. They were talking and laughing together. Even Yuri and Siwon never get as intimate as that. But then Yuri smiled at their familiarity. Her plans run smoothly.

Yuri cheerfully approached both of which are still engrossed in conversation.

"Oh you're back..." said Tiffany with her eye smile.

"Ne. It seems just a minute I left you and now you are so familiar..." Yuri said as she sat next to Tiffany. They both smiled at her comment.

"All right! Since you have come back so I can go now..." Tiffany stood up and took the bag and a stack of folders on her side.

"Where are you going?" Yuri said as she stared at Tiffany. "We never talk because you're too busy lately..."

"Oh, I have a meeting. Mianhae, Yuri-ya..." Tiffany patted her shoulder. "Next time. I promise..."

Then Tiffany turned to Siwon and said, "Oppa, I go first. Bye..."

"Ne. Bye, Fany-ya..." Siwon smiled at her.

When Tiffany would go, Yuri suddenly remembered something and called her. "Fany-ya, wait!"

Tiffany stopped and turned back to Yuri. "Wae?"

"You'll come tonight right?" Yuri asked hopefully.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Tonight my brother will come from America. So I have to pick him up at the airport. Mianhae, Yuri-ya..."

"Please come, even if only for a while..."

"I'll try. If there's still time I'll be there after picking him up. But I don't promise..."

"Aaaaaaah... Why so? Eomma and Appa would have been disappointed if you didn't come..." Yuri uses her aegyo, while playing Tiffany's hand like a child who asks bought candy.

Siwon's eyebrows lifted look of the Yuri's aegyo. As long as he knew Yuri, Siwon always thought that Yuri is not the type of people who use aegyo to persuade someone. Despite the fact he hasn't long time to know Yuri.

Apparently she can also do aegyo. So cute... Siwon thought with a smile. Luckily the two girls in front of him didn't realize his smile.

"Yah! Don't use your aegyo to me!" Tiffany raise her tone, like someone who is angry. But her eye smile showed the opposite reaction.

Yuri pouted, advancing her lips. "You must come..."

"Arasseo. I'll try..." Tiffany pinched Yuri's cheek. "Ah I must go now. I was too late. Bye..."

Tiffany rushed away, and left Yuri alone with Siwon.

Yuri sighed loudly after Tiffany left. Once there seemed disappointed expression on her face. She just silently stared at the floor.

"So tonight you guys have plans?" Siwon asked.

Yuri lifted her head looked at Siwon. "Oh, I haven't told you? Tonight there is a birthday party of my father's company. Appa and Eomma wanted to meet with Jessica and Tiffany because lately they are too busy. Appa and Eomma already considered them as their own children. I hope Tiffany can come..." Yuri sighed once more.

"Ah I almost forgot. Appa had called me and told me to take you two to the party. Do you already have a suit?"

"What do you mean by 'you two'?" Siwon asked not understand. "Me and Donghae?"

Yuri nodded. "Of course you and Donghae. Who else?!"


"And did you guys bring suits when you guys move into my house?"

Siwon nodded. "Ne. We brought our suits as preparation when we have to accompany you to parties..."

"That's good. I guess now we just go home. Me and Jessica had to get ready. Gaja..." Yuri stood up and took her bag.

"But what about Donghae? We don't know where he is now..."

"Ah right. Then you just call him. I'll call Jessica..." Yuri immediately took her cell phone and called Jessica.

"Where are you? We've got to prepared for the party tonight..." Yuri said as Jessica answered the phone.

"YAH! Help me... Your crazy friend just kept following me! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!"  Jessica yelled from across the phone.

"Mwo? My friend? Who? "

"I don't know his name. A guy who was with you... who finds my music book. He kept following me wherever I go like a flea. I started feeling itchy! Quickly get rid of him! N.O.W !!!!!!!!!!"

"Yah, Ms. Jung! I just don't know where you were. Tell me where you are now, then I can go there to get rid of that flea..." Yuri suppress a smile at the thought of how Jessica's expression of annoyance because she kept be followed by Donghae.

"Oh, I was in the cafeteria. You must quickly come to save me from this flea..."

"Arasseo, I'm going there now. Ah, could I talk to Donghae?"

"Who's Donghae?"

"Then came a man's voice, "Yah! I've already told you my name is Donghae! I am the person who named Donghae!"

"Sorry, but I never remember such an unimportant thing, such as your name…"  Jessica said to him in English.

"Mworagoyo? Don't talk in a foreign language!"  Donghae protest to Jessica.

"So your name is Donghae? East Sea? Stupid Fishy!"  Jessica sneered.

Yuri who had been just listening to a fight between Jessica and Donghae could only shake her head and sighed. Yuri then turned to Siwon. She saw Siwon is trying not to laugh as he put his cell phone on the ear. It looks like Siwon also was listening to the quarrel between HaeSica.

"Siwon-ah..." Yuri called Siwon and make him look towards Yuri.

"You're listening to their quarrel?"

Siwon nodded. "I'm calling Donghae then they fight. They are like children. So cute..."

"I think we should have to go there immediately before the Third World War happened..."

Siwon laugh. "I agree. We must immediately prevent it. I don't yet wanted to compulsory military..."

They laughed together. "Gaja..."


In the cafeteria...

When Yuri and Siwon got there, Donghae and Jessica are still fighting. It seems they also don't realize has become a spectacle for many people. Almost everyone in the cafeteria staring at them. There were people who stared at them for being attracted to their quarrel, others admire the beauty of Jessica and the handsomeness of Donghae, and there are some people who feel annoyed because they are quite noisy.

Yuri once again had to sigh to see her best friend's behavior and her bodyguard. Siwon softly patted her shoulder and smiled, "We must stop them as soon as possible..."

Yuri nodded and followed Siwon, approached Donghae and Jessica.

"Yah! Stop it! Are you not ashamed to be a spectacle of all people?" Siwon tried to intervene.

Donghae and Jessica immediately stopped when they saw Siwon and Yuri come.

"When are you two going to stop fighting? So childish..." Yuri muttered shaking her head.

"Blame him! He is the one who started it..." Jessica pointed to Donghae right in his face.

"Yah! Are you not mistaken? Looks like you're the one who make fun of me first!" Donghae replied stubbornly.

They both fight again. Yuri and Siwon didn't know how to stop them. Yuri finally took the initiative first. She immediately dragged Jessica away from there.

"Yah! Don't go! I haven't finished!" Donghae shouted to Jessica that has begun to get away.

"Just stop it! We must go home now, they both have to get ready to party tonight. Let's go!" Siwon embrace Donghae’s shoulders and pulled him to follow Yuri and Jessica into the car park.

But Donghae didn't move. Donghae even asked, "Party? Is there party tonight?"

Siwon let go of his embrace and then nodded. "Yuri said tonight there is a birthday party Sajangnim’s company. Therefore Yuri and Jessica-ssi should go home to prepare. Ah yes, we both also invited there..."

"Really?" Donghae eyes widened.

"Ne. Don't ask much more! Gaja..." Siwon dragged Donghae into the car park.


In the car park...

"Why does he kept following us?" asked Jessica to Yuri, pointing Donghae. It seems that Jessica really mad to Donghae, even the cold aura of The Great Ice Princess appears.

"Mwo?! I was the one who should ask that question! I am driving this car. So it is not unusual if I'm here!" said Donghae.

"YAH!!!" Yuri shouted frustrated. "What's wrong with you two?! Did you guys can't stop fighting?"

Donghae sighed. "Mianhae..." Donghae bowed on Yuri and Jessica then immediately opened the door of the car and entered.

"Tsk!" Jessica snickered.

"Aigo..." Yuri holding her head with both hands. "My head is dizzy..."

Siwon who had been silent finally moving toward door of the car and opened the door to the girls. "Please come in..."

Jessica is in fact still don't know who actually Siwon and Donghae, was surprised to see Siwon open the door for her and Yuri.

Omo, such a gentleman... Jessica thought in English.

But Yuri doesn't seem to realize the gentlemanly from Siwon. Yuri immediately get into the car away without much comment anymore.

Jessica followed Yuri get into the car. But before entering, Jessica nodded her head to Siwon and smiled warmly to him, "Thanks..."

Siwon had blinked seeing Jessica's attitude is so polite to him. Completely different from her attitude to Donghae earlier. There is absolutely no cold aura of Ice Princess when Jessica was thanked him. Siwon quickly shook his head to avoid the appearance of strange thoughts and immediately shut the car door after Jessica get into the car. Siwon then opened the front door and sat down beside Donghae who had turned the engine on.

The car started moving toward Yuri’s house. Along the way, everyone fell silent. All lost in their own thoughts.

Donghae concentrate on the road. Although he occasionally stole a chance in the rearview mirror staring at Jessica because Jessica was sitting behind him. Several times a smile appeared on his face when Donghae remembered his fight with Jessica earlier.

Siwon who sat next to Donghae also looked straight ahead. From the corner of his eye, he can see how Donghae looks mesmerized staring at Jessica through the rearview mirror. Siwon said nothing. He had been long enough to know Donghae. So Siwon could feel that the current Donghae really was in love with a girl who was sitting behind him.

Jessica who was daydreaming, completely unaware that Donghae several times was fascinated by her beauty. Because the atmosphere is so calm, over time Jessica was getting sleepy. Several times she kept yawn before finally falling asleep.

Yuri leaned her head against the back seat. Her head is quite dizzy to hear Jessica and Donghae silly quarrel earlier. Because of that Yuri took an iPad from her bag and browsing the latest news.



My exams finally over! Glad to see you again, guys...^^

I hope you are also happy to see me again. Hehehe...

@ minstal_1 : Sorry I didn't always involve HaeSica in each chapter. But I hope you like HaeSica moments in this chapter. Hehehe...

Sorry I made you all wait so long. Happy reading...^^

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Chapter 1: update soon please
rafaah #2
Chapter 14: up'daet pleas...
yulwon I LOVE YOU
Chapter 19: Can't really describe what I'm feeling......just WOW......
update ;_______;
rasha_mega #5
i bet siwon burned with jealously ha ha ha...i wait your new chapter..
aish, the kidapper is.......... her own brother-______--
TAEYANG?!!!!!! seems more drama are coming up eh._.
aish if i was siwon i would still beat him lol
nadd305 #9
Finally!!! YULWON!!
Maybe they should go to a date together! ^o^