Chapter 7

My Beloved Bodyguard

"You guys should thank me. Thanks to my driving ability, which is too awesome so we're not late..." Donghae said with great pride.

But Donghae was right, he managed to bring them up to campus on time. Donghae was actually chosen by Kwon Sajangnim to be a bodyguard for Yuri because of his driving ability. He can drive at high speed, but with great alertness. So don't be surprised if they arrive on campus 10 minutes before classes begin.

"Arrogant person..." Yuri muttered as she walked away.

"Yah! You wouldn't thank me?" Donghae shouted at Yuri. Yuri once again ignored him. She still walked with so gracefully into the classroom.

"Aish! Rude girl..." Donghae muttered.

Siwon smiled at his friend who is ignored by Yuri. "Never mind. Come on in..." Siwon patted his shoulder and walked away from Donghae.

"Yah! You also won't thank me?" Donghae shouted at Siwon.

"Maybe next time... I don't have time for useless things like that..." Siwon said as he stuck his tongue out at Donghae. When Siwon turned, he bumped into a girl. The books carried by the girl fell scatters.

"Ah sorry..." Siwon help her pick up her books.

"Your books... once again I'm sorry..." Siwon said, handing her the books.

"Oh that's okay. I'm also not careful. Thank you for helping me..." she bowed and smiled. Siwon was stunned to see eye smile formed in her eyes when she smiled.

"What is it? Why are you staring at me like that?" asked the girl to Siwon.

"Oh, nothing..." Siwon smiled awkwardly.

"Alright then. Thank you for helping me..." she smiled again and left.

"Oh wait!" Donghae shouted to the girl.

"Yes?" The girl stopped and stared at Donghae.

"Lee Donghae imnida. What is your name?" Donghae reached his hand.

She looked a little surprised, but then she smiled and reached her hand. "Tiffany ..."

"Hmmm... a beautiful name. It is suitable for a beautiful girl like you..." Donghae started flirting her.

Tiffany's cheeks were flushed because of Donghae's praise. "Thanks for the compliment. But I must go now..."

"Oh, how about I help you bring those books?" Donghae pointed to a pile of books in her arms.

"Thank you but this is not too heavy. I can still carry these books. Bye, Donghae-ssi..." Tiffany nodded her head to Donghae. But before leaving, she turned to Siwon and smiled at him, "See you later..."

"Ah! Oh, yes. See you..." Siwon smiled back at Tiffany before she left.

"Oh God! She is very cute!" Donghae exclaimed after Tiffany left.

"Yah! Have you already forgotten a girl named Jessica Jung? You're really a womanizer..." Siwon could only sigh after seeing his  friend's behavior.

"Oh my God! You're right! How could I forget a pretty girl like her?! Jessica Jung was the best! She's the most beautiful here! Lee Donghae, you should stop being a womanizer!" Donghae said as he clenched his hands.

Siwon shaking his head. "Stop it! We're almost late. Come on..." Siwon jogged left him.

"Yah! Wait for me!" Donghae ran after Siwon entered the classroom.




Donghae was very bored during the lecture. He sat between Yuri and Siwon. But they kept silent, not speaking at all.

"Yah! What's wrong with you two? You two had been kept quiet. You don't know if I've been dying of boredom, huh?" Donghae complained to Siwon and Yuri after class ended that day.

"Are you sure? But it looks like you had fun flirting the girl who sat behind you..." Siwon said sarcastically.

"Mwo?! It was she who flirting me, I didn't flirting her. Don't talk nonsense!" Donghae said, scowling.

Then Donghae turned to Yuri. "Yuri-ya, don't listen to him. I'm not a guy who likes to flirting. I've already told you that I love Jessica Jung, so I'm not going to flirting another girl. Trust me, I'm not going to hurt your friend..."

Yuri just shrugged. She wasn't in the mood to serve the unimportant babbling from Donghae. She lost her cheerful mood after her design was rejected for the umpteenth time.

"Yuri-ya!" someone yelled from a distance.

Yuri looked up and saw Jessica waved at her. Jessica jogged over to them. Donghae smiled broadly when he saw Jessica approached them.

"Yah! Why did you skip class today?" asked Yuri as Jessica stopped in front of her.

"Ah... I forgot that today we have a class. Hehehe..."

"Ah I see. But why am I not surprised?" Yuri said sarcastically. Jessica just smiled sheepishly.

"Ehem..." Donghae tries to attract the attention of Jessica and Yuri.

"What?" asked Yuri briefly.

Donghae ignore Yuri question. Donghae confidently say hello to Jessica with a smile as sweet as possible, "Sica-ya, annyeong..."

Jessica even frowned. "Do I know you?" Jessica asked with an innocent expression.

Sweet smile from Donghae suddenly disappeared, as he heard the question from Jessica. That innocent question made him feel very ashamed. His self-confidence which was so strong earlier, instantly fades.

Because Donghae didn't answer her question before, then Jessica was asked once again. But this time with her ​​cold expression that can make anyone freeze in an instant. "Do we know each other? Why are you calling me Sica? Only my close friends and family are ALLOWED calling me like that..."

Yuri, who had been trying to contain her laughter couldn't take it anymore. Her laughter broke out when she saw Donghae's face that looked very embarassed and the expression of The Great Ice Princess Jessica Jung. "Puahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..."

Siwon, who are also trying not to laugh, still can control his ownself. He silently laughed without sound. Siwon even deliberately turned his body so that Donghae didn't see him laughing.

"Eh? You don't remember me? You bumped into me on the toilet yesterday..." Donghae said, scowling.

"Mwo? Toilet?" Jessica's forehead wrinkled to remember an incident in the toilet yesterday.

"Yah! You are the one who bumped into me!" Jessica said after remembering that yesterday there was a boy who bumped into her until she fell. Suddenly they could feel a cold aura around them when Jessica looked at him sharply.

"Omo! I'm getting cold..." Yuri  her arm like a person who feels the cold.

Yuri then turned to Siwon and whispered, "Siwon-ah, let's go from here. Do you not feel cold?"

Siwon just smiled and nodded. Then he followed Yuri left HaeSica being held 'cold war'. HaeSica didn't even realize that YulWon had left them. They both continue to compete killer gaze. Donghae was upset because of Jessica has made him ashamed and ridiculed by Yuri. While Jessica was upset because Donghae who are entirely unknown to Jessica, dare to call a special nickname from her family and close friends.

But the cold war through the eyes between HaeSica ended after Donghae's eyes suddenly softened.

Her cool aura makes her look different from other girls... Donghae thought.

A smile formed on Donghae's lips before he finally put an end to their cold war. Donghae then opened his bag and took Jessica's music books. With a sweet smile, he returned the book to its owner.

Jessica seemed a bit surprised to see her music book that she was looking for yesterday could be in the hands of foreign boys in front of her. "How... how can you bring my book?"

Donghae chuckled. "You dropped it yesterday. Then I picked it up..."

"Oh... Thank you..." Jessica quickly grabbed her book from Donghae.

"May I call you Sica as your close friends? I also want to be your close friend..." Donghae started flirting Jessica. Donghae took a step toward her, leaned over and whispered in Jessica's ear, "But actually I would like to be your boyfriend..."

Jessica's eyes widened to hear it. "Really? You want to be my boyfriend?"

Donghae just nodded and smiled again.

"Hmmm... alright then..." Jessica said casually.

"Mwo?" Donghae's turn to be surprised.

"You can be my boyfriend... But... feel it first!" Jessica kicked his left leg as hard as possible and then ran away.

"Ouch!" Donghae shouted. He lifted his left leg that became victims of violence from Jessica while rubbing his leg.

"YAH! Wait for me!!!!!!" Donghae yelled at Jessica. With a limp, Donghae trying to chase Jessica, who has fled.




"Yuri-ya..." Siwon called.

"Mwo?" Yuri turned to Siwon still chuckling.

"Why are you laughing yourself? Is there something funny?" Siwon worried about Yuri, because she laughing for no reason.

"Oh... I just can't forget his expression when Jessica asks who he is. So stupid! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..."

Siwon was quite surprised to see Yuri laugh like that. And Siwon was awed to see it. Without realizing it, he looked at Yuri who was still laughing. He also didn't realize that he started to smile at her.

Yuri finally realized that Siwon continued to stare at her, smiling. Her laughter stopped immediately. "Why are you staring at me with a smile like that? Is there something funny?"

Siwon's smile instantly fades. "Oh that..." Siwon scratching his head that does not itch.

"I just ... I've never seen you laugh like that. It makes you look... more beautiful..."

"Eh?" Yuri surprised by the honest confession from Siwon.

Yuri wanted to find any sign of deceit from Siwon's eyes, but Yuri can't find it because Siwon did say it honestly. It made her blush. So far there are so many boys who praised her beautiful or even called her a goddess. But Yuri's usually just smile in response to the praise. But somehow this was different. The compliments from Siwon successfully made her blush.

They both fell silent again. The atmosphere between them had become very awkward. Yuri finally chose to walk away, without responding to his praise.



HaeSica! Who misses HaeSica? Plaese raise your hand... Hehehe...

I hope this chapter can cure your longing about HaeSica in this fanfic...

Happy reading guys...

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Chapter 1: update soon please
rafaah #2
Chapter 14: up'daet pleas...
yulwon I LOVE YOU
Chapter 19: Can't really describe what I'm feeling......just WOW......
update ;_______;
rasha_mega #5
i bet siwon burned with jealously ha ha ha...i wait your new chapter..
aish, the kidapper is.......... her own brother-______--
TAEYANG?!!!!!! seems more drama are coming up eh._.
aish if i was siwon i would still beat him lol
nadd305 #9
Finally!!! YULWON!!
Maybe they should go to a date together! ^o^