Chapter 14 (YulWon)

My Beloved Bodyguard

Siwon could only gulped. It is undeniable that this time he was afraid his boss, who kept give him a cold gaze. If he allowed to choose between being the target of the icy glared from Kwon Sajangnim like this or helping Korean soldier at war, he would gladly risk his life chose to join the war.

Kwon Sajangnim had called him into a quiet corner to talk. Before meeting Kwon Sajangnim, Siwon had felt his boss called him not to talk, but to judge him. And his feeling was right.

"Can you explain what actually happened, Siwon-ssi?" asked Kwon Sajangnim coldly.

Siwon hasn't had time to reply, Kwon Sajangnim has given another, more difficult question to him.

"Do you love Yuri?"

"Ne???" Siwon's thick eyebrows lifted after hearing that question.

"Please answer my question honestly Siwon-ssi. Do you love my daughter?"

Siwon didn't dare look at his boss's eyes directly, because the cold stares from Kwon Sajangnim is very creepy. Because of that he lowered his head.

"Please stop it, Appa. You even scare him..." Yuri said as she approached Kwon Sajangnim and Siwon, because from the distance Yuri saw they were talking about something serious.

"Oh, thank goodness you came..." said Kwon Sajangnim to Yuri. "We were talking about what just happened between you two..."

Yuri's heart beats faster when she understood her father's intentions. But before her face flushed, Yuri replied quickly, "Appa, please don't misunderstand me. There is NO relationship whatsoever between me and Siwon..."

"Then why Siwon knelt down in front of you while holding a ring?" Then he turned to Siwon and said to him. "You haven't answered my question, Siwon-ssi..."

Siwon raised his head until his eyes met the eyes of his boss directly. But before he could reply, Yuri touched his hand and make Siwon turned to her.

Yuri only glanced at him briefly, then said to her father, "It's not like what you think, Appa. Siwon isn't being proposed to me. He just..."


Yuri sighed and began to tell what really happened before everyone at the party saw Siwon kneel in front of her, holding a diamond ring.


~Flashback ~

"Omo! My ring fell off!" Yuri exclaimed.

"Mwo? Who is falling?" asked Donghae stupidly.

"My ring... Aigo! Why is this place so dark?" Yuri knelt down fumbling the grass around her.

"Your ring was like what?" asked Siwon.

"Your diamond ring that you put into the bag, Yuri-ya?" Jessica also asked.

"Ne. If the ring was missing, Appa will surely hang me once he knew!"

"Let us have a look. Wait a minute..." Siwon started to knelt down in front of Yuri to find the ring with Donghae.

Pretty soon...

"Ah here it is!" Siwon muttered. He immediately turned round facing Yuri but still with a knelt down position in front of Yuri.

"Yuri-ya! Is this your ring?" Siwon held out his hand to show the ring to Yuri.

But before she could answer his question, a spotlight leads to them.

~ End of Flashback ~


"Is that true?" asked Kwon Sajangnim hesitated, staring at Siwon.

"Ne, Sajangnim. That's what really happened..."

"That is true?" Sajangnim ask once again, but this time to Yuri.

Yuri nodded, trying to convince her Appa.

"Well then. I believe in you two..." Kwon Sajangnim smiled with relief. "But... the main problem is the press..."

Kwon Sajangnim sighed. "I believe the news about the two of you will be headline in all newspapers and magazines in the morning..."

Siwon and Yuri didn't say anything while imagining how the text that will appear in the media tomorrow.

"Why don't you... pretending to be lovers? No one knows the truth about your relationship right?"

"Ne???" both of them said together. They then looked at each other with both eyes wide open in shock.

"I guess you have no other choice. Ah, you talk about yourself. There's someone I need to see..." Kwon Sajangnim left them alone.

"Hmm... how is this?" asked Siwon.

"What? What about?" Yuri asked.

"Do we really have to pretend to be lovers?"

"Dunno..." Yuri said. "But it seems that my Appa's right, we don't have any other choice..."

"I don't mind if I have to pretend to be your boyfriend. But you? How about you?" asked Siwon worriedly.

Yuri chuckled. "Me? What's wrong with me?"

"You... don't reject this ridiculous plan?" Siwon gave emphasis to the word 'ridiculous plan'.

Yuri smiled at Siwon's emphasis on the word and shook her head. "Anio. Why should I mind? It seems that you call ridiculous plan was pleasant enough..."

"Are you sure?" Siwon's little doubt her words.

"Of course. Moreover, tonight you look so cool with a suit like this. You are very handsome. You're not going to embarrass me in front of people..." Yuri grinned.

Siwon laughed. "Gomawo for the compliment. I'm glad I will not embarrass you. Hmm... but I guess you must be careful..."

"Mwo? Why should I be careful?" asked Yuri didn't understand.

"Be careful, don't you dare fall in love with the cool and handsome guy like me..." Siwon's turn to grin.

"Yah!" Yuri shouted irritated, then punched Siwon's arms softly while laughing.

"Ouch!" Siwon pretends to feel pain.

"Oh, that hurt? How about this?" Yuri imitating a boxer style punching Siwon’s arm many times with her right hand and left turns. This time a little harder than her last punch.

Siwon laughed and immediately capture both Yuri's wrist. Yuri, who didn't think Siwon will do that immediately fell silent, staring at his eyes.

"Thanks..." Siwon smiled softly.

Yuri's heart beating again at full speed when she saw the smile from her bodyguard. Moreover, they are close together like this. "Thanks? Thanks for what?"

"Thanks because you gave me a chance to get close to you..." Siwon said it so quietly, looking at Yuri's eyes. But Yuri still can hear it clearly.

"What... what do you mean?"

"Ah that..." Siwon immediately release Yuri's hand. "I mean... I mean thanks because... because you believe in me. At least you don't reject this ridiculous plan because you're afraid I'll take advantage of you. Thanks..."

"Oh..." Yuri smiled awkwardly. "Of course. You seem more trustworthy than Donghae..."

They laughed together. "You're right, many people believed me more than Donghae..."

Yuri laughed again. Then she lifted her little finger. "Agreed to run this ridiculous plan?"

Siwon's eyebrows shot up. "Ne. I agree..." he nodded, ignoring Yuri's little finger in front of him.

"Yah!" Yuri shouted irritably.

"What?" Siwon still ignore the existence of Yuri's little finger.

Without a word, Yuri grabbed Siwon right hand and lifted his little finger. Yuri then forcibly linking their little finger. "This is called the deal..."

Siwon just shook his head.

Yuri grinned again. "All right, namja chingu-ya! Why don't we start this play now?"     *(namja chingu = boyfriend)*

"Huh? Oh, all right. Come on, nae yeoja chingu..." Siwon also grinned.                *(nae yeoja chingu = my girlfriend, if I'm not mistaken)*

"Oh wait!" Yuri wrapped her left arm with Siwon’s right arm. "Jagiya, let's go..."         *(jagiya = honey, darling)*

Yuri and Siwon then approached the crowd. Even Yuri invited Siwon to meet some important guests of Kwon Sajangnim and introduced him to them.

Some people who saw them whispering, talking about both of them, especially once they saw that Yuri kept hugging Siwon’s arm lovingly as long as they chatted with a few guests there.



Sorry for the late update...^^

Special chapter for my beloved YulWon Shippers and for those my beloved readers who are curious about what happened between YulWon at the party. If you forget, you can go to chapter 12...

Happy reading and I hope you like it, guys... :D

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Chapter 1: update soon please
rafaah #2
Chapter 14: up'daet pleas...
yulwon I LOVE YOU
Chapter 19: Can't really describe what I'm feeling......just WOW......
update ;_______;
rasha_mega #5
i bet siwon burned with jealously ha ha ha...i wait your new chapter..
aish, the kidapper is.......... her own brother-______--
TAEYANG?!!!!!! seems more drama are coming up eh._.
aish if i was siwon i would still beat him lol
nadd305 #9
Finally!!! YULWON!!
Maybe they should go to a date together! ^o^