Chapter 19

My Beloved Bodyguard

"Taeyang? The singer on that stage?" Siwon mumbled.

"He likes me? Taeyang Oppa? Youngbae Oppa? Omona..." Yuri blinked in disbelief.

"Don't you know about his feelings? Really don't know?" Jiyong raised an eyebrow.

Yuri nodded. "I really don't know, Oppa. He never said anything about his feelings..."

"I'm going to die! Youngbae would have killed me!" Jiyong muttered.

"Youngbae?" Siwon frowned.

Didn't they talk about that Taeyang singer? Why are they suddenly changed the subject to be Youngbae? Who's Youngbae?

Jiyong turned and looked at his sister. "Yuri-ya, please pass on apologies from me to our parents because I hadn't been a good boy. And please tell them to give part of my heritage to the abandoned children, because I'm not married and have kids. Oh, and please tell..."

"OPPA!!! STOP IT!!!" Yuri rebuked her brother angrily.

"Huh? Oh, sorry..." he was a little scared to see his angry sister. He really didn't wanna see another version of her sister, HellYuri. That's why he had to change another topic as soon as possible.

"Okay. Then you should help me to think! Come on, Jiyong! Thinking!!!" Jiyong tapped his head as he walked back and forth.

"Think about what?"

"How to tell Youngbae that you already have a boyfriend..." Jiyong sighed.

"Huh? Boyfriend? Me?"

"Of course you! You think I'm the one who have a BOYFRIEND?!" Jiyong snapped his fingers on his sister's forehead.

"Ouch!!!" Yuri rubbed her forehead. "I guess you should know that I DO NOT have a boyfriend!"

"WHAT??????? Then how about this handsome man? This cool guy is not your boyfriend?" Jiyong said, pointing to Siwon.

"He's not my boyfriend! I tell you... Me and that handsome guy... we don't have any relationship. The news that said he proposed me also was not true. Do you understand, Oppa?"

"Huh?" his brow furrowed as he doesn't understand.

"Oh I forgot that I have a stupid oppa!" Yuri said, completely annoyed. When Yuri will explain the truth about her relationship with Siwon, someone opened the door.


The three people in the classroom immediately turned their heads to the classroom door.

"Youngbae Oppa?" Yuri shouted excitedly.

The man who called Youngbae was showing off his eye smile and walked over to Yuri. "Omona... You're more beautiful now, Yuri-ya..." Youngbae smiled, pulling Yuri into his arms.

"Ah, Oppa..." Yuri blushed at the compliment.

Siwon's eyes widened as he saw a reddish color on Yuri's cheeks. Who is this Youngbae until she blushed at the simple compliment like that? Siwon thought.

"Ahem..." Siwon cleared his throat loudly and managed to make the two people in front of him let go their hug. "Hmmm... I think we should go home now, Yuri-ya. You need a lot of rest so that your feet can quickly recover..."

“Oh… but…”

Before Yuri could finish her sentence, Siwon bent down and carried her once again. Yuri had instinctively wrapped her arms around Siwon's neck. Siwon turned to Jiyong and Youngbae who gawk at what Siwon did.

"Jiyong-ssi and uhm... Youngbae-ssi? Looks like we should go first. She sprained her ankle, so Yuri needs a lot of rest. See you later..." Siwon bowed and then turned toward the door and took Yuri away.

"Yah! Put me down!!! This is so embarrassing, you know?!" Yuri pouted.

"If I let you down and let you walk alone, it will only make your legs worse than before..." Siwon glanced at Yuri.

"But this is so embarrassing! People will look at us with a strange look..."

Siwon stopped walking and looked at the girl in his arms. "They're not looking at us with a strange look. They're just jealous of you because I was being so sweet to you..." Siwon winked at Yuri.

"Mwoya?!" Yuri hot Siwon's shoulder, trying to hold back a smile.

"Ah okay... okay... They're just jealous because you have a kind and caring boyfriend like me..." Siwon said with a grin. Both of his dimples appear too.

"Aish!" Yuri grumbled he turned her face to hide her flushed face.

Siwon chuckled see the upset Yuri. Then he continued his pace towards Yuri's BMW X6 in the car park. Siwon didn't flinch at all when so many pairs of eyes watching he walk while carrying Yuri in his arms. He kept walking so relaxed even though he heard people talking and whispered about him and Yuri.

"Omo... Aren't they Donghae and Jessica-ssi?" Siwon narrowed his eyes in order to focus his sight to two people who were arguing in the distance.

"Huh? HaeSica? Where?" Yuri turned her head to the right and to the left. "Omo! They fight again!"

"I think so..." Siwon nodded.

"Then we should separate them before one of them get killed. Let's go there..." Yuri said.

Siwon nodded. He quickened his pace when he saw Jessica swinging her bag and hitting Donghae repeatedly. "Yah! Stop it!"

"Yah! Why do guys always fight?! Aish!" Yuri muttered after Siwon let her down. Siwon helped Yuri walked up to HaeSica who seemed surprised to see Yuri and Siwon's arrival.

"Yah, Kwon Yuri! What happened? What's wrong with your leg?" Jessica began to panic when she saw her friend hobbled.

"I'm fine. I fell and sprained my leg earlier. But luckily Siwon willing to carry me up here..." Yuri smiled to see panic in Jessica's beautiful face.

"But you leg..."

"I said I'm fine, okay. You don't have to worry about me... That is you who makes me worry! Why did you beat Donghae like that?"

"Huh?" Jessica thought back to her fight with Donghae when she heard Yuri mention his bodyguard's name. The emotions that had exploded and disappeared for a moment, finally came back and possessed her mind. Donghae swears he saw a flash of fire in Jessica's eyes as the blonde girl turned her head to face him.

“YAH! STUPID FISHY LEE DONGHAE!!! YOU’RE SO DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Jessica used her famous dolphin scream and walked up to the poor Fishy who sat on the ground. He could only gulped when he saw HellSica up in front of him and swung her bag to beat him again.

Yuri and Siwon could only gawk to see Jessica kept hitting Donghae repeatedly while the victim Donghae could only cover his head with both hands.

"Yah! Help me!!!" Donghae shouted at Yuri and Siwon who only stood there.

Siwon and Yuri looked at each other for a moment. Without a word they had agreed to separate Donghae and Jessica. They both approached Jessica to stop her activity beatting Donghae. Siwon grabbed her hands and pulled the dolphin scream expert away from Donghae, while Yuri tried to cover Donghae from her.

"Yah, Jessica Jung! Stop it! He already had a lot of bruises. Stop it..." Yuri put her hands on Jessica's shoulder and trying to hold Jessica's body, which kept moving to escape.

A few minutes passed. It seems that the Ice Princess was already exhausted, until she stopped rebelled and stood limply. Siwon noticed it and finally let go Jessica's hands slowly.

"Yah! You okay?" asked Yuri to Jessica who looked exhausted. Jessica only nodded weakly.

Yuri and Siwon sighed in relief together. Siwon left the two pretty girls to look at Donghae's condition, which was lying on the ground lifelessly with a lot of bruises on his body.

"What actually happened?" asked Yuri to her best friend.

Jessica sighed in exasperation. Without answering Yuri's question, she walked away toward the black BMW X6. "I'm tired! I wanna go home!"

Yuri shook her head to see her few months older friend's behavior. But then a smile appeared on her face when remembering HaeSica's childish quarrels.

They are so cute! I want to know how if they ever fell in love... Yuri thought with a grin.

"Let's go home. Don't let our Ice Princess get angry again becauses he waited too long..." Yuri extended her hand to help Donghae to stand up. Seeing that, Siwon immediately helped Donghae to stand up too and led Yuri and Donghae to the car.

"Yah! Open the car! Aish!" Jessica muttered impatiently and kick the poor tires. Car alarm immediately lit and wailing so hard because of Jessica's kick.

Donghae immediately took the car keys from his pocket. He turned off the alarm and unlock the car. Donghae scared Jessica will get mad at him and would beat him again.

Yuri shook her head again as she saw Jessica opened the car door violently. "What actually happened?"

Donghae didn't answer. He looked at Yuri for a moment, sighed in despair, and left Yuri with Siwon.

“Aigo…” Yuri shook her head again and again.

Siwon smiled to see her. "Never mind. Just ignore them..."

"I can't! Looks like this is a complicated problem. Usually when they quarreled, Sica just kick him, right? But this time she looks so angry..."

Siwon tilted his head thoughtfully. "Hmmm... You're right... Donghae definitely made a problem again..."

"But... they are so cute when a fight like that. Hehehe..." Yuri grinned.

"That's true..." Siwon joined grinning. "Ah! I should carried you..."

"Oh, no need to..." but in a few seconds Yuri already in his arms again.

"Yah! Can you continue your date later? I'm so tired!" the Ice Princess shouted angrily from inside the car.

"Oops... our Ice Princess started to get angry again..."

"We'd better get there soon before she also beat us like what she did to Donghae..." Siwon comments made ​​Yuri laugh. Siwon quicken his pace and then helped Yuri get into the car.

"Are you okay?" asked Yuri to Jessica who sat beside her, closing her eyes.

Jessica just nodded. But then she opened her eyes and turned to Yuri. "What about you? Your feet... is it hurt like hell?"

"Yeah... But you don't have to worry, I can still walk..." Yuri smiled to Jessica.

"Oh... Good for you then..." Jessica nodded and closed her eyes again.

"What happened?"

Hearing that question, Jessica immediately opened her eyes again and looked at Donghae with annoyance.

"You should ask that stupid Fishy instead!" Donghae could feel the back of his neck shiver because of Jessica's death glare.

"I'll never forgive him even though he was crying blood in front of me!" added Jessica cruelly.

Yuri who still don't understand what happened between HaeSica was silent. Yuri then moved her eyes forward, staring at the mirror in front of Donghae since Yuri knows that Donghae could see her in the rearview mirror.

When Donghae stared back, Yuri asks what happened to him without a sound. But Yuri is still not getting the answer because Donghae only sighed and shrugged.

"Aigo..." Yuri slapped her own forehead.



Late update again...

Really sorry about that. I'll try to update as soon as I have free time...

And it looks like my subscribers rarely leave a comment now. Is it because I never reply to your comments anymore? Oops... Please forgive me... I'll try to give my reply to all of your comments from now on...

Happy reading... ^^

P.S : HaeSica Shippers... please wait for the next chapter. You won't regret it because they'll do something in the next chapter. Hahahahaha... *evil author*

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Chapter 1: update soon please
rafaah #2
Chapter 14: up'daet pleas...
yulwon I LOVE YOU
Chapter 19: Can't really describe what I'm feeling......just WOW......
update ;_______;
rasha_mega #5
i bet siwon burned with jealously ha ha ha...i wait your new chapter..
aish, the kidapper is.......... her own brother-______--
TAEYANG?!!!!!! seems more drama are coming up eh._.
aish if i was siwon i would still beat him lol
nadd305 #9
Finally!!! YULWON!!
Maybe they should go to a date together! ^o^