First day~

Coffee Prince...?

I started work today. I met Min Woo and Young Min. Both of them are so cute~! Uncle taught me how to make each type of coffee on the menu and taught me how to draw using chocolate syrup and milk.

"You're really good at making coffee!" Uncle complimented me while taking a sip from the coffee I made.

"He's right! You're good! You're even better than our coffee prince!" Min Woo patted my head.

"Coffee prince...? Who is that?" I asked curiously.

"Me of course!" Young Min chirped from behind.


"Hm...Looks like you're my competition huh? You're good." Young Min looked at me me sharp eyes. I whimpered at the thought of getting killed by his look.

"Just joking! Don't take me too seriously! I would like it if I could get some help. I also wouldn't mind if my place as coffee prince is taken by someone as cute as you!" Young Min teased.

"Business starting in 30 minutes! _____ you work at the bar for today! Young Min and Min Woo set up the chairs! I'll be mending the cashier."

"Okay!" We all said together.

30 Minutes later~

"We're open!!" Uncle shouted from the door.

As soon as we are open, a few girls rushed into the store, looking around. They were whispering something like "I wanna see Min Woo oppa and Young Min oppa today!"

I guess uncle's coffee house is famous for good looking guys huh?

"Welcome! Please take a seat here!" Min Woo ushered the girls who were giggiling away to a table. "May I take your order?" Min Woo asked with a smile. "I...I would like a  cappuccino please..." "Make that two!" The two girls who made their order were staring at Min Woo. "I'll have a cafe mocha!" The next girl chirped. Min Woo's prettey popular huh?

"_____! 2 Cappuccino and one cafe mocha!" Min Woo handed me a slip of paper. "Comin' right up!" I skillfully poured the milk on the coffee and drew a heart on each cup of coffee. "There you go!" I placed the three cups onto a tray and passed it to Min Woo. "Woah! Fast! Good job!" Min Woo patted my head.

"2 cappuccino and a cafe mocha from our new employee~" Min Woo said as he placed the coffee down. The three girls turned to look and me and they started squelling. "He's sooo cute!" "I know!" "I bet he's the new coffee prince here!" I blushed a little from hearing those comments and smiled at the girls.

The girls left after about 10 minutes of giggling.

"First day here and you're already popular huh? Not bad." Young Min patted my back slightly. "Of course he is! Such a cute face he have! It wouldn't be wierd that he's popular!" Min Woo pinched my cheek. 
"Hey! Stop what you're saying! He's getting all emberrassed!" Young Min punched Min Woo slightly on the arm. 

"Ow...okay. I'll stop! No need to hurt me!" Min Woo cried in a pout. 

"Stop playing people! Customers are coming in! Be at your best!" Uncle shouted from the cashier. 

"Sorry! Let's get going!" I apologized to uncle and started taking freshly baked scones from the oven. But I forgot to let the tray cool down before I took it out and I burned my hand. "Ow!" I dropped the tray and blew my hand to let it cool down. Min Woo rushed over and grabbed my wrist. He looked so worried and started blowing on my hand to let it cool down. "I'll get you some medication for you hand!" Min Woo dragged me to the staff room. He took a first-aid kit out and started to apply a cool medication carefully on my hot palm. He had a frown on his face when he was appliying the medication. Guess he was really worried about me huh? He then wrapped my hand with a bandage carefully. "There. All done. Be careful next time!" Min Woo ruffled my hair before leaving the room.   


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Kpopandpandalover #1
Chapter 19: This is good I love it
izam_amshah #2
Chapter 9: i love it!
Chapter 17: OMG!!!!!!! G-Dragon kayyyyyy I hope they really really fall in love with each other <3 love noooo I really love your story(^_^) hope you update soon!!!!!!!!!^^ lol
Fantastic baby (: G-Dragon saranghae <3 (>\\\<)
I will subscribe to you if you update soon! If not I will never subscribe! Just kidding! ;) I LOVE THIS STORY! I beg you please UPDATE! This story is amazing!
I'm a new reader :3 I love the story ^^ please do update soon :D hahaha I hope my feeling is wrong (that there will be a love triangle between GDragon, the girl, and Minwoo :OO!) :)) anyways, hope that everything's going well with your family now ^^ Hwaiting!~
KYYYYAAAAA!! Update update updateeeeyyyyy!!! JiYong oppa~~ >_<!! G-D is a FANTASTIC (baby) additional character~~!!!!! ^3^~~~ BUT. MINWOO!!! MINWOOMINWOOMINWOOMINWOO!!! I FREAKING NEED YOU!!! 니가필요해(K.Will's song xD)~~~!!!!!! Omo.. The pic.. How I wish that can happen to me x3.. Ahh silly dreaming ;D Anyways, i hope things that happened to you family weren't bad things!! ^^ Thanks for the update!! Can't wait for more!!(:
Sad :*< minwoo is gone...
love this story ♥ update soon ^^
Update Please :(
zette_chulah #10
what will gonna happpen in their game ??? update soon .. i'm so curious keke~
