Along the Way

Save Me

Story: Save Me, Chapter 9 - Along the Way
Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia...

"~Ve, Big Brother Spain?" Italy stood next to Romano and Spain, as everyone made their way to Austria's. Once again, Canada was being forgotten. England and France were at each others' necks yet again, and America couldn't help but stand at the sidelines, cheering it on. China stood next to Japan, discussing some pressing matters, then there was Russia who was standing off to the side. He had somehow found out, deciding to come. Not that he'd been invited, of course.

Spain looked down, meeting the Italian's eyes, as he gave a smile. "What is it, Italy?"

"Why did Austria want to see me?" Italy asked.

"Well that's a surprise, of course." Spain reached over coddling him in an embrace, leaving Italy somewhat confused and disappointed. Everyone quietly talked amongst themselves, until finally they started to approach Austria's place. France and England looked up after a moment.

"What? We're already here?" England rose an eyebrow, before letting go of his grip on France's shoulders. He smirked, running up ahead, after pushing France back.

"Hey, you jerk!" France shouted, as he caught up.

"You won't win this round, you git!" shouted England.

"Ha, we'll see about that!" France retorted, speeding up to catch up with England, racing him there.

"Go, Britain!" America cheered.

"Good grief..." muttered Germany, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"What seems to be the problem?" questioned Russia, who popped out, out of no where, startling the hell out of Germany.

"What the hell, Russia?! When did you get here?" he demanded.

"What do you mean? I've been here the whole time." Russia replied 'innocently' (Innocently? Um...yeah...something like that...)

Germany sighed, covering his forehead with his hand. "...Never mind, I'm going up ahead."

And he did just that. It left Russia a little confused, but that always seemed to happen to poor Russia. He never did seem to understand why people were so afraid of him.

"I don't understand. Did I say something wrong?" he asked Canada, who happened to be standing next to him. The ghostly nation paled.

"I-I'm sure it's nothing. I wouldn't worry too much about it..." he looked off to the side, smiling nervously. 'Yeah...Right...'

Somehow, surprisingly enough, America was the first one to make it there.

"America, when did you get here?" England questioned, taken by surprise, as he arrived at Austria's door, moments later followed by France.

"Ha, It took you long enough! You guys are so slow." America remarked, smiling.

"As if! I think you're just fast." England replied.

"For once, I have to agree;" France commented. "Obviously, we're fast because no one else is here yet."

"Anyway, shouldn't we go in?" England wanted to know.

"Not ye-" France started to say, but, as he looked up, he heard America's voice, as England knocked on the door.

"Dude, open up!" America called, knocking on the door. "Everyone's here!"

"Hey, I was talking!" shouted a very irritated France, when the rest of the nations arrived. As everyone spoke amongst themselves, Austria opened the door from inside, letting the other nations come in.

"Woah, sweet! This place is amazing!" exclaimed America, running in immediately after.

"Geez, Anything will impress that wanker..." Britain then sighed, following behind him. Italy and Germany were the last to come in.

"So I got to..." Italy had been telling Germany about a 'dream' he'd had, but the German couldn't help but wonder, based off what he'd been hearing lately regarding Italy, if this was just an act. Ha, even after all this time, he still couldn't figure the Italian out.

Italy quickly glanced around the room, taking notice of the many decorations that filled the room. "~Ve, what is all this?"

~ End of Chapter

A/N: What do ya think? Sorry about the cliff-hanger. Please Review, even if it WAS terrible.

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