In the Face of Crimson

Save Me

Story: Save Me, Chapter 13 - In the Face of Crimson

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia...nor Bleach...nor Naruto...nor Blue Exorcist...

"What the hell?! V-Veneziano!" Romano looked down at Italy's arm, then at the knife. He slowly turned his gaze to the bandage wrap, then the blood, adding two and two together. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He just couldn't. Why would Italy do something like this...? He had everything, he had so many friends, he had so much talent. It made no since. He should've been happy.

"Romano, what's wrong?!" Spain ran in behind him, accidentally running into him. As he fell back, he noticed Romano was abnormally still. Typically, he would've said something like 'Watch where you're running, bastardo!'

But he didn't. He just stood there, paralyzed.

"Hey, Romano..." then he saw Italy lying in front of Romano, and the blood. His eyes widened. "Dios mio... All this time, Italy..."

"This was my fault... This was all my fault..." it took a moment, before Spain realized Romano was crying.

"Romano..." Spain got up, about to say something, when America came in the room, along with England.

"Dudes, is everything al-" America cut himself off mid-sentence, when they saw the blood.

"Hey, what the bloody hell happened?" England demanded.

"Damn it!" Romano punched the nearby wall with full force, cursing, as he tried to hold back tears.

"Romano, stop it! You're going to hurt yourself!"

By the six time, Spain, having no other choice, stepped in to restrain him.

"Let go of me!" Romano shouted.

"America, help Spain restrain Italy's brother. I'll go get China and Japan for medical treatment." England told him, before leaving.

"...Right." America briefly averted his gaze, somehow finding himself lightly blushing. 'England seemed desperate... I've never seen him in such a panic before... It's...kinda cute.'

"Ah, what I thinking?!" America jumped, shaking his head, as he turned around. "I've got to help Spain!"

Back to England ~

England ran over to the table Japan, China, Canada, and most everyone else were at.

France, Japan, Germany, and Prussia looked up, taking notice of the worried look on his face.

What's wrong?" Germany asked, however, there was no answer.

"Kiku, Yao, I need you! It's an emergency!" England told them. China and Japan were both taken by surprise when he referred to them as their human names. They nodded, getting up to follow him.

"Hey, what happened?! Is Italy alright?!" Germany demanded, standing up. England momentarily stopped, looking back to face him.

"There's no time to explain right now! If you really want to find out, then come with us. If not, just stay." he told him. Japan and China had stopped, waiting for him. He then sighed, leading them to the bathroom. It left Germany confused, and extremely worried.

"Aren't you going?" Prussia questioned, waving his hand in front of his brother's face to snap him out of his trance. Germany looked over at him nodding.

"Oh, right. Sorry... Yes, I am." he replied.

France lied his cheek in his hand, watching them as they left the room. 'I've never heard Angleterre call anyone by their human names. This must be serious.'

By the time they got to the bathroom, Spain had managed to calm Romano down, and was now on the floor holding him in an embrace. Japan entered the room, immediately running over to Italy's side. It took him a moment, but soon enough, after seeing the knife, and the cuts on Italy's arm, everything was beginning to make since. At least most of it did. What he still didn't understand was why Italy would do something like that to himself. Italy had always seemed so happy, until three months previous to then. Could something have happened to cause him so much pain that he would even result to self-harming? 'Itary-kun...'

"Japan..." China studied his brother-figure with concern.

"Find some cloth. We've got to stop the bleeding!" said Japan.

"Right." China nodded, getting up to search the room for something that would work.

"Italy!" Germany and Prussia came in, pushing America to the side, as they ran over to Italy. America didn't say anything, for he understood how they both felt. If something like this were to happen to Canada or England, he would probably blame himself, though somehow, he did feel he was somewhat to blame for this. He didn't know why, though. He wondered if it was because he was suppose to be a hero, and because he should've been able to see through Italy's smile as he usually could, but this time he couldn't. Some of the others even seemed suspicious of the Italian, but he was too blind to notice anything.

"I found some gauze patches." China announced, bringing over a large box that was filled with different types of bandages and medicines. He handed it to Japan, who gave a small smile.

"Thank you." he thanked him, briefly taking notice of the look of worry the German beside him was giving Italy. Prussia none the less. "Let's get started."

China nodded. "Shi."

~ End of Chapter

Dios Mio - My God (Spanish)

Shi - Yes (Chinese)

A/N: What did you think? Review.

For anyone who hates UsUk, sorry, but there will be a small but pretty much blatant UsUk moment in the future, jsyk. So if you no like, you no read, kay? But to those who can at least tolerate UsUk it's not much. To those who LOVE UsUk, it was for you, my fans! ^_^

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