Silent Apologies

Save Me

Story: Save Me, Chapter 12 - Silent Apologies

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia... However, I do own the Italian pasta in my cabinet XD.

'Thank you so much...Germany, Romano, Japan, Big Brother France, and Big Brother Spain, and Austria, and...and everyone else too. I've had so much fun today, I really have. But...still...I...'

Italy sat in the bathroom contemplating his reflection in the knife in his hand. He tightly hugged himself, so badly wanting to cry. He was extremely happy that everyone was getting along, but it hurt so much to know that they were doing all of this just for him. Why did he always have to be the one other people got hurt and gave up things for? Again, as he'd remembered a while back, Germany was constantly dropping everything just to run and help him, no matter what. Several nights when he was sick, Germany was there, giving up his sleep, to watch over him and make sure that he was alright.

Romano obviously didn't like the German, but he pushed away all of his feelings of resentment, just so he could be happy. Even though he refused to admit it, most people could tell that the South Italian cared about him.

Then there was Japan; what did he really think of him? The Japanese were usually more quiet when it came to personal feelings regarding someone else, especially if those personal feelings are not exactly nice, per say. Well, typically, you could say they're more self-restrained, and not very expressive, so there's no telling if Japan and him were really friends or just companions. There is a difference.

"Why...?" he choked, holding back tears. "Why are they being so nice, just for me? It's not right... It's just not right..."

Unable to restrain himself any longer, he once again contemplated his knife, then unwrapping the banage from his arm. Placing the knife's blade on his wrist, he made several deep cuts, but on the fifth one, he accidently cut too deep. His bit his lip to keep from shouting and cursing aloud, as blood gushed from his wound, running down his arm.

'W-what have I done?! I didn't mean to go that far... What should I do?! What should I do?! What should I do?! If Germany, or Roma-' he desperately looked around the room for something to cover hold down the bleeding with, but suddenly he realized he'd left the door unlocked.

'I have to lock the-' he thought, dizzily making his way over to the door. His sight was becoming blurry, as he fell to his knees, dropping the bloody knife in his hand. "N-no...I can't let them see me like this...I have to..."

An image of Holy Roman Empire smiling at him suddenly appeared in his head, causing him to trail off into silence, tears now freely leaking from his eyes. "...Holy Roman Empire... G-grandaddy Rome... Romano... Big Brother Spain... Big Brother France... Germany... Brother Prussia I'm sorry..."

"What the hell?!" was the last words he heard before the world around him went black.

(A/N: Ok, would someone please tell me what Italy calls Prussia? I know Prussia calls Italy 'Italy-chan', but I'm wanting to know what Italy refrerrs to Prussia as, 'cause I can't find it anywhere, and I don't watch Hetalia in English Sub, so please, will someone help me...?)

Previously, with the other Nations...

At least ten minutes had passed by now. Prussia had finally quit singing and came over to talk to talk to his brother. Germany was becoming rather impatient, along with Romano, who was setting with his arms folded, and bouncing his leg. Spain and France seemed to be becoming quite worried, and both Canada and Japan kept nervously figiting with their hand, as Russia seemed a little too close for comfort.

"Hey, hasn't Italy been gone for some time?" questioned America.

"I agree." replied England, nodding, as he folded his arms. "It has been a while..."

"Da." Russia smiled. "It does seem strange."

"Shouldn't someone check on him...?" Canada asked, holding his bear tightly.

Romano's eye brow twitched, in irritation. He knew they were basically asking him to check on his brother.

"Screw it, I'll ing go." he grumbled, geting up.

Why couldn't they've just asked him to do so in a more pleasant way? Why did nations such as Russia and some of the others have to be such asses?

Reaching up to the Bathroom door, he heard a loud thump. His heart sunk, as he immediately opened the door. "...Eh, Venezeiano?"

His eyes widened in shock, as he looked around the room. There were drops of blood here and there on the floor.

'What happened here?', he wondered, gazing down, before his breath caught in his throat when he saw Italy lying on the floor in front of him a pile of his own blood. His left arm was filled with too many scars to count. Big and small, opened and closed. Then he saw the knife. "What the hell?! Veneziano!"

~ End of Chapter

A/N: What did you think? What will Romano's reaction be to all this? How will he, and everyone else feel? Read and find out. Review.

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