
Save Me

Story: Save Me, Chapter 5, Promises

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia.

Germany sat in his office, having been unable to focus on practically anything, except for the thoughts that kept making their way to his head. He couldn't even really call that focused. More like wrapped up in his own thoughts. He contemplated the incident from a week before, when his brother stepped in the room. He looked up.

"Prussia, why are you here?" he questioned. Prussia rose an eyebrow, scoffing.

"What the hell kind of greeting is that?!" Prussia retorted. "What, an awesome guy like me has to have a reason for coming to visit his little brother?! When I came all the way here just to see you, you should be little more grateful."

Germany would've normally put up some kind of argument about him coming so unexpectedly, but he didn't. Truth was, he wasn't in the mood for hardly anything, and he couldn't stop thinking about Italy, so much that it hurt.

"You're right, I'm sorry." he finally said. Prussia choked on his spit at his brother's out-of-character response. He stared at him, dumbfounded for a moment, before speaking his thoughts. Even a blind person could tell that Germany was not acting himself. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

No reply. Germany said nothing.

"Hey, I was talking to you!" Prussia shouted, waving his hand hysterically in front of the other's face. "Aren't you even listening?!"

"I'm sorry, I seem to be distracted today." Germany admitted.

"Damn right!" Prussia remarked, before growing more serious. "So what that hell's been eating you? You've been acting weird all week!"

Germany got up, his eyes downcast, as he refused to look Prussia in the eye. An eerie silence settled between the two, for a moment. Germany then stepped back, looking out the window. "Prussia, can we please avoid this discussion?"

Prussia was silent for a moment before speaking again. "It's Ita isn't it?"

Germany grew tense as Prussia mentioned the Italian. Prussia looked down, deep in thought. Germany sighed.

"I want to help him..." he finally said. "but he doesn't want me to, so I continue to ask myself, 'What can I do for him...?' How can I help him...?"

Prussia momentarily averted his gaze, before shrugging. "I'm not the best with this kind of thing, you know, but you should do what you see fit." he told him honestly.

Germany briefly met his gaze, before sighing. "I shall find a way to fix this, however it may be..."

With that, Germany left the room.

~ End of Chapter

A/N: What did you think? Review. Sorry, this one was a lot short. Sorry if it's kind of a bad chapter idea. I had to get some development in between Prussia and Germany somehow or another, so here it is ^_^

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