Confronting the Feelings

Save Me

Story: Save Me, Chapter 16 - Confronting the Feelings

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia

It had been several hours. Even more-so than before, Germany and Romano were becoming extremely antsy. Everyone was becoming slightly worried about their state of mind. Prussia kept waving his hand in Germany's face to snap him out of his thoughts. It was really beginning to annoy him, and worry him at the same time. It was distracting Japan as well, as he'd never seen Germany worry so much before.

"Japan, is something wrong?"

Japan looked back over to meet the eyes of China, before shaking his head.

"Iie, I'm fine." he shook his head, as he stood up. "I'm going to talk to Germany-san."

"...I see." said China, a worried expression on his face. He could tell that Japan was upset, even though he said otherwise.

'Why won't you ever talk to me, anymore?' he wondered, as Japan went over to speak to Germany, who was sitting next to the sleeping Italian..'You can trust me."

"Germany-san," said nation looked up for the first time in practically decades.

"Oh, Japan, it's you." Germany replied, before looking away again.

"I'm sure Itary-kun will wake up soon." Japan told him, giving a small, but reassuring smile.

"...Ja, I believe he will, too." Germany agreed after a moment.

The others knew they couldn't stay forever. They were nations; they had a job, and that was to represent their country. It wasn't like they could just call in, and say they couldn't make it like normal humans.

"Mes chers, I would love to stay here until Italy wakes up, but unfortunately, I can't." said France. England sighed.

"France is right..." he reluctantly admitted. "We are nations after all. We can't just sit around, sipping tea, unfortunately."

After a moment, everyone reluctantly nodded in agreement and eventually left, promising to come back in a few days. Romano, Spain, America, Germany, Japan, and Prussia, on the other hand, all refused.

"America?" England placed a hand on America's shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, sorry, I think I'm going to stay a little longer." America smiled, pointing at himself. "After all, I'm a hero, and a hero's job is to make sure everyone is okay."

England smiled, regretfully placing a hand over his face. 'What a wanker...'

He knew there was no point in trying to tell him otherwise, for after America's mind was made up, it was made up. No questions.

"Fine, fine. I'm going then." he said, turning around.

"Oh, England," England stopped at the doorway, but said nothing, as he waited for him speak.

"I-" the American started to say, but cut himself off, as he shook his head. "No, it's nothing."

He knew was no need to say thanks, as England probably already knew what he was thinking.

"I see..." said England, before leaving.

After everyone else had left, Spain looked up as Romano pulled up a chair setting next to Germany at Italy's bedside. The German seemed somewhat surprised, along with Prussia, but they said nothing.

"Hey, Potato Bastard... I don't understand my brother, but I think it's safe to assume he likes you." Romano finally muttered. "I don't have a clue as to why, though. But anyway... I think you may be the only one capable of getting through to him. And that's why..."

He looked away before continuing. "That's why I'm telling you that you'd better take care of my fratello, got it?"

"Awww, little Roma cares~" Spain hugged Romano, causing him to blush.

"Sh-shut up!" he retorted, but didn't really resist his hugs.

Japan thought for a moment, before looking up at Germany.

"Germany-san, I probably should've told you this before, but I've talked to Itary-kun about his feelings before, and I did know he likes you, but do you feel the same?" Japan questioned.

"Yeah, West. Do you?" Prussia elbowed his brother curiously.

Germany looked at Japan thoughtfully. Did he like Italy? The thought of losing him was more than anything he could bear, yet it gave him feelings he'd never felt before, which hurt so bad. More than anything, he wanted to protect the Italian. More than anything, he wanted to be there with him. And more than anything else, he wanted to embrace him, and for Italy to want the same. Could it be love? He was almost certain it was. He only wished he'd recognized sooner. If it weren't for his blindness, then this probably wouldn't have happened, he was sure.

He nodded, looking back over at Italy, as he gave a small nod. "Ja, I guess I do."

A/N: What did you think? Sorry, this ones so short. I have my reasons though. Anyway, please review...

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