Fooling Around

Save Me

Story: Save Me, Chapter 10 - Fooling Around

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia.

"~Ve, what is all this?" Italy questioned, looking around the room. Suddenly he was being hugged by Spain.

"Surprise!" everyone cheered. Even Romano joined them, however was much quieter, and practically unnoticed, except by Italy and Spain.

"Mon Cher, we thought we'd do something special for you." France explained, giving a warm smile.

"Si, there are so many people who care for you, and wanted you to have some fun." said Spain. "Even Romano came."

"Well, It's not like I had a choice. I couldn't just set back and do nothing, could I?" Romano, averted his gaze, as he looked away, trying to hide the fact that he cared. This earned him a loving hug from Spain.

"Aww, isn't that just so cute? Little Roma cares, after all ~" the Spaniard grinned.

"I do not! G-get off me, bastardo!" Romano retorted, pushing him off.

"Thank you, Romano." Italy smiled, then looked back up at Germany. "Germany, did you already know about this?"

Germany gazed down at him for a moment, before scratching the back of his head. "Ja. I did."

"What about you, Japan?" Italy then turned his attention to Japan, who nodded.

"Hai. Three days ago, France-san informed me of it." he told him.

"...Oh..." Italy wanted to say something in reply, but wasn't certain what. He was feeling a mixture of different feelings that he couldn't fully comprehend. He was happy that they cared enough to throw him a party, yet, at t same time, it made him sad because they were going through all that trouble just for him.

"Italy...?" Germany reached up to place a hand on Italy's shoulder. Italy immediately looked back up, smiling to assure them that he was fine.

"~Ve, sorry , I guess I spaced out there a bit." Italy scratched the back of his head, smiling. However, France, Germany, and several others studied him strangely. It was as obvious as day that it was a facade, but...

Realizing most everyone's attention was turned to him, he quickly thought of something to say. "So, um, guys, what are we going to do?"

Seriously? Was that all he could think of?Well, it was better than nothing, he supposed. At least good enough to pull their attention away from him, that is.

"That's a good question." commented China after a moment. "I was just wondering that myself, Aru."

"Da, I agree with China." Russia replied.

"So, what can we do?" questioned Britain, everyone then turning their attention to Austria, who sighed in return, before explaining where everything was. England was immediately dragged off somewhere by America at the mention of 'burgers'. After a moment, Spain placed a hand on Romano's head, smiling.

"You guys, let's go do some fun Karaoke." Spain suggested. "What do you say?"

"No thanks..." Germany grumbled.

"For once, I actually agree with the Potato Bastard." said Romano, causing the German to sweat drop at the insult, as he practically always did. "There's no way you're getting me to sing. Especially not here."

"Aww, you make me feel special, little Romano~ I'm the only one you've ever sang to, after all. And I think you have a great voice." Spain grinned, earning an elbow in the stomach from said Italian. Romano looked away, blushing brightly.

"But you don't have to if you don't want..." Spain choked, tightly clutching his stomach.

"I wouldn't mind doing some singing." France volunteered.

"Nor I." said China. "It's been a while since I've done this kind of thing, aru. What about you, Japan?"

Japan averted his gaze nervously. "Um, well... I-"

Italy took him by the hand, smiling. "Come on Japan, it'll be fun!"

"I, um, wait a moment! I declare this is invasive to my personal space." poor Japan obviously didn't want to sing. Well, can't blame him, but it's not like there was much he could do now, considering that he had France, Spain, and Italy at his tail.

"Can I sing?" Canada asked, quietly. Russia looked over after a moment.

"Seems they didn't hear you." he smiled. Much to Russia's surprise, Canada seemed slightly irritated.

"I can see that." he said. Boy, Russia certainly did love pushing other people's buttons, didn't he...?

~ End of Chapter

A/N: What did you think? Please review. Sorry for the possible cliffhanger.

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