A New Hope

Save Me

Story: Save Me, Chapter 15 - A New Hope

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia

"Romano?" Romano looked up to meet the Spaniard's eyes. Spain studied him with worry. A moment later, Romano turned away, averting his gaze. He slightly stuck his nose in the air, as if trying to act tough.

"What do you want, bastardo?" he questioned.

The Spaniard was not fooled, however. "Is everything alright?"

Romano was no longer looking up, but nor was his looking down.

"W-what are you talking about?" he stammered. "Of course it is, so mind your own damn business, why don't you?!"

Spain flinched at the Italian's abrupt comment. He seemed slightly hurt, but he refused to just leave and 'mind his own business'. Right now, he couldn't leave. In all honesty, he didn't trust Romano at the time. After all, the South Italian had picked up Italy's knife, for whatever reason, when he thought nobody was watching, when in reality, France, Japan, and himself all three saw it.

"Romano, can you look me in the eye and give me a straight and honest answer as to why you picked up Italy's knife earlier, and lied about seeing it?"

"I-I..." Romano could normally come up with fairly decent lies, but not in this case. Not to him. He hated how the Spaniard could practically read him like a book in times like these. He couldn't bring himself to look Spain in the eye, but he did something else that sort of took him by surprise. Running over to Antonio, he grabbed his sleeves, burying his head in his chest. Tears freely fell from his eyes, and he couldn't hold it back anymore. Everything came out, just like that.

"I was thinking that, maybe...this is my fault..." he told him in the midst of choked sobs. "...That, maybe, I'm to blame for what happened to Veneziano...I'd promised Granddad that I would protect him, and now look what's happened. Damn it...Damn it...Why...?"

Spain was silent at first, but, a moment later, he gave a soft smile, reaching up to place a hand on the back of Romano head. He pulled the Italian closer to his chest, then softly planted a kiss on the top of his head.

"It's okay... Please, you can't blame yourself, Romano..." he told him, smiling sadly. "If there's anyone to blame, It's Austria, France and I. They both feel the same. We haven't done our job in watching over you two like we should have. Lo siento."

"Don't apologize, bastardo..." Romano told him, pulling closer. Spain chuckled a little at his manner of showing concern.

"Okay, okay...but, still, you shouldn't have to shoulder all of this alone. After all, you have Spain the Boss with you, and your friends, too. Besides, your brother needs you more than anyone else right now... You have to stay strong for him, at least."

Romano stiffened momentarily, giving a small smile as he allowed himself to relax, and return the embrace.

"Ti amo, bastardo." he muttered quietly, half-hoping that he was too quiet for the Spaniard to hear. 'Unfortunately' for Romano, he somehow managed to catch it.

"I'm sorry? Pardon?" Spain rose an eyebrow, wondering if he'd heard right.

"Tch, hard at hearing?" Romano asked, irritably. "I said, 'Ti amo', ! ...And Grazie..."

The Italian blushed brightly as he grumbled beneath his breath. Spain's eyes slightly widened, before Antonio glomped him, now hugging and kissing him all over.

"H-hey!" Romano shouted, resisting, but not resisting (if you get my drift) his love.

"Tambien te amo, Roma~" Spain grinned. "Y de nada."

Well, that turned out well. Now, let's get back to Germany, ja?

Germany and France were quiet; a little too quiet. After what seemed like forever, America finally decided to break the silence.

"Say, Commie dude, Russia." Russia, along with everyone else turned their attention to him. "What is it, Amerika?"

"Are you hiding something from us?" America questioned.

"Why do you assume that I hold secret?" Russia replied, challenging innocently. "I suppose you're right, though. I happened to talk your friend earlier, after the meeting."

"So you know why he did this?!" America and Germany demanded in unison.

"Da," said Russia, giving a small nod. "but I think it would be best to hear what he has to say first."

"But, we-"

America was silenced when Britain held out a hand in front of him. The American looked over at him in confusion. "England, I..."

"As much as I hate to admit it, Russia's right." England sighed averting his gaze. "Italy may have told Russia things he trusted him with, but he didn't want everyone else knowing about."

For a second America was reluctant, but then realized England was right.

Russia smiled again. "England's smarter than he looks, da?"

England glared at the Russian, in agitation. America sighed, before momentarily smirking. "I guess you're right, England."

"Yes, all we can do is wait, and hope for the best, unfortunately..." France commented.

"That's true, but when he wakes up, we have to let him know how much we care, right guys?" Everyone was surprised when they turned to see Canada look so...determined. "He has to know he's not alone, and that we're here for him."

A moment of silence.

"Dudes, who's with him?" America questioned, raising a hand. England rose a hand but said nothing.

"What says I can't swallow my pride to help my brother, of course I'm in!" Romano rose his hand, followed by Spain.

"I want to help as well if I can." he smiled.

"Itary-kun needs us. Just as he's helped us, I shall help him." Japan added.

"Ita is important to me. There's no way I'd say, 'no' to helping him." Prussia declared.

"There's something I must tell Italy myself." Germany replied. "So I'm in, as well."

People kept adding, and by the time they were done, everyone had raised their hand, even Russia.

"Once he wakes up, let's all remind him of our bond as nations, and that he shouldn't have to carry that burden alone. Let's let him know there are so many people who care for him, and that they wouldn't be the same without him." said America.




"Hell yeah!"






~ End of Chapter

A/N: What did you think? Hope you liked it. Review. Hurray for Canada! :)

Tambien te amo, Roma- I love you too, Roma~ (Spanish)

Y de nada - and you're welcome (Spanish)

Ti amo - I love you. (Italian)

Hao - Okay (Chinese)

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