
Save Me

Story: Save Me, Chapter 6 - Recollection

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia...

At the conference room.

"Italy...?" Italy looked over to meet the kind eyes of France.

"B-big brother France, I..." Italy started to say, but trailed off into silence, curious as to why France had called him out. He smiled at Italy, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Do you mind meeting me at Austria's later?" he wanted to know. At first Italy was skeptical and reluctant, but after think about it, he kind of missed the old days, and Austria, and Hungary, and... he smiled sadly. Holy Roman Empire...

"I something wrong?" France questioned, worriedly, snapping him out of his thoughts. Italy looked back up smiling.

"No it's nothing, and I've decided to come." he told him.

"Wonderful." France beamed, nodding."I see you there then."

"Si." Italy nodded, as France went on up ahead, before he, himself, made his way to meeting place. America, England, France, and Germany were already waiting when he got there. However, it appeared as thought he wasn't the last to get there, because some of the others hadn't arrived yet either. As Italy took a seat next to Germany, America spoke.

"Okay, now that everyone's here, lets start the-"

"Ahem." France interrupted him, bringing silence to the room.

"Da, I do not believe everyone is here yet, Amerika." said Russia. "I think we should wait."

"Okay, so who exactly are we missing?" America wanted to know.

"Has anyone seen Japan?" Germany asked.

"China hasn't arrived yet, either." Russia added.

"Um, nor has Spain." announced Italy.

"1...2...3...Aren't we forgetting someone?" England mused, gazing around, scanning the room.

"Hey, dudes, where's Canada?" America questioned.

"I have to wonder, myself." Russia replied, a dark smile plastered on his face, as a hand slowly waved at his side.

"I right here, guys..." At hearing a familiar soft and meek voice speak, everyone immediately felt pity for poor Canada. Once again, Russia had 'unknowingly' sat on him yet again.

"Russia, get off of Canada." said England, Russia's dark grin only growing.

"And if I refuse...?"

Agitated, England sent the communist nation one of his trademark 'death glares', however, Russia remained unphased, and somewhat amused. He knew the bastard was testing his patience, and it really ticked him off. Russia just loved pushing people's buttons, didn't he? "I don't think you really want to know..."

To say the least, Russia's expression got ten times more disturbing; Ten times darker, and ten times scarier. He seemed to be having fun. "Oh, but I do..."

Needless to say, what little patience England once had was now gone. He mentally snapped, contemplating what spell or chant could take care of this little...'issue'. He was on the verge of getting rid of a certain nation, when China and Japan finally arrived, shortly after, followed by Spain.

"~Oh, they're here." Russia smiled yet again, getting up.

"Lo siento." Spain apologized, nervously scratching the back of his head.. "Hope we didn't keep you waiting too long."

"Hai," Japan nodded. "Sorry we're so late... There was some important business we had to take care of."

"Yes, but now we're here." added China. England thought for a moment, before shrugging.

"I see. Since you're not France, I trust you, just hurry up and take your seat..." said England.

"What was that suppose to mean, you jerk?" France demanded, as England sighed.

"You do remember the last time you came in late, right?" he reminded him. "You said you were running an important task for the sake of your country, and come to find out, you were actually taking pictures of yourself."

"That was for the sake of my country, you moron!" France retorted. "People might would die if it weren't for my beautiful face being there save their day."

Germany coughed.

"Save their day...? I think you mean "tarnish their life..." he muttered, causing Italy to laugh a laugh a little.

"Do you want to defile your people's minds?!" England demanded.

"For your information, It's not called 'defiling', you pig!"

"Look who's talking, e!"


"THAT IS ENOOOOOUGH!" The whole room grew silent, as Germany slammed his hands on the table to get their attention. After a moment, he sat back down, sighing.

England and France, who were now scuffling on the floor, stopped immediately to look up at him. After a moment, England got up, brushing off his shirt and pants,

"I must apologize for my behavior. That was a little uncharacteristic of a gentleman."

France sighed. "I guess I did overdo it a little.

Finally, they returned to their seats, and once everyone was settled and ready, they began the meeting, starting off with the topic of world trade. Italy wasn't really paying attention though, as he kept catching himself staring off into space. Germany looked over at Italy, taking notice of how pale his skin was.

"Italy...?" Germany whispered, startling Italy, who looked up to meet his eyes.

"Holy Ro-" he stopped mid-word, before speaking again. "G-Germany..." Italy immediately looked away, mentally cursing himself for what he almost did just then. He made the mistake of seeing Holy Rome in Germany yet again. Why did that have to keep happening? They weren't the same person, and they never would be. Germany was Germany, but...that look of concern... That gentle face... that soft voice, it was...his. No! What was he thinking?! Germany's voice belonged to Germany alone; nobody else's. But...

"Italy...? Is something wrong?" he jumped yet again, looking back up at Germany.

"Oh, sorry, Germany. I'm fine." he said reassuringly. "I'm just feeling a little sick is all. I'll be back in a minute."

Before Germany could do anything to stop him, Italy had already left the room. Unknowingly, both Japan and Russia had heard everything.

~ End of Chapter

A/N: What reason did Russia have to listen in on their conversation. Does he possibly care, or is it just mere coincidence? And what words of encouragement might our friend have if he does by chance care. More importantly, why is it that France asked our little Italy to meet him Austria's house? Could he maybe know something that most of the other nations don't? Read to find out, and review (if you will).

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