Wishing on a Star

Save Me

Story: Save Me, Chapter 3 - Wishing on a Star

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia

Romano was lying on the couch, on the verge of dozing off, when there was a sudden knock on the front door. At first, he made no attempt to move, but after hearing it again, he reluctantly got up.

"Hold your damn horses, I'm coming." he muttered, reaching up to the door knob, when he heard Italy's voice. That's when he realized how late it was. It was was already dark out.

"Where the have you been?! Why are you so late?!" he demanded to know, trying to hide the fact that he was actually quite concerned.

"Ah, sorry, Romano. I was with America." Italy told him, faking a smile. For a brief second, Romano's eyes softened, before turning around, sighing. "Sorry I-"

"Whatever..." Romano interrupted. "Just get in, already..."

"S-Si..." Italy nodded, immediately making his way to the bathroom, leaving Romano slightly bemused, as he'd never seen his brother in such a rush before.

'What the hell's with him?' Unless he was running away, Italy was not the type to be so anxious. Then again, what did he know? He scoffed. "Idiot brother..."

'The same routine again...' thought Italy, giving a sad smile, as he grabbed the knife from in his pocket, contemplating his reflection in it's blade. He then unwrapped the bloodied bandage on his arm, throwing it away. Stepping into the shower, he thought back to earlier that day.

"Um, America?" America looked over at Italy, grinning.

"Hm? What is it?" he questioned.

Italy hesitated for a moment, looking down. "...If you fell in love with someone, then that person left and promised you they'd come back, but they never did. Should you keep waiting for that person? And what if you started falling in love with someone else? What would you do, then?"

America looked at him, slightly confused. "It's hard to say. Why do you ask?"

Italy smiled. "It's nothing, I'm just curious."

America studied his expression for a moment, before looking up at the sky. "It's hard to say... I would first ask myself if I really did love the first person, and if I did, I would then ask myself, 'If they loved me, wouldn't they just want me to happy?', and I would realize it was okay." America said, gazing back over at Italy.

"Ah, I see..." said Italy, smiling softly, as he looked away. "America, do you have someone you...love?"

"Well, you could say that..." America's trademark grin faded, as he thought it over. "I only want for that person to be happy, because they're very important to me. That's why, no matter what, I'll always try to be there for them as they will for me. We're nations, so we'll fight every now and then, but that doesn't mean we can't help each other, too."

America then looked at Italy, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I think you should do the same. If they really love you, they'll be there for you, and just as they'll play their part, you'll have to play your part in being there for them. And from personal experience, dude, I'm telling you this. If you want them to be there for you, you have to allow them to be there for you."

He smiled sadly, once again contemplating his reflection on the knife in his hand. He knew America was right, and it hurt just that much more, because he, himself, was the one who was at fault for this. He didn't want their help. If Germany, Romano, or anyone else were to find out what he was secretly doing to himself, they would probably be disappointed in him, he was certain.

Besides, Germany didn't like him like that. They were just friends, right? How could he like someone like him? He was just a coward, for one. He was weak, and had no talents, while Germany had everything. Strength, guts, power...

He felt so stupid, having such feelings for someone so much above his level. Still, he wanted so badly to be able to embrace Germany, and for him to want and feel the same as well. But that was just like wishing on a star...

~ End of Chapter

A/N: Sorry if America was kinda OOC in your opinion, but you have to admit that even he his moments... You may also notice that I used some references to HetaOni in this, and more to come. Of course, however though, this ISN'T a HetaOni fanfic. Anyway, review, if you'd be so kind. (^(..)^)

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