Two is One

Save Me

Story: Save Me, Chapter 4 - Two is One

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia, Bleach, Naruto, Black Butler, or Blue Exorcist, or Death Note....

Romano stood at the bathroom door, his arms folded, as he pondered his brother's recent behaviors. He could easily tell that Italy was hiding something, but what? He used to not be the type to take showers even every other day, but there lately, he wouldn't rest until he had at least two showers a day. Aside from that, the faint smell of blood that lurked in the air every time after Italy took a shower only increased his suspicions. Not only that, but he'd also taken notice of the quick usage the bandages and bandage wrap, and how fast they had been going down.

It pissed him off, because there were so many other things on top on that, that could take all day; all week, to ponder. It wasn't until Italy stepped out, that he stepped in to discover a few drops of blood on the carpet. It looked as though there was an attempt to scrub it up, but a small amount of it remained. Romano clenched his fists, letting his bangs fall in his eyes. He swore to himself that he would find out what the hell his little brother was trying to hide, even if he had pry it out of him. He had to admit that he hated to see Italy acting like this, and since he was technically Italy as well, he could somewhat feel his suffering.

'This is bad...' thought Italy, stepping in his room, tears in his eyes. 'I got blood on the on the floor... What if Romano saw it? What if he asks about it? What should I say? What should I do? This is bad...'

Tears slowly made their way down his cheeks, and, though he tried desperately to hold them back, it only caused him to cry more.

About an hour passed by, when Romano called from the kitchen. "Hey, Veneziano, get in here! Dinners done!"

Italy remained silent and made no attempt to move. He wasn't really hungry at the time, even though he hadn't eaten in several days. In fact, to be honest, the thought of food was making him sick. He wondered if it had something to do with his cutting, and the loss of blood in his system.

"Hey, did you hear me?!" Romano called again, agitation present in his voice. "I said that dinners done!"

When he still didn't reply, he then heard footsteps as Romano approached his door. He immediately closed his eyes as if though he were asleep, hoping by any chance Romano would fall for it and leave him be. Unfortunately, for him, Romano wasn't fooled. He reached down, and happened to touch Italy's bandaged arm. Italy flinched at contact, considering how raw his skin now was in that area.

"Tell me, why are you doing this to yourself, dammit?!" Romano demanded. "Why are starving yourself?! You've haven't eaten in five days! What the hell do you think you're trying to accomplish?!"

After Italy said nothing, Romano sighed. Veneziano, say my name."

Italy, was, to say the least, a little confused by what he'd just asked. Finally, he softly muttered, "...Ro-Romano."

"My full name."




"Now say your name." Romano said, softer this time.


"You see, I'm Italy too, just like you, so don't you dare push me away, got it? We're both in this together. There's not a single feeling that you can feel, that I can't understand. "

"Hey, what are you-?" Romano started to say, as he was tightly hugged by Italy.

"Romano..." Italy said, tears once again forming in his eyes. "Thank you for caring..."

'I'm sorry, though, I just can't stop myself from having those thoughts and feelings. I want to stop so bad, for you, and Germany, and Japan, but I...'

~ End of Chapter

A/N: What did you think? Please Review, even though Romano is somewhat OOC. I tried my best with his 'caring brother'-side.

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