Watashi-tachi wa Nakama da

Save Me

Story: Save Me, Chapter 18 (Final) - Watashi-tachi wa nakama da

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia.

Romano was becoming to say the least, extremely irritated, the only reason hadn't done anything irrational was because of Spain's cursed influence. As annoying as it was to admit it, he just wanted to know his was okay. But, who was he to speak...? He was one of the few who had know Italy was suffering, yet he could do nothing to help him. Instead, it'd been left up to the German bastard to do so.

Damn, he sounded so pathetic, musing over the matter like some child, even though...It was true, wasn't it...?

"Mon cher, it's not you're fault, you know?" Romano was too distracted to notice the other nations come in, so it's no surprise that it scared the hell out of him when France spoke to him.

He jumped back. "What the hell, France?! Don't ing startle me like that, dammit! When did you get here anyway?!"

"He's been here for a while now, but you were so out of it that you didn't even see them come in, Romano." Spain told him. Romano was about to say something, when Germany opened the door for them, Germany didn't seem to be that surprised. That everyone was there. But he took a short moment to take it in. Most everyone turned their attention to him.

"I apologize for taking so long." he said. "You can come in now."

Italy looked up to see everyone come in.

"Holy Tomato, Thank you!" 'cursed' Romano, thankful as hell that he didn't have to wait anymore. Italy looked up to see everyone come in.

"Guys, you all came..." he mused aloud.

"Well of course we came. It's only natural that we help our fellow brethren, no?" France smiled standing beside him.

"Yes, for once, France is right." England admitted, ignoring France's muttered demands, as to what that was suppose to mean. "We're all nations, and we're all allies to some degree. So no matter how matter how you want to put it, you're not alone."

"Hai," said Japan. Everyone now looked up. Most everyone who knew Japan had never thought him to have extreme emotions because of his supposedly emotionless face, but right now, it seemed like he was anything but emotionless, which, and that, quite frankly, took most everyone by surprise. As Japan met Italy's gaze, Russia gave a smile of curiosity. They all wondered what Italy had to say.

"Itary-kun, I know I may seem indifferent sometimes, but the truth is I'm actually quite fond of you. You take me sightseeing a lot, and I always learn new things with you. Even though it may not seem like it, I've always considered you to be not only an ally, a very important a very important friend as well. So please," he paused momentarily, gently holding Italy's hand. "You're too great of a person to be hurting yourself like this. Please, trust us for once. Watashi-tachi wa nakama da."

Japan gave a warm smile to Italy, who couldn't keep from crying. It was one of the only times he'd seen Asain smile. America then wrapped an arm over Japan's shoulder.

"That's right. You're an awesome dude. You've got friends, and you've got the hero as well." Pointing at himself, he grinned. "You're not alone. We're all here for you."

Yeah, Ita!" Prussia chimed. "West was in shambles when you started acting like that."

"Prussia, I was not in shambles!" Germany retorted, interrupting him, but the slight cracking in his voice and look of frustration on his face told otherwise.

"Well, more or less." Prussia smiled, waving it off, before once again meeting the Italian's eyes. "Anyway. What I'm saying is he cares for you, just we all do, and we think you're an awesome person, so don't so let anyone convince you otherwise, cause I'll have to kick their if they do."

"For once, you should listen to Prussia." Everyone looked up to see Hungary and Austria coming in the door.

"Miss Hungary, and Mr. Austria, I..." Italy spoke, unsure of what to say.

Hungary smiled sadly, as she approached him, holding his other hand. "Look around you, Italy. You have so many people who care. think of all the people you're hurting, by doing that to yourself."

A moment of silence, passed by as Italy gazed away.

"Aside from what Hungary said. I don't approve of someone trying to do everything on their own, when they have friends who are willing to shoulder the burden with them. If it isn't for that, then what are friends there for?"

"Um..." everyone looked over at Romano, who blushed a little. He awkwardly scratched his arm, averting his gaze. "Veneziano, I know I may seem like an to you sometimes, but the truth is I don't know what I'd do if something were to happen to you. Grazie for being there, and putting up with me for so long."

He grew quieter, his face growing even redder. "T-ti voglio bene, mio fratello..."

(sorry that was quite out of char of Romano. at least I think. XP)

"Si, everyone is here for you, Italy." Spain smiled, speaking up. "We all care about you."

"Da." Russia smiled. "Spain is right, We are friends, isn't that right everybody?"

Everyone nodded.

"Shi," said China. "You are a good person Italy. Prosper and become strong, aru. But you should always that we're friends. Italy looked around the room, at each and every nation around him, tears freely streaming down his cheeks. "You guys... Thank you so much... I just..."

"What's wrong?" questioned France, with worry, as Italy reached up a hand covering his face.

"I'm just..." Italy looked back up smiling. "I'm just...so happy..."

France then smiled. "Honhonhonhonhon, oh I see..."

Italy was then pulled into a warm embrace by the Frenchman. "Feeling better, no?"

"Si. Grazie, everyone."

'Everyone's here for me. All of my friends, and allies...Romano, Big Brother France, Big Brother Spain, and even the Holy Roman Empire and Granddaddy Rome are watching over me. I'm not alone. Why didn't I rely on them sooner? What are friends and family there for?'

"Um, guys I hate to spoil the moment, but... Aren't we forgetting someone...?" England wondered.

"Da, I believe so too..." Russia smiled innocently. Underneath him now lay poor Canada, who had once again been forgotten. He meekly averted his gaze, 'How Ironic... I'm right here... and I'm Canada...'

~ End of Story

A/N: What did you think? I had a lot of fun writing this, guys. Some people said the original ending was a bit rushed (Thanks for the advice, btw), and I personally agree, so I decided to add some more to the end.

Ti voglio bene, mio fratello - I love you, my brother. (Italian)

Grazie - Thank you. (Italian)

Nakama - Comrade (Japanese)

Watashi-tachi wa nakama da - We are friends/ We are comrades. (Japanese)

Honhonhonhonhon - Naturally, this is just France being France. (A.K.A., his erted laugh...thingy... XD

gracias, grazie, domo arigatou gozaimasu, merci, danke, and thank you!~

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