Chapter 6

You are my Inspiration

In school...

"Hyung where were you the past few days? Always MIA(Missing In Action)" Ken asked when he saw N in school in the morning.

"I.. I was just busy. What's up?" N said. Well... He didn't wanna let anyone know about the relationship yet. Just in case it spreads and the whole school knows about it. Ken is not a good secret keeper.

During lunch break, N went to Leo's class to look for him and give him the lunch box he had prepared. Ever since they got together, N has woke up earlier in the morning in order to prepare lunch for Leo. N was about to enter the class when he heard Leo talking to someone. On the phone. "You better make sure you find out who did that. I don't want Cha Hakyeon to get hurt again. Whoever hurt him will suffer and pay for what they have done! YOU HEARD ME?!" Leo shouted into the phone. (No one was in class during lunch break) N was shocked that Leo actually used this tone and shouted at someone. But at the same time, he felt happy that Leo cared so much for him. N entered the class and Leo saw him. "Hey Leo!" N said, smiling at Leo. "Hey... Baby~" Leo said while pulling N for a kiss. N's heart fluttered and face was red when he heard what Leo called him.

"What are you doing here N?" Leo said while hugging N by his waist. "Oh! I prepared lunch for you!" N giggled while handing the lunch box to N.

"Awwww~ Thank you my baby~" Leo said. When Leo took the lunch box from N, he noticed that there were several plasters on N's fingers. "N... What happened to your fingers?" Leo asked with concern.

"Ummm... Nothing Leo! Is.. I ummm accidentally injured myself while cutting... cutting umm paper!" N lied. But of course, Leo knows N so well that he knows when N is lying and when he was saying the truth. "Baby, no lying to me~ Did you injured yourself while cooking for me?" Leo said. N nodded. He didn't want Leo to worry. Leo pulled N to sit on his lap, and kissed the fingers that were injured. N blushed. "Leo-ahh~" N said. He was a little surprised that Leo actually did this. Leo smiled and asked N to feed him. N smiled and said "Okay~"

After lunch break, N went back to his class and for the whole day, he can't stop thinking about how sweet Leo was. He started smiling to himself. Suddenly he felt a book hitting his head. He turned around and saw Ken trying to wake him up to the reality. "Hyung, wake up and stop smiling to yourself! Its creepy!" Ken whispered so that the teacher will not hear anything.

After school..

"Hyung! You joining me and Ravi for a drink tonight?" Ken asked. "No you guys go ahead! I have something on." N said and ran off. Leo send him a message that says that he was going over to N's house today. So N have to go home and prepare dinner for the both of them. N rent a flat and lives alone since he parents died.

At 7pm, N's doorbell rang and N opened the door for Leo to come in. "Wait Leo! Let me get the noodles out first!" N said while running(?) to the kitchen. Leo smiled and follow N to the kitchen. He stood behind N and hugged him from the back by the waist. "Leo ah what are you doing? There's fire here." N said, hoping that Leo will released the hug. N can't do anything when Leo hugged him like this. Leo only tightened his grip on N's waist and kissed N's neck. "Yeonnie~" Leo said in a sweet tone. "You smell nice... I like it~" N blushed really hard. Whenever Leo calls him "baby" or any other short names, he will feel shy and blushed really hard. Leo didn't stop hugging N. In fact, he placed his chin on N's shoulders. (A/N: Imagine it! <3)

During dinner, Leo will do small sweet gestures like helping N to wipe his mouth and feeding him. It's something new to Leo as well. Leo didn't do all this last time since he never gotten into a relationship or fell in love with anyone before. This was his first love. The couple sat on the bed side after dinner and both of them talked about what happened in school. Then N confessed something.

"Leo ah~ Umm.. something happened today... A guy from my class.. his name is Minhyuk... He confessed to me about his love for me." Upon hearing this, Leo tensed up. He looked at N, without saying a thing. N continued "He... he also... ummm... gave me kiss... on my lips.." N said softly. He knows Leo is very sensitive about this kind of thing. But he didn't wanna keep it from Leo, since Leo is his boyfriend. He has the right to know. "So.. you like him too?" Leo finally speaked up. "NO!" N immediately replied. "I only love you Leo! Only youuu! I am sorry!! But since you are my boyfriend, you have the right to know. Trust me Leo, I only love you!" N said while grabbing onto Leo's hand. He was afraid that Leo will leave him.. He hate to be abandoned..

Leo didn't say anything, but pinned N to the bed and kissed him on his lips. Not gentle but rough. As if he was telling the whole world that Cha Hakyeon belong to him. N kissed back. "Cha Hakyeon. Your lips belongs to me. Everytime someone kissed you, I will kissed you back. Twice as much as how much that person kiss you. That means, one kiss from that person, two kisses from me. 100 kisses from those people, 200 kisses from me. You get it?" Leo said while starring at N. N nodded.

"And I will never leave you.. Because... I love you Cha Hakyeon. Always remember that~ I will make sure you are my first and also my last." With this, Leo kissed N again, every part of N's body. From the lips, to the chin, to the neck~

That night, Leo slept at N's house and hugged N tightly. He did not want N to leave him. N looked at Leo. "Saranghae Leo~ You are the one I love. The only one. Saranghae~" N said softly before snuggling into Leo's embrace.

Another chapter! ^^ Hope you guys enjoy reading so far! :) Do comment! I would want to know how you feel too! If you guys have any ideas, can also let me know! xD Have a good night and sweet dreams! <3

~xoxo, xuaNNNNN ^^

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Chapter 43: Chap 43 is not the end, rt? I know this story stopped at 2015, but still i want u to write Neo couple more, i need their fluffy relationship back!
Chapter 43: There are so much fluff and love in the air authornim, like it much, can you make the sequel and please write it longer authornim, I am craving neo so much...heheehe
keep writing authornim, hwaiting^^9
Hi Guys! Thank you for your constant support for reading! ^^ I will update more fanfics and do sent in your request! <3
joanna20 #4
Chapter 43: Its an awesome story!
priscila2909 #5
Chapter 43: yeah.. happy ending right??? congratulation author-nim, you finished a wonderful story
suju-blue-elf #6
Chapter 41: So! Just finished my marathon!! Yeeey !! General comment: so as I said before this story is great but steal lacking in some points, I know u couldn't do otherwise with all the request, but at some points i feel that the events are too fast and there is kind of a small repetition but I still like it, this kind of stories have their style and it's enjoyable to read this kind of stories some tiles and as a request, don't know as I said in my 1st comment, it was supposed to be a raven date but then we don't know what happened after so can u please do a raven moment? I mean to explain their actual state. and i'll also request some ideas for u: 1st: (not really a request) where the hell is hongbin *-* XD 2nd: u should add the tag fluff and angst because, yes! 3rd: I understand the reason why the title is u're my inspiration and personally it doesn't bother me but for someone (who is maybe new in all this fanfic thing or maybe else) when u get more immersed in the story u'll find that the story don't really have a link with the title, until here i mean, bcz yes i know u might be doing an event clarifying it later... -3- I think it's all so I hope u don't find my comment rude(?) bcz yes, it's the first time I comment openly my opinion bcz I just felt like telling you this and stuff, ok i'll go, again sorry if i sounded rude (plz tell me if i did ><) and yes, waiting for update and Neo and as I said, this story is good :D !!
PS: now it feels like slam dank XDDDDDDDDDDD *slaps her self* get back to ur sense Mingi....
suju-blue-elf #7
Chapter 34: This story is so good :3 short and simple but good! Neo are just so sweet, and don't know why but even though I don't like the idea of taekjin being together with N I just fangirl over their moments sometimes... And yes I just wish they'll be together again... And for Raven, dunnu if I skipped an episode but, what is their actual relation ship *-* I'm confused. Guess I'll know when I continue reading -.- And yes you just remebered me of skip beat in the last sentence, the box & demon thing :D ttoggateun!!