Chapter 28

You are my Inspiration

"Taekwoon... We...." Hakyeon said and he knows that he will tell Taekwoon everything.

"Oppa!" Anna suddenly barged in and interrupted the conversation.

Both Hakyeon and Taekwoon got a shock that they turned to Anna.

"Yes Anna?" Taekwoon said while trying to look at Hakyeon and then to Anna.

"Oppa~ The nurse said you need to go for a short checkup." Anna said, while looking at Hakyeon. Or should I said.. glaring.

"Oh. Okay then. Umm Hakyeon just now..." Taekwoon asked.

"It's.. it's okay you can go for the checkup first. I will come back tomorrow." Hakyeon said and with that he stood up and leave the ward.

Hakyeon went to the vending machine to get some coffee. He needed some coffee to calm himself down.

Latte..... Taekwoon's favourite~ He thought to himself. He look into his pocket for some coins but he was still short of a dollar.

"Here. Take it." A voice said.

Hakyeon looked up and saw Taekjin.

"Thanks." He took the coin and insert it into the machine.

Both of them walked over to a bench and sat down.

"Hey.. Thanks for helping me just now.." Hakyeon said.

"Welcome. I figured out that... maybe it would be best for you to talk to Taekwoon." Takejin said.

Hakyeon was glad that at least he has someone to help him out or else he would never have the chance to be able to talk to Taekwoon.

"Can I ask you something?" Hakyeon said while taking a sip from the coffee cup.

Taekjin nodded.

"Who are you actually?" Hakyeon asked.

It took Taekjin awhile before he replied.

"Taekwoon and I have been friends since young. Then I am hired to protect Taekwoon ever since he had the accident since I am a security myself. I don't look like this actually. I went through a plastic surgery so that I can look like Taekwoon. Then, Mrs Jung asked me to go to your school to study, in order to make you fall in love with me. And... forget about Taekwoon. I call him mom because I am used to it since young." Taekjin said and look at Hakyeon.

This made Hakyeon speechless. So... Taekjin... was forced to do this? He thought.

"Ohhh..." Hakyeon said.

Taekjin stood up and said "Since now you know, there is no more secrets. You can continue to visit Taekwoon as a social worker. But don't tell him about the past."

Without giving Hakyeon a chance to reply, Taekjin walked away.


The next day......

Hakyeon came to the ward and enter the room. He found out the time that Anna and the father will be coming, hence he choose the right time to come and visit Taewoon so that he will not bump into them.

"Hi Taekwoon." Hakyeon said.

Taekwoon looked up and a small smile surface on his face.

"Hi Hakyeon." He said.

The smile that Hakyeon misses so much, dying to see it everyday.

"So how are you feeling today?" Hakyeon asked while putting the fruits he bought down on the table.

"Ummm good. But is boring. Luckily you are here to accompany me." Taekwoon said.

Hakyeon smiled and sat down on the chair next to Taekwoon.

"Goood then. Glad that you feel good!" Hakyeon said.

"How about you Hakyeon..?" Taekwoon asked.

"As long as I can see you Taekwoon... I will be more than good..." Hakyeon thought.

"Good too. Just a little busy with school." Hakyeon said, trying to make the conversation between him and Taekwoon longer.

"Oh..... Don't stress yourself too much!" Taekwoon said.

"Thank you Taekwoon." Hakyeon said.

Both of them remain silent for awhile before Hakyeon decided to break the silence.

"Do you want some apples?" Hakyeon asked and Taekwoon said yes.

Hakyeon took the peeling knife from the side table and started peeling the apples for Taekwoon. However, being a blur and careless sotong, Hakeon accidentally cut himself while peeling the apples.

"Ouch!" Hakyeon exclaimed and he dropped the knife and apple on the floor. His finger was bleeding.

Taekwoon was shocked and he quickly took some tissue paper and ran towards Hakyeon.

"Omo are you okay?!" He said while pressing the tissue paper on the wound in order to stop it from bleeding.

"I am fine Taekwoon... I am fine.." Hakyeon said while holding onto his finger.

Taekwoon didn't why he felt so worried that he said "I wonder what will happen to you without me with you.."

Hakyeon looked up at Taekwoon. He was shocked that Taekwoon said that. It was exactly the same sentence Taekwoon said to him when he accidentally cut his finger while cooking for Taekwoon that time.

Taekwoon was busy trying to stop the blood from dripping that he didn't realised what he just said.

"Taekwoon...." Hakyeon called out.

Hi dear readers! ^^ Here is the next chapter! Please forgive me if its really bad!! *bows bows* >< Hope you guys like it and do comment on how you feel!! (Your comments are my strength to continue writing! xD) Have a good night buddies!


xuaNNNNN <3

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Chapter 43: Chap 43 is not the end, rt? I know this story stopped at 2015, but still i want u to write Neo couple more, i need their fluffy relationship back!
Chapter 43: There are so much fluff and love in the air authornim, like it much, can you make the sequel and please write it longer authornim, I am craving neo so much...heheehe
keep writing authornim, hwaiting^^9
Hi Guys! Thank you for your constant support for reading! ^^ I will update more fanfics and do sent in your request! <3
joanna20 #4
Chapter 43: Its an awesome story!
priscila2909 #5
Chapter 43: yeah.. happy ending right??? congratulation author-nim, you finished a wonderful story
suju-blue-elf #6
Chapter 41: So! Just finished my marathon!! Yeeey !! General comment: so as I said before this story is great but steal lacking in some points, I know u couldn't do otherwise with all the request, but at some points i feel that the events are too fast and there is kind of a small repetition but I still like it, this kind of stories have their style and it's enjoyable to read this kind of stories some tiles and as a request, don't know as I said in my 1st comment, it was supposed to be a raven date but then we don't know what happened after so can u please do a raven moment? I mean to explain their actual state. and i'll also request some ideas for u: 1st: (not really a request) where the hell is hongbin *-* XD 2nd: u should add the tag fluff and angst because, yes! 3rd: I understand the reason why the title is u're my inspiration and personally it doesn't bother me but for someone (who is maybe new in all this fanfic thing or maybe else) when u get more immersed in the story u'll find that the story don't really have a link with the title, until here i mean, bcz yes i know u might be doing an event clarifying it later... -3- I think it's all so I hope u don't find my comment rude(?) bcz yes, it's the first time I comment openly my opinion bcz I just felt like telling you this and stuff, ok i'll go, again sorry if i sounded rude (plz tell me if i did ><) and yes, waiting for update and Neo and as I said, this story is good :D !!
PS: now it feels like slam dank XDDDDDDDDDDD *slaps her self* get back to ur sense Mingi....
suju-blue-elf #7
Chapter 34: This story is so good :3 short and simple but good! Neo are just so sweet, and don't know why but even though I don't like the idea of taekjin being together with N I just fangirl over their moments sometimes... And yes I just wish they'll be together again... And for Raven, dunnu if I skipped an episode but, what is their actual relation ship *-* I'm confused. Guess I'll know when I continue reading -.- And yes you just remebered me of skip beat in the last sentence, the box & demon thing :D ttoggateun!!