Chapter 4

You are my Inspiration

When N becomes really close to Leo, some girls in school that have a crush on Leo will of course feel jealous and show hatred towards N. They started posting nasty comments online and spread rumours about N. N knows what is going on. But he told himself that as long as Leo and his other friends are with him, everything will be alright and they will always be there for him, to support him... Especially Leo.

However, Leo's crushes didn't stop. And things became even worst.

One day after school, N needed to stay back for dance practice. Being a perfectionist in dance, he have to ensure that he was perfect in his dance before leaving. It was 7pm and the school is almost empty. (Security guards still around) N was practicing half-way when suddenly the dance studio's lights turned off. N got very scared. Since the day N's parents died, he is very scared of darkness. It reminds N about his parent's death and he will even see little creatures crawling out.

Every night, he will not off his lights when he goes to sleep. He will make sure he turns on all the lights at home even if he is not using it. Hence this sudden blackout scare N and he wants to quickly run out. He didn't even bother taking his bag, he ran to door but the door was locked. N got really scared and started banging the door non-stop. "Open the door!! Open up!!" N kept banging and banging. Tears start to form and N starts to cry.

"Let see if you still dare to cling onto Leo oppa! You better get your hands off him!! Hahahaha!" A few girls started laughing and walk away. "Wait stop!!! Don't go!!!! Stop!! Open the door!!!" N said while crying. He is really scared. Memories of his parents death came back and he starts to see many spirits creatures coming out. "AHHHHH!!! Open the door!!! Stopp!! Stopp!" N screamed.

 He couldn't help but keeps crying. He wanted to call someone to save him, but the dance studio was underground, hence there isn't any signal for him to make a call. By this time, N was already shaking of fears and tears flows down like a water fountain. He was sitting at a corner of the room and hugging his knees. He was really really scared....

At the meantime....

Leo tried to call N's house to ask N about his homework. However, no one picked up the phone. Leo got really worried and can't stop thinking where N might be. "School!" Leo exclaimed. He quickly grab a coat and use his fastest speed to run to school. Since the school was just walking distance from his house, he managed to get to school extremely fast. He went into school through the small side gate and run to the dance studio.

When he reach the dance studio, he found that the door was locked up. He used his strength the kicked open the door and after a few tries, the door finally break open. "N! N! Are you in here?!" Leo said worryingly. "Leo!" N ran and hugged onto Leo. Really tightly. "L-leo... I am so scared... There... there's so many black spirits.... So... so *hic* many of *hic* them!" N said while crying. "Hush hush... It's okay now.. It's okay now~ I am here... I will protect you forever!" Leo's heart seems to be broken into million pieces when he heard N crying noise. He hug him back really tightly and his back to ensure that everything was okay. And that nobody will hurt him.

"Come on N.. Let's go~ You can come to my house tonight.." Leo took N's bag and walked home together with N. Leo didn't know why N was so scared, he wants N to tell him. But he knows that he has to give N some time. Throughout the walking journey, Leo hold N by his waist and hold him close to him, afraid that someone will hurt N.

At Leo's house....

N has just finish showering and was wearing Leo's clothes. Leo's clothes are a little oversized for N. "L-leo..." N called Leo who was sitting on the bed. He stood in front of Leo, not knowing what to say. He was really afraid as all the memories of his parents death came back. Although for the past few years, N tried to remain happy and cheerful in order to forget the pain, the pain still exist at the bottom of his heart in a locked up treasure box. However, this incident today unlocked the lock and the pain is back on N once again.

Leo stood up, pulled N by the wrist and ask him to get onto the bed. "Get some rest N. You must be really tired." Leo said softly. Honestly, it hurts Leo alot to see N like this. It hurts alot. But Leo just didn't know how to express it. N laid down and just when Leo was about to leave, N grabbed Leo's hand and stopped him from leaving. "Leo-ah... Can you stay with me? Pleasee..." N said with pleading eyes. Leo sighed and went over to the other side of the bed and laid down. He pulled N into his embrace and allow N to snuggle into his arms. Unexpectedly, Leo gave N a peck on his forehead, and then to his nose and to his lips. "N-ah... Sleep well for tonight... I will always be here to protect you..." N fell asleep, in Leo's warm embrace. In this fateful night, Leo fnally understand his feelings for N. Is a feeling that is a new experience for him. To him, N is everything to him now. And his responsibility to protect N at all cost.


You gave me the feeling, a feeling that I never had before~

It's you, it's you~ My precious little gift~

Gooooood Evening readers! Here's another chapter! ^^ Hope you guys like it! <3

Actually, this fanfic is written like this for a purpose.... I think you guys would have known about how some fans posted nasty comments about the Eternity dance? Sooo.. I know it has been a past issue but it was just really disheartening to see such things happening. N may seem to be a really cheerful leader and joke around everytime, but he is not as strong as we think he is sometimes. I mean we all love him and we won't want to see him breakdown or anything. A leader's responsibility can be really stressful sometimes. He won't feel happy if he sees those comments made. And is not even his fault that the choreographer made the choreography like this. Soooo to those fans that did that, don't do it again alright? We are all Starlights and no matter who is our bias, as Starlights, we should protect and love every member righttt? :) So I hope those fans that did it, you guys will not do it again.

(I am sorry if I am writing too much. I am just giving my point of view about the incident ><)


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Chapter 43: Chap 43 is not the end, rt? I know this story stopped at 2015, but still i want u to write Neo couple more, i need their fluffy relationship back!
Chapter 43: There are so much fluff and love in the air authornim, like it much, can you make the sequel and please write it longer authornim, I am craving neo so much...heheehe
keep writing authornim, hwaiting^^9
Hi Guys! Thank you for your constant support for reading! ^^ I will update more fanfics and do sent in your request! <3
joanna20 #4
Chapter 43: Its an awesome story!
priscila2909 #5
Chapter 43: yeah.. happy ending right??? congratulation author-nim, you finished a wonderful story
suju-blue-elf #6
Chapter 41: So! Just finished my marathon!! Yeeey !! General comment: so as I said before this story is great but steal lacking in some points, I know u couldn't do otherwise with all the request, but at some points i feel that the events are too fast and there is kind of a small repetition but I still like it, this kind of stories have their style and it's enjoyable to read this kind of stories some tiles and as a request, don't know as I said in my 1st comment, it was supposed to be a raven date but then we don't know what happened after so can u please do a raven moment? I mean to explain their actual state. and i'll also request some ideas for u: 1st: (not really a request) where the hell is hongbin *-* XD 2nd: u should add the tag fluff and angst because, yes! 3rd: I understand the reason why the title is u're my inspiration and personally it doesn't bother me but for someone (who is maybe new in all this fanfic thing or maybe else) when u get more immersed in the story u'll find that the story don't really have a link with the title, until here i mean, bcz yes i know u might be doing an event clarifying it later... -3- I think it's all so I hope u don't find my comment rude(?) bcz yes, it's the first time I comment openly my opinion bcz I just felt like telling you this and stuff, ok i'll go, again sorry if i sounded rude (plz tell me if i did ><) and yes, waiting for update and Neo and as I said, this story is good :D !!
PS: now it feels like slam dank XDDDDDDDDDDD *slaps her self* get back to ur sense Mingi....
suju-blue-elf #7
Chapter 34: This story is so good :3 short and simple but good! Neo are just so sweet, and don't know why but even though I don't like the idea of taekjin being together with N I just fangirl over their moments sometimes... And yes I just wish they'll be together again... And for Raven, dunnu if I skipped an episode but, what is their actual relation ship *-* I'm confused. Guess I'll know when I continue reading -.- And yes you just remebered me of skip beat in the last sentence, the box & demon thing :D ttoggateun!!