Chapter 30 (H)



Yuchun grabbed Donghae to keep him from assaulting the officer and swore when the doors closed. "Damn it! We need to see a lawyer or someone..... We have to get them back. It's been seven ing years, why this long?" He growled.
"They hadn't caught on in that long of a period ...I'm shocked myself. " 

/Heechul and Meek/

Meek moaned and purred, being forced to ride Heechul. Heechul had ahold of his hips and controlled his movements. "I see that mark on you... that courtship mark..... and you're going to regret it." He said digging his nails into Meek's sides as he came.

Meek hissed in pain at Heechul's nails digging into him. He whimpered as he came as well slumping slightly onto him.

Heechul steadied his breathing and smiled. "You've been pregnant before, right? You may have the 'misfortune' to have it happen again." He said pushing him off, exhausted.

Meek stared up at him wide eyed. 
"..No! I can't be. I won't allow myself to be!" He shouted but was too tired to put up too much of a fight.

Heechul only smiled sadly. "If you are... please, dont kill them. I'll use protection next time, or let you top... but for now, you should shower and go home. Cold water should wake you up." He said. 


Kota curled himself up in the corner of the cage he was in, not wanting to move from where he lay. 

Eeteuk had the cage across from him, Ryeowook's cage next to Kota's so he had a clear view of both of them.
"...Ryeowook." He mewed staring at him through the cage. There was one thing that Eeteuk knew,....they would poison the kits by feeding the mother.

Ryeowook hissed as one of the workers walked by, ears flat. He wasn't going to let his children die. He'd die to protect them. Eeteuk watched, facinated at how strong Ryeowook could be when he wanted to.

Ryeowook looked over at Eeteuk. "We have to find a way out of here...or at least one of us."

"I won't leave unless we all leave." Eeteuk said. "Umma, why am I here? Can't I leave, I'm a half breed." Kota whined, wanting Meek.

"...We need someone to tell Meek what happened..before he screws up and gets captured." Ryeowook replied seeming to ignore Kota.

"Ryeowook... Donghae will kill me if I show up without you." Eeteuk said. "Let me go... I'll hide with Meek and try to find help." Kota said.

Eeteuk looked over at him. " Are you sure you can handle it though? You have a limited time on you so you can't just hide and wait for a good moment you have to strike when you can."

"Let's you and me claim to be lovers, Ryeowook... maybe we can escape that way." Eeteuk tried.

"They don't care about neko loving each other" Ryeowook started. " You know that from when Yuchun and Donghae first bought us." He laid down in the cage and sighed. "What to do..."

"Why is it legal for them to e us out but when we consent, it's wrong?" He growled shaking the bars on his cage. He stopped only when he felt his stomache lurch at the sound of another neko being taken to terminate a pregnancy.

"Because thats just how they are" Ryeowook sighed before calling to Kota. 
"Pretend to be sick...Make any noises you see fit to make them unlock your cage, when they pull you out to check you, seem as weak as possible and take off when you get a chance. You can get out of here if you play your cards right. Be careful...if you mess it up they will kill you."

Eeteuk looked at Ryeowook. "You'd risk him getting killed?" He said but Kota was already acting on Ryeowook's plan. 

It was only a little while before one of the care takers made his way over to Kota's cage watching him before open the cage and pulling him out to check him. It took a few minuets before Kota find a good moment and took off at a run.

Eeteuk launched at Ryeowook's cage even though it was across the walkway. "I'm going to kill you!" He growled, faking trying to fight Ryeowook to somewhat distract them from Kota, even if he ended up hurt.

Ryeowook gave a quick smile before hissing at him. 
The guards them but not for long as many of the other nekos in their cages started putting up fights as well. 
~Run as far as you can and find Meek...Find Donghae and Yuchun!~ Ryeowook looked towards the doors.

Eeteuk hit the bars of his cage one more time, almost worn out and yelped when the bar came loose and he fell through. He tried to unlock Ryeowook's in the chaos, ears flat to try and blend in.

Ryeowook looked down at him shocked, but hissed when saw one of the guards going after him. 

"....Eeteuk go." Ryeowook mewed. " Run before they can catch you."

Eeteuk reached through the bars and pulled Ryeowook close, kissing him. "In case I can't see you again... I'm coming back for you." He said and ran for it. He cried for Ryeowook but wiped his tears and continued to run.

Ryeowook laid down at the back of his cage, knowing that by the time they got back the guards would have already forced fed him. 


Donghae paced the room, worried. Yuchun finally got irritated and made him sit. "Walking a hole in my floor isn't going to.... wait, I think I have a hidden basement. This house was built back in the war.... help me look." He said moving the rug away from the hardwood floor of the living room. 

"I found it hyung!" Yuchun looked up as they found the basement...just as Meek walked in. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~One Year Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Eeteuk crouched down low, comepletely intent on murder as he watched the man who had bought Ryeowook. Since none of the neko had been found in Yuchun and Donghae's possession and never turned up, the charges were dropped but Yuchun and Donghae were no longer able to buy them. Eeteuk had birthed his kits and Meek and Kota had mated and birthed kits as well. There were five in all, two Eeteuk's and Yuchun's. One Meek's and Kota's, two Meek's and Heechul's. When Heechul had leanred that Meek would keep his kits, he went in search of a mate and hasn't been spotted since. Now Eeteuk was planning on getting Ryeowook back. It had been a year and he had tried every chance he got but something always happened. The man who bought Ryeowook was mostly nice but had mean streaks and Ryeowook was still loyal to Donghae, though his bond was slowly weakening with him. Eeteuk slipped into the house after picking the lock and went looking for Ryeowook.

Ryeowook sat on a doggie style bed next to his owner's bed. He was quiet, very quiet, as he rarely talked now a days. He looked up as he heard the front door open expecting it to be his master, unable to help the wag of his tail at his return. Not that he loved the man, he didn't,...he didn't even like him..but comfortable with him despite the beatings...that he was okay with.

Eeteuk locked eyes with him and shut the door quietly. He walked closer warily, not wanting Ryeowook to be angry with him. "Wook... Finally we've found the chance to get you back." He said and his eyes fell on Ryeowook's stomach. "Ryeowook..." He said sadly, eyes watering.

Ryeowook watched him catiously, his memory had began to fade for Donghae but it had long ago, faded for most of what he remembered of everyone else. He knew Eeteuk, he knew his face, he knew he wouldn't hurt him but didn't make a move or a sound.

Eeteuk walked cautiosly and carefully over to him, giving off the impresssion that he meant no harm. He kneeled down in front of him and nuzzled him. "Ryeowook.... come home with us.... We all miss you." He said, tail swaying. Ryeowook looked confused. "You have family, and a mate at home where I live.... And he wants you back, with or without kits." He said.

Ryeowook looked down at him. 
"...What did you do with my master?" Ryeowook asked watching his every move. He had been trained to not move unless ordered too.

"He's.... around.... in pieces." He said, that murderous look back in his eyes. He leaned closer and flicked his tongue across Ryeowook's lips. "Mianhae. I can't help myself." He said and picked Ryeowook up. "You have no master now..." He said heading outside with Ryeowook.

The scent of blood was strong when the outside air hit Ryeowook's face. 
"...So you're taking me mate?" Ryeowook asked.

Eeteuk purred and nuzzled him, taking all the shortcuts he knew. "Yes, to your mate..." He said sweetly.

"Has he gotten any older?" Ryeowook asked, watching him. "Does he remember me?"

Eeteuk nodded. "He would never forget you. He's a year older obviously, but he doesn't look different. Just sad."

"oh.... okay." Ryeowook clung to him tightly as Eeteuk took him home. "...Yuchun! We're back!" Eeteuk called more softly than needed.

Yuchun came into the room at the word "we". He smiled widely when he saw Ryeowook but it fell when he noticed no kits with him.

"He doesn't have any?" Yuchun whispered. Eeteuk shook his head. "Let's get him downstairs. I'll go get Donghae."

"Alright.... and Yuchun..... his master won't come looking so don't worry." Eeteuk said and led Ryeowook off.

Ryeowook sniffed the air and instantly went downstairs. He stopped as he spotted the five kits on the floor. "The children." Eeteuk spoke. "Mine are the two on the left, Ciel and Sakota."

Eeteuk patted Ryeowook's head. "And the other three are your and my grandchildren." He said.


Yuchun opened the door, not thinking to knock. "Donghae... Rye..." He cut off, blinking, as he saw his younger friend pleasuring himself, obviously too far gone to even notice Yuchun had come in.

He stood there for a moment before walking over to Donghae. "Hae, you don't have to pretend.... Ryeowook's here...He's back." He said loud enough for Donghae to hear. He looked at Yuchun but soon looked away and stifled the groan he made as he came.

Donghae sighed as he came down from his high, cleaning up his mess. "Is he really back Hyung?"

Yuchun smiled. "He's downstairs waiting. Eeteuk brought him in a few minutes ago." He said and made Donghae sit up to dress.

"Does he have the kits with him?" Donghae asked.

Yuchun's face fell. "...mianhae, he doesn't." He said sadly. Donghae felt his heart sink.

"So..." He cut off and sighed. "I still want to see him."

Yuchun led Donghae down to the others and wasn't surprised when Donghae went over and kissed Ryeowook, wrapping his arms around him.

"Ryeowook purred and looked at him. "... You're Donghae yes?"

Donghae stared at him, shocked. "Yess... I'm Donghae... I'm your mate and lover..." He said.

"...Are you?... I'm sorry I don't really remember." Ryeowook said.

Yuchun pulled Donghae away to go back upstairs while Eeteuk growled at Ryeowook. "Wook...." He said before he punched him.

Ryeowook stared at him, shocked, putting a hand to his cheek, wiping the blood from his nose as well. "Why did you?..." Ryeowook started. Sakota punched the air much like how Leeteuk had punched Ryeowook. He fell over on his and giggled.

Eeteuk frowned at Sakota. "Don't do that Sakota, that's bad." He said. "But." Sakota whined. Eeteuk pulled Ryeowook off to the side and pulled a curtain to hide them and pushed him against the wall, kissing him. "You're so stupid." He purred. Yuchun had known their little 'encounters' hadn't stopped until Ryeowook left. "You're hurting your lover." Eeteuk breathed. Ryeowook purred. "But aren't you too?" Ryeowook asked before staring off into space, having a flashback.


~Ryeowook moaned as Eeteuk slid down his body, a trail of fire as he went. 
He Ryeowook's and smirked. "Please, no--!" Ryeowook was cut off.~


Ryeowook was brought back to the current day but a nuzzle/kiss from Leeteuk against his neck. "...I know...I truly do know that...somethings never change Ryeowook..."

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I am working on this fic starting 4/19/12. Sorry for the long wait but I'll be working on it for three days so I can definitely get SOMETHNIG out there.


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jahbkajsbcksjdfbishdbvshifvbifvb TEUKIE PLEASE BE LOYAL TO YOOCHUN ;~; and Yunho and Heechul dying? and Donghae! ;~;

/le new reder
As if you can get me to leave anytime soon! Don't worry about it ^^
well, Eeteuk is not good person, but I still feel his pain.. And why Yoochun has to ask Wook for Eeteuk to stay, he and Donhae are living in HIS house! But Eeteuk stealing child from mother, even if he is father..bad guy!
I see I have a spot *dances* See Can't be mad at Heechul but Leeteuk WHAT ARE YOU DOING DHAKHSKKHFUAJEKSDFHWEOJSKDKFH This update ok! (sorry I didn't read last night I ended up sleeping after only having four hours the night before ^^;;;)
SPECIAL SPOT FOR nikkijade :D even tho this doesn't work like LJ
I don't hate Heechul enough for someone to cut out his kits and stomp on them ;______; But I can't wait for the whole update and now I know to get some tissues when you update ^^
Nephinasan #7
Nobody should die except heechul because of the wrongs he committed. If that chart becomes a reality I will cry my little eyes out.
omana.... Teukie T^T fighting okey...???<br />
And you will make DongHae die?? OO WOOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >0< <br />
poor him! <br />
This makes me so sad.... >.< <br />
Neko's fighting!!^^
Archon #9