Chapter 29


Meek kneeled by Heechul and held him down before any more attacks could happen. "Heechul.......... Kota is my brother and he loves me as more......... I love him too......" He said. Yuchun and Donghae helped Kota up. "Take him home.... he's hurt.......... I'll talk with Heechul and be back myself. I promise." He said quietly. Yuchun nodded. "Thirty minutes.... be home or we're coming back for you." He said. With that said, they headed back home with Kota.

Heechul looked at Meek as best as he could. "Why choose him?" he asked. "I lovehim Heechul-ah......... but in my opinion, I owe you for what you did. You fought for me and I thought you may have won...... but I couldn't let you kill him." He whispered, tears now falling.

Heechul sat up carefully to them away. "Come to see me then.......... Kota won't have to know.........." He said. Meek looked at him shocked. "But! I'd be betraying him!" He said. Heechul looked determined. "You stopped me from killing him.......... that was betraying me. And if you don't......... I'll kill Kota." He said simply before getting up to leave.

Meek could only watch as he did, blood hitting the ground with every step taken. With a sigh, he stood and headed home, Heechul's proposal ringing in his ears. ~Come to see me..... ~ ~I know he wants from me... and I think he wants my heart........... Umma, what do I do?~ He thought as he walked.

The next day, Meek lay on the floor in the living room by the couch that Kota lay on, asleep. "Half breeds heal quickly........... I'm willing to bet he's nearly fully healed......... Kota will be soon too." He mumbled. His thoughts drifted back to Heechul at that.

Meek felt sick. Every time he looked at Kota, he felt guilty. He ran to Ryeowook's room for advice. "Umma," He woke him up. "Did you regret sleeping with Appa when Donghae hyung is your mate?" He asked.

Ryeowook blinked at him, comfused. It took a second before he could actually respond. "More so than one can imagine. It was forced more than it was willing." He replied. [the kids spilled the beans obviously about them being the parents so Ryeowook and Eeteuk remember now but they have minimal memory]

Meek felt even more guilty. "What happens.... if a neko willingly sleeps around behinds his mate's back?" He asked.

Ryeowook stared at him before sighing. "If it's done enough times of mutual consent... the bond between mates will switch to your mutual friend with benefits. This was used as a tactic for those who forced mates... but one can never switch mates again... your body will kill you." 

Meek's eyes widened. "But... what if the person was seeing the mutual friend to protect his mate from the friend?" He panicked.

"It doesn't matter. Unlike our human counterparts, a neko's body follows tradition and instinct... It wouldn't matter if you were protecting the world from it's own end... you would still die... and perhaps your two mates as well." Ryeowook said.

Meek frowned, looking sadly at the bed. "So... I'm going to die?" He mumbled, now not caring that he just gave himself away.

"If you continue then yes you will." Ryeowook replied turning his back to Meek. "It's your choice."

Meek's tail drooped. "Umma... I don't want to die." He whined.


Hyukkie purred as Therus rubbed his head. "Master.... do you love me?"

Therus stilled for a moment. "...I'm sorry, I don't." He said.

Hyukkie's purring instantly stopped and his actions stilled. "So.... " Hyukkie started. "Master. What am I to you?"

Therus looked sadly at him. "A convenient escape." He said.

"As long as I'm with master I'm happy." Hyukkie spoke softly. He knew he was lieing. He wanted Therus to love him.

Therus looked at him and hugged him. ~I can't risk it... I can't tell you how I feel.~ He thought.


Eeteuk pounced on a mouse that had run across the floor. "Hello mousey." He purred, pawing at it.

Yuchun watched him, amused. "Mousey's tresspassing." He said pawing at it. It squeaked and tried to get away.

"Can't you let it go for now?" Yuchun asked. "It'll make babies thought Y^Y." Eeteuk whined.

"Give it here then." Yuchun said. Eeteuk handed it over and Yuchun put it out of the window. Eeteuk pouted.


Meek once again lay beside Kota and said nothing. "What's wrong?" Kota asked. "........... It's nothing." Meek said.

"You say that... but I know something is wrong." He whispered.

Meek frowned. "I want you to take me as your mate. I want the honor of being yours... because i'm scared that my life will end soon." He said sadly.

Kota stared at him shocked. 
"Whats wrong? Are you sick Meek!?"

Meek shook his head. "No.... I just.... I have that feeling.... Instinct isn't it? Heh, Don't worry about it, maybe it'll pass." He said.

"...Meek can I take you to the hospital to check...just to be sure?" Kota asked looking him over.

Meek nodded. "I don't see any harm in it but I'm telling you, I'm not sick. I just wanted you to know that something feels wrong. Don't worry much." He said.

"How can I not worry when your saying you might die?" Kota asked quickly before hugging him tightly. "come on...we should go to the hospital."

Meek followed but hesitated after. "Hyung.... You should rest. I'll go my the doctor and bring back any papers he gives me." He said kissing Kota's forehead.

Kota watched him but sighed hugging him tightly wincing though due to the pain from the tightness. 
"...alright...just be careful Meek."

Meek nodded and paused in thought. ~I can't go to Heechul tonight.... I haven't mated Kota yet and I could risk being able to.~ "Hyung.... mark me. You don't have to mate me yet but give me a mating mark." He said exposing his neck.

Kota looked at him confused for a minuet but sighed doing as told, biting down on his neck, in a teasing like manner before biting him hard to mark him. His claws adding the final marks beside the bite.

Meek purred and watched as Kota the wound closed. "Thank you Kota." He said nuzzling him before he left for the doctor. 


Later, Kota sat on the couch, blanket covering him watching the door. He was worried about Meek, as it had been a while since he had left.

Ryeowook made his way into the living room and sat down beside him. "Worried?" He asked purring. Kota nodded. "You're in a good mood." He noted. "Well... I'm worried about him too, but I finally sensed my pregnancy. Now Eeteuk and I are both expecting. I can't help but to purr..... I heard that you and Meek will mate soon, too." Ryeowook said smiling softly. Kota nodded again. "Yeah... But he's afraid of something............. Ah congrats by the way." He said.

Ryeowook looked at him with a guilty expression before turning to look at away. He knew what Meek had asked him earlier obviously had something to do with this. 

"Thank you Kota...Why didn't you go with him?"

Kota frowned. "He asked me to stay behind because I needed the rest. But he's been gone nearly two hours already." He said.

Ryeowook ran a hand through his hair. "I'm sure it'll be fine..." He whispered his ear twitching as he heard something.

Kota looked at him. "What's wrong?" He asked, noticing the twitch. "Do you hear him?" He asked.

"Can't say I hear him but I hear something a bit off from what is suppose to be around here." Ryeowook stood to his feet making his way to the door.

Kota whatched and quirked an ear. "I wonder what he means?" He said quietly.

Ryeowook's tail twitched in curiosity as well as he made his way into the kitchen towards the door.

"Damn it I can't see, Damn the curiosity." Kota said pouting, craning his body to try and see in the other room.

Ryeowook opened the door and was met with three officals at the door who almost insantly held up their badges. 
"Are your masters home?" 
Ryeowook gave them curious looks before shaking his head, thankfully he was wearing his collar. Donghae and Yuchun had went out shopping earlier. 
The one who spoke then nodded to his companions, They grabbed Ryeowook before hooking his collar to a shocking leash dragging him to the van. The other two went into the house. 

"What are you doing!?"Ryeowook shouted. "We received word that two humans were keeping Neko as lovers instead of slaves...that is after all illegal." 

Ryeowook tensed as he heard Kota's hiss.

Upstairs, Eeteuk was in the bathroom, once again sick. His ears flicked to the side when he heard someone bust open the door. He hissed instinctively and backed up between the toilet and the tub as they advanced on him. It didn't take long before he was hooked as well and being forced downstairs. Kota wasn't hard to capture either due to his injuries. "Umma." He whined to Ryeowook sadly before they were forced from the house.


It was about thirty or so minuets later that Yuchun and Donghae came home to find the house empty. 
"Ryeowook!?" Donghae called for his lover but didn't get a reply. "where are they?"

"I don't know." He said. He walked over and frowned. "This can't be good." He said looking down at the couch which had claw marks on it.

Donghae jumped as he heard a knock on the door. "..Are you Donghae and Yuchun?" The office at the door spoke. "...Yes..." 

"...We have taken your neko...You must appear in court and until ruling has been decided you are not allowed to own more Neko"

Yuhcun and Donghae glared at him. "What do you mean not allowed to own Neko?! Those Neko were our property! We payed for them so we can do with them as we please!" Yuchun growled.

"As the law states, you are not allowed to love, and produce children with broke the law. Either you come to the court case or we will arrest you."

Yuchun frowned. "Funny, I was under the impression that if they were my slaves, I could bed them if I wished. I want my neko returned to me." He said. "There is no love here.... only a mutual understanding of what we want." Donghae interjected even as it was a total lie.

"Your Nekos are with child...We tested them already, Even under mutual contest a neko would not be pregent unless they so desired it from the one they call their mate...Never the less we are not returning them."

"You can't be telling the truth. I slept with my neko and he became pregnant and he also slept with Yuchun's neko. He was by that neko.... yet he still bore his kits." Donghae said. 

"How much do you even understand about their kind?" The officer asked. "..Your just a slave owner as you wish to how would you know what a neko would or would not do. " He handed the paper to them before turning. " Be at the court date..."

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I am working on this fic starting 4/19/12. Sorry for the long wait but I'll be working on it for three days so I can definitely get SOMETHNIG out there.


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jahbkajsbcksjdfbishdbvshifvbifvb TEUKIE PLEASE BE LOYAL TO YOOCHUN ;~; and Yunho and Heechul dying? and Donghae! ;~;

/le new reder
As if you can get me to leave anytime soon! Don't worry about it ^^
well, Eeteuk is not good person, but I still feel his pain.. And why Yoochun has to ask Wook for Eeteuk to stay, he and Donhae are living in HIS house! But Eeteuk stealing child from mother, even if he is father..bad guy!
I see I have a spot *dances* See Can't be mad at Heechul but Leeteuk WHAT ARE YOU DOING DHAKHSKKHFUAJEKSDFHWEOJSKDKFH This update ok! (sorry I didn't read last night I ended up sleeping after only having four hours the night before ^^;;;)
SPECIAL SPOT FOR nikkijade :D even tho this doesn't work like LJ
I don't hate Heechul enough for someone to cut out his kits and stomp on them ;______; But I can't wait for the whole update and now I know to get some tissues when you update ^^
Nephinasan #7
Nobody should die except heechul because of the wrongs he committed. If that chart becomes a reality I will cry my little eyes out.
omana.... Teukie T^T fighting okey...???<br />
And you will make DongHae die?? OO WOOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >0< <br />
poor him! <br />
This makes me so sad.... >.< <br />
Neko's fighting!!^^
Archon #9