Chapter 26



Ryeowook and the others had been informed that Hyukkie's body had been taken to the coroners by Yuchun but he felt bad about lieing. They sat in their own rooms now. Eeteuk frowned. "Yuchun... I feel nausious." He said.

Yuchun looked over at him rubbing his back gently. "..Should you go to the bathroom?" 

Eeteuk didn't answer. He just got up and went, trailing Yuchun behind him since he held his hand. He sat by the toilet. It was only a moment before he heaved and his dinner came back up. He frowned, his nose stinging from the smell. 

Yuchun rubbed his back. "You'll be alright, Teukie...." He said pulling him into a hug.


In the mean time, Kota had dressed Meek and wasted no time in trying to get him home.

Meek didn't say anything, feeling ashamed about what had happened and sad about Hyukkie. "Hyung.... Are you upset with me?... I didn't intend to have a partner, I wasn't looking for one." He said.

"If that's the case you shouldn't have went with him." Kota replied leading him home. "There's nothing we can do about Hyukkie... but... you promised us you wouldn't do this anymore."

"I know... but he.... he was..... he knew what to do, like he... I dunno. I'm sorry, I really wasn't here for that reason." Meek said.

Kota ran a hand through his hair. "It's fine...." He trailed off before glancing up at him imagining the look of pleasure on Meek's face. "... He... knew... So did you enjoy it?" He asked.

Meek blushed and looked down before nodding. "When you showed up, that was our second time." He said.

"....... Your second...." Kota gasped but looked down with an angry yet saddened look. "...I see..."

Meek looked down. "I'm sorry... I was tied up the first time but.... I'm really sorry!" He said hugging Kota.

Kota hugged him back tightly, running a hand through his hair again. "Meek.... It's alright." He looked down when he felt Meek's member brush against his leg.

Meek sniffled, wiping at his unshed tears. "Okay, I want to go home." He said quietly, still oblivious to his issue.

Kota swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded. They were brothers; Even the strangers Meek slept with were more welcome than Kota. He brushed his fingers over Meek's skirt before taking it away. He truly had never touched his brother unless the younger was in a deep sleep, much like the time he had made Meek in his sleep.

Meek's tail twitched when he felt the skirt move but they headed towards the house.

Just as Meek went to go inside, Kota grabbed his arm and pulled him into another embrace. "Meek." He whispered. Meek looked at him but before he could say anything Kota's hand went up his skirt and to making everything look to anyone watching that it was just an innocent hug.

Meek eeped and purred but stiffled it. "Kota... why?" He said quietly, resting his head on his shoulder.

Kota wrapped his hand around Meek's member and helped to rid of the issue. "...As a brother I just wanted to help." He replied.

Meek purred, his tail wrapping around Kota's wrist. "Oh, I see." He said resting against the wall.

Kota heard his breath hitch and smiled when the liquid hit his ringers, bringing it to his lips and it off.

Meek looked at him, panting. "Thank you... Kota." He said. Once he was able to catch his breath, he fixed his clothes and paused. "You didn't wipe it off, you swallowed it." He noted.

"....It's harder to see if I do... besides.... it's not like I mind all that much."

Meek frowned and opened the door. "Don't help my 'bad habits'." He said coldly.

Kota stood there shocked. He hadn't meant to upset Meek. He balled his hand into a fist and punched the wall. "Damn it all." He whispered.

Meek went to their room and shut the door, laying on the bed that he and Hyukkie shared. (One slept on it one night and the next, it was the other.) He felt the tears come  back as he breathed in Hyukkie's smell. He soon got up though and took off his clothes. He looked in their closet getting a pair of loose pants and a t-shirt. Kota now sat on the couch wondering what to do when Meek came back in the room but only passed through to the kitchen. He, Meek, grabbed a sharp knife and stood over the garbage can, pulling his hair over his shoulder. He put the blade about where Heechul's hair fell to and pulled, cutting clean across, the rest falling to the trashcan. He looked sadly at it, already missing his long hair. (His hair was about to his knees and how it's the length of Heechul's from U)

Kota stood in the doorway frozen. "Meek.... your.... hair.." He stuttered. "Why'd you cut your hair?"
"It reminds me."
"Of what?"
"Hyukkie...." Meek whispered.

Kota walked over to him and hugged him, looking at the hair in the garbage can. "Meek, this isn't your fault..." He started but was cut off. "No! This hair, my clothes! It's the reason I wasn't here! Now he's gone, burried! I'll never see him again! It's all because of this!" He said pushing away, falling to the floor against the cabinets. Kota took a few strands of hair from the garbage and placed it in a zip lock bag before going to hug Meek. The adults were coming downstairs due to the noise. (The saving of his hair is a sentimental thing... my parents did it when I got my first hair cut)

Meek pushed him away again this time ending in a slap. 
"It's my fault damn it! I couldn't be here for him... I couldn't maybe prevent this!"

"There's nothing anyone could do.... he wasn't even here and it happened so fast that nothing could have been done." He said, his hand going to his cheek.

Meek put a hand to Kota's before tears started falling again. "...I should have been here.."

Ryeowook, Donghae, Eeteuk, and Yuchun now stood in the doorway of the kitchen, most shocked to see Meek's change in appearance. Ryeowook, on instinct, went to comfort them.

Donghae's eyes winded, Ryeowook hadn't acted in such a kind way to any of them for months.

Ryeowook purred and hugged them, whispering things to comfort them. Eeteuk leaned over to whisper to Donghae. "His mothering instincts are kicking in, he'll go back into heat soon I'm assuming." He said.

Donghae stared at him before looking at Ryeowook. "...Will he? ...." A smirk slowly formed on his lips but he hid it soon after.

Once Ryeowook had calmed the boys down, he sent them off to their room. "I wanted them out of the house, but not dieing." He said running a hand through his hair, sighing. Yuchun frowned. "Let's just go to bed, we've all had a long day and it's nearly 2AM." He said. 


It was Meek who woke up first, blinking up at the ceiling before looking down at Kota who was curled up against him.

He thought back to last night and blushed. ~Why did he do that? I could have handled it myself. And even so, he swallowed it..... it seems more complicated than he says it is.~ He thought.

Kota purred in his sleep, his tail wrapping around the tip of Meek's tail before uncurling.

Meek's tail flicked before setting still again. ~I've got to ask him.~ He said sitting up. He shook Kota's shoulder gently. "Kota, wake up.... I need to talk to you." He said.

Kota mewed as he woke up yawning, doing a cat like stretch before looking up at Meek. 

Meek looked at his lap. "Why did you, er.... give me a last night? I could have taken care of it...." He said.

"You were already hurt because of Hyukkie...I just wanted to try and help make you feel better."

Meek frowned, not accepting that. "I said I could handle it, it would have still made me feel better. It was just wierd, Kota. You're my Hyung." He said folding his arms.

"Then I won't do it again...does that make you happy?" Kota asked glaring at him before looking away.

Meek looked appologeticly at him. "I didn't mean that........ I just... Don't want there to be a misunderstanding." He said.

"There wasn't one in till you thought it meant more than it did...Don't worry I won't touch you again so it'll be fine.."

Meek pushed him down to the bed, glaring. "I didn't take it as more than what it was! Like I said it was just odd so I wanted to be certain!" He said angrily.

Kota stared up at him. 
"I've never seen you so dominate Meek.."He purred.

Meek's ears quirked to the side and then forward. "Dominant? I'm trying to make a point and you change it completely! Why the hell are you purring anyways?" He frowned, glaring.

Koto grabbed Meek's collar and pulled him down as if to kiss him but didn't. He pushed his hand into Meek's loose fitting pants and grabbed roughly.

Meek gasped and pushed away from him, sitting back on his . His breathing was heavy and he was no doubt stunned. "What the hell? You're so confusing, one minute you say you won't touch me and the next you're doing just that." He said.

Kota leaned closer to him pushing him down on the bed to lean over him. 
"..Return the favor then...just once?"

Meek's ears lay flat and he purred, enjoying being pinned down. "You want me to sleep with you? If you won't regret it later, fine then." He said.

Kota offered him rough kisses on his neck, being none to gentle. 
"...I'll never regret touching you...Meek."

Meek purred, shifting slightly underneath him. "Have fun." He said submitting to him. 

(meh, it's a little better that meek is wook and teuks and kota is hae and wooks stead of them being 100% related =/)


Ryeowook sat on the bed and sighed. 
"...Hae...the pain is still there...I keep thinking of Hyukkie..."

Donghae sighed. "I know.... I do too..... Ryeowook, you have more ties to him than you think....." He said.

"I wonder had he found a mate before this happened..." Ryeowook trailed off ignoring Donghae's last comment.

"It may not have changed anything..... We don't even know what happened." Donghae said hugging him gently, resting his head on his back.
(Note: Donghae's behind Ryeowookie)

"I wish it did...maybe it would make this pain go away...It hurts.." He whined.

Donghae wound his arms around his waist. "I know it does.... It will go away soon." He said.

Ryeowook looked at him and purred, nuzzling Donghae's neck. "I love you Donghae"

Donghae smiled and petted his head, running his hand over his ears. "I love you too...." He said kissing his forehead and then his lips.

Ryeowook kissed him back deeply before leaning his head on Donghae's shoulder.

"Wook.... when things settle back down and we can think right again, I've been thinking about maybe having kids." He said. Ryeowook looked up at him, ears twitching. "I'll think about it." He purred. 


Eeteuk sat on the bed, purring, staring at Yuchun. They had talked for a little bit about the children but hadn't gotten very far in their talks.

Yuchun lay his head in Eeteuk's lap. "You're happy aren't you?.... What would you have done if I had said I didn't want them? You wouldn't have really aborted them, right?" He said frowning.

"...I wouldn't have had a choice..."Eeteuk whispered.

Yuchun shifted and pulled Eeteuk to lay on top of him, hugging him. "I'm sorry... I could have ruined our relationship before it was even repaired. I should have never treated you like that. Yet you only welcomed it.... Mianhae." He said.

Eeteuk pulled him into a kiss. 
"...It's fine...I love anything for you."



A/N: I can't give away too much but there aren't more kits for a while so don't think that they will over run the story lol I think the final number turns out to be 5 kids, three grandkids :P)

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I am working on this fic starting 4/19/12. Sorry for the long wait but I'll be working on it for three days so I can definitely get SOMETHNIG out there.


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jahbkajsbcksjdfbishdbvshifvbifvb TEUKIE PLEASE BE LOYAL TO YOOCHUN ;~; and Yunho and Heechul dying? and Donghae! ;~;

/le new reder
As if you can get me to leave anytime soon! Don't worry about it ^^
well, Eeteuk is not good person, but I still feel his pain.. And why Yoochun has to ask Wook for Eeteuk to stay, he and Donhae are living in HIS house! But Eeteuk stealing child from mother, even if he is father..bad guy!
I see I have a spot *dances* See Can't be mad at Heechul but Leeteuk WHAT ARE YOU DOING DHAKHSKKHFUAJEKSDFHWEOJSKDKFH This update ok! (sorry I didn't read last night I ended up sleeping after only having four hours the night before ^^;;;)
SPECIAL SPOT FOR nikkijade :D even tho this doesn't work like LJ
I don't hate Heechul enough for someone to cut out his kits and stomp on them ;______; But I can't wait for the whole update and now I know to get some tissues when you update ^^
Nephinasan #7
Nobody should die except heechul because of the wrongs he committed. If that chart becomes a reality I will cry my little eyes out.
omana.... Teukie T^T fighting okey...???<br />
And you will make DongHae die?? OO WOOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >0< <br />
poor him! <br />
This makes me so sad.... >.< <br />
Neko's fighting!!^^
Archon #9