Chapter 15



Ryeowook found himself kissing Eeteuk back but soon pulled away. 
"Hyung...I already have a know that."

Eeteuk kissed him again, sliding his tongue inside Ryeowook's mouth. When he pulled away, he spoke. "So... the bond's not complete since he's not a neko..." He said.

Ryeowook whined and looked away from him quickly. 
"...So...he's still my mate.."

"Just one time, Ryeowookie? Please?" Eeteuk breathed. "You're my source this time... piece it together." He said.

Ryeowook's eyes winded before turning to him. "..But hyung...we.." He squeaked out but couldn't say more as Eeteuk pulled him into another kiss.

Eeteuk rounded the table, not breaking the kiss, and backed him to the counter. ~Good, I can have him bear my and Donghae's kits.... and then I can move on... hopefully.~ He thought moving down to kiss Ryeowook's neck.


Eeteuk carried Ryeowook to his and Donghae's room laying him on the bed, having dressed him earlier. He gave him a gentle kiss before sighing, now a bit ashamed by what he had done.

He tucked his tail and frowned, going to his dog bed and moping. ~What have I done?~

Yuchun came back inside from his shopping and put everything away before spotting Eeteuk. 
" okay Eeteuk?"

"Yeah... I'm fine." He said. 
Yuchun looked at him curiously. 

//three and a half months later//

Ryeowook mewled on the couch about being too tired too often and worrying over the health of his babies, despite having had been the perfect mother.

Yuchun and Eeteuk hadn't gotten any closer than friends and hadn't had any intimate time either. Everyone noticed though, that Eeteuk had become protective of Ryeowook. He sat with the others on the floor by Ryeowook, looking up at him purring. "You're tired because it's close to time for you to give birth." He said.

Ryeowook looked over at him and whined at him but had a smile non the less. 
"Kits soon. <3 " He squeaked. "I'm scared..."

Eeteuk resisted the instinct to nuzzle him and instead did it to Yuchun. "We're all excited... you don't have anything to be scared of... you'll be fine." Donghae said.

Ryeowook looked up at him and pawed at him for a kiss which Donghae was happy to give. 
"I'll be beside you the entire time anyway."

Eeteuk frowned, wishing it was him that Ryeowook was kissing. He knew better though. Ryeowook yelped, a sharp pain hitting him. "I think it's time yo go." Eeteuk said.

Ryeowook nodded quickly and Donghae picked Ryeowook up bridal style.


The sound of mewing was heard from within the doctors office.

Eeteuk watched the little kits following the orange haired one. He smiled and looked at Ryeowook.

Ryeowook was tired. Too many drugs. He smiled weakly at Eeteuk. "They're cute... yes hyung?" Donghae stared at them. "Hmm.... Ryeowook isn't your light fur gene recessive?" He asked. "Mostly, yes." He said. "This one must have taken alot of it then." 
The white eared one rolled over on its back before falling to its side, whining like crazy.

Eeteuk turned and bit Yuchun out of no where. ~I can't... It's my child but... I can't be its father.~ He thought.

Yuchun winced and looked down at him. "What's wrong with you? Let go." Blood slipped down his arm. "Eeteuk, you alright?" He asked.

Eeteuk shook his head no and bit harder. The doctor pried Eeteuk off with minimal damage. "I need to speak with you and you alone." He said indicating Eeteuk and Ryeowook.

Donghae looked up but soon nodded leaving with Yuchun. The doctor turned to the two neko.

Eeteuk whiped his mouth, frowning. "We're in trouble, right?" He said.

"Not truly but I would like to bring up that you've created three families here.... A half breed, a mix of your clans, and..." His eyes trailed to the kitten with two different colored ears. "A mix breed. Eeteuk looked at the orange one. "It was my fault.... and my instincts tell me to be a father to my child... What do we do?" He said.

(A quick description.... Ryeowook had three kits. The 'eldest' is Kota. He only has Donghae and Ryeowook's features,(have to double check hair color) then the 'middle one'... Hyukkie has traits of Donghae, Ryeowook, and Eeteuk. He has one black ear and one white ear... his hair is brownish but when you run your fingers through it (like on some cats) it changes colors underneath.... and then the youngest is Meek. He is purely Eeteuk and Ryeowook's child. girlish, and has orange hair with light ears)

"In truth, raise the children as if they're Donghae's. Raising them any other way would only complicate things. You should leave the house you're in." He told Eeteuk.

"No I refuse to leave Ryeowook and my child. Besides.... the man that's supposed to be my mate lives there, it's his house." Eeteuk clapped his hands over his mouth, realizing what he'd said.

Ryeowook stared at him shocked. "But you...." Ryeowook started. "You said you and Yuchun hadn't grown closer!" He said.

"I haven't.... or we haven't become anything more but, my mind thinks we are." He said.

The doctor sighed. "If neither of you choose to do what's best for the kits I'll adopt them out , cared for by a foster mother."
"No please!" Ryeowook whined frantically.

Eeteuk sighed. "I'll..... I'll leave. Yuchun can stay." He said finally, picking up the orange kit. "Saranghae, little one." He said.

It opened its mouth yawning before curling up against his hand. "Hyung...." Ryeowook started. "You don't have to leave."

"I do..... You have kits to raise, you need to stay. Donghae's your mate and Yuchun owns the house." He said holding the kit close, ears flat.

"You're his slave! If he orders it, you can't leave!" Ryeowook shouted spooking the young kit in Leeteuk's hands.

It mewled, crying and Eeteuk glared. "If I don't, they'll be taken away." He said.

"You can stay as long as they never found out you're one of the parents." The doctor corrected.

Eeteuk handed the kit to Ryeowook, kissing his forehead. "I can't do that." He said.

"Eeteuk...." Ryeowook whined. "Take care of them, okay?" Eeteuk said. 

 "But Hyung....." Ryeowook started but Eeteuk was already out the door, shutting it behind him.

Yuchun and Donghae looked up as he opened the door and grew worried at his pained expression. Eeteuk walked up to Yuchun and kissed him, wrapping his arms around him. When he stopped, he held him for a moment before pulling away.

He reached around and unclasped his collar and handed it to Yuchun. "Mianhae...." He whispered before leaving.

Donghae looked at Yuchun, confused. "Yuchun-ah." He started. Yuchun held the collar close and slid down the wall, tears falling for the first time in a long time, down his cheeks.

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I am working on this fic starting 4/19/12. Sorry for the long wait but I'll be working on it for three days so I can definitely get SOMETHNIG out there.


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jahbkajsbcksjdfbishdbvshifvbifvb TEUKIE PLEASE BE LOYAL TO YOOCHUN ;~; and Yunho and Heechul dying? and Donghae! ;~;

/le new reder
As if you can get me to leave anytime soon! Don't worry about it ^^
well, Eeteuk is not good person, but I still feel his pain.. And why Yoochun has to ask Wook for Eeteuk to stay, he and Donhae are living in HIS house! But Eeteuk stealing child from mother, even if he is father..bad guy!
I see I have a spot *dances* See Can't be mad at Heechul but Leeteuk WHAT ARE YOU DOING DHAKHSKKHFUAJEKSDFHWEOJSKDKFH This update ok! (sorry I didn't read last night I ended up sleeping after only having four hours the night before ^^;;;)
SPECIAL SPOT FOR nikkijade :D even tho this doesn't work like LJ
I don't hate Heechul enough for someone to cut out his kits and stomp on them ;______; But I can't wait for the whole update and now I know to get some tissues when you update ^^
Nephinasan #7
Nobody should die except heechul because of the wrongs he committed. If that chart becomes a reality I will cry my little eyes out.
omana.... Teukie T^T fighting okey...???<br />
And you will make DongHae die?? OO WOOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >0< <br />
poor him! <br />
This makes me so sad.... >.< <br />
Neko's fighting!!^^
Archon #9