Chapter 16



AUTHOR'S NOTE: I will update two chapters a day until I have posted all of the pre written chapters, then I will slow down to write.
Three Years Later
(A/N:The kits age quickly until they reach a young adult stage where their growth stalls. At three years, the kits would appear about five years old.)

Ryeowook watched as the kits ran around playing with each other. It made him happy to see them healthy but he still missed Eeteuk when he would look at Meek. Kota had grown up alot like Donghae, strong but kind and occasionally teasing his younger brothers. Hyukkie had a few spazzy moments but otherwize is normal as well. Meek....... had taken up crossdressing.

True, he was feminine but Donghae wondered sometimes. Ryeowook didn't stop him from doing it etiher. If Meek wanted to dye his tongue purple, Ryeowook would probably let him.

Donghae walked up behind Ryeowook and hugged him, smiling as Kota tackled Hyukkie. Meek only watched until they both him. "Ummaaaaaaaaaa!" He whined running up to them.

Ryeowook caught him in a hug and purred. "Stop teasing your brother you two." He said sternly. "Yes Umma." They said together. Ryeowook smiled and turned to Donghae, bringing him to stand in front of the chouch as he sat looking up at him. "Donghae...... I've waited long enough. I think it's time you should know something....." He said cautiosly.

Donghae looked at him worried. "What is it?" He asked, trying not to panic but the way Ryeowook was talking, it was hard to.

"Donghae....... Meek and technically Hyukkie, aren't yours. Right after I mated with you, Eeteuk slept with me..... Meek's his and Hyukkie.... has all three of our traits." Ryeowook tried to explain.

Donghae stared at him shocked. 
"...You're....You're not serious Ryeowook...please tell me not your not." he whispered sitting down beside him. "Please."

Ryeowook looked down. "I'd be lieing if I did...... I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen. He was so upset, over Yuchun.... and the next thing I knew.... we were.... well, you know." He said sadly.

Donghae hugged him. "You should have told me sooner Ryeowook..."He whispered hugging him tightly. "Is that why Eeteuk left?"

Ryeowook felt his tears fall when Donghae hugged him. He had thought he would be angry. "Yes.... He left because it's his instinct to raise and protect his children.... but the doctor said that the kits must never know about him being their third parent." He said.

"I see.."Donghae whispered. "I understand. It's alright Ryeowook..please don't cry." He wiped the tears from Ryeowook's cheeks as he spoke.

Ryeowook's ears twitched. "I'm glad you're okay about it but.... he must feel awful, never being able to raise his first litter of kits... I can't imagine that.... where's Yuchun?" He asked. Donghae sighed. "I know.... oh, he's out on a date I think." He said. "What?! How could he?! Doesn't he know Eeteukie has feelings for him?" Ryeowook squeaked. "Yeah..... He does." Donghae said.

"But you have to understand it's been three years...A heart can only wait so long." 
Ryeowook pouted but sighed laying his head back down on Donghae's chest.

On the other side of town, Yuchun was with his date. 
"Yah, Xiah.... Having fun?" He said, locking his fingers with Junsu's. 
Junsu nodded, slurping on his slushie. 
"Yeah, thanks for bringing me out today." He said. 
Yuchun turned to look at who'd called his name. 
"Eeteuk?! You look terrible, what happened?" He nearly shouted. 
Eeteuk's fur was matted and his hair was longer. 
It hadn't been cut since he'd left. 
His nails were worn down and he was dirty and thin. 
"I've had to live as a stray... humans won't take me in and neither will my clan." He said simply.

Junsu looked him over his own ears twitching at the scent of such a disgrace to a higher clan. Not that he had any true hatred for him. Instict is what it was. 
"You know him Yuchun?"

Yuchun nodded. "I do."

Eeteuk turned to leave but Yuchun caught his wrist. "Let me go, Yuchun...... you have other affairs to deal with." He said.

Yuchun let go out of shock and looked back at Junsu who looked like he was trying to make his mind blank. Eeteuk turned around and looked at Yuchun. He leaned forwards slightly but Yuchun stepped back. "Come with us, Eeteuk. We'll get you taken care of until you can go home." He said.

"I can't go back, Yuchun." He said. "Come on." Yuchun said irritably, dragging him by the wrist towards Junsu's house. Even though Junsu was a neko, his mistress left him her house upon her death and set him free. It was perfectly legal. Junsu didn't look too happy about the fact that his home had been offered up.

Later on, Yuhcun opened the door to Junsu's house and they all went inside. Eeteuk had to restrain from growling at the strong concentration of Junsu's scent. "Follow me." Yuchun said leading Eeteuk to the bathroom and smiling. "I'll get you a towel and washcloth.... I'm glad to see you Eeteuk." He said.

Eeteuk frowned. ~Three years and all you can say is I'm glad to see you..... I guess I should have expected that. After all, I'm not his mate.~ He thought before stripping and getting the water ready. Yuchun stilled when he returned, shocked at how thin Eeteuk actually was.

"Here...." He said handing the rag to him. Eeteuk looked at it and stepped closer and kissed him, hands gripping his shoulders weakly. His nails didn't even tear into his clothes.

When he pulled back, he rested his head on his shoulder and hugged him. "Mianhae, Yuchun.... I never told you...." Eeteuk glared and stepped back, cutting off his sentence as Junsu appeared in the doorway.

He grabbed the rag and got into the shower. Yuchun left the room to talk with Junsu and Eeteuk didn't bother trying to listen.

It took several washes to get all the dirt and such out of Eeteuk's hair, ears, and tail. He felt lighter and healthier with it clean. He bathed himself, his stomache growling loudly but he knew he'd have to wait a bit more for food.

When he finally got out, Yuchun was waiting with a towel like he used to do at home. Eeteuk took it from him and changed into some clothes that Yuchun talked Junsu into lending him.

They made their way back to the living room and Eeteuk smiled softly. "Thank you both." He said. "Go back to the house.... tell them I send you to get a haircut and food.... and if you want..... to stay......" He said.

Eeteuk nodded. Yuchun hugged him tightly before nodding. "Take care..for now Eeteuk."

Eeteuk wanted to hold him and not let go but he made himself pull away and leave. He headed immediately for Yuchun's home. To his home.



Ryeowook watched the kits run around and play, turning back to Donghae he didn't take note of Kota and Hyukie trying to push Meek out the window.

He mrowed and yelped when they succeeded despite his efforts, the other two looked outside, giggling. 
Their ears twitched, hearing something. 
"Umma, Something's coming towards the house." They called. 
When they looked back, Eeteuk was standing at Meek, panting from running. 
He looked at him and smiled, leaning down to pick him up. 
"Hi there, little one." He said nuzzling him.

Meek purred and smiled up at him, his outfit, which was bassically a dress moved slightly. "....H-hello." He whispered softly.

Eeteuk's grin widened as he heard him purring and nuzzled him again, his cheek in a friendly gesture. 
"Do you remember me, little one? My scent?" He murmured but jerked his head up when he heard Ryeowook come to the window.

Ryeowook looked down at him and almost instantly started growling. Natural instict making him want to protect his child.

Eeteuk immediately growled back, making Meek flinch. 
"Ryeowook, it's me, Eeteuk." He said pulling his long hair up with one hand, ears flicking forwards. 
"This is as much my child as it is yours." He said defensively.

Meek looked up at curiously. He was the shy one of the trio. The one who said little but he was far from stupid. 
"...Appa?" He squeaked looking up at him.

Ryeowook and Eeteuk both tensed. 
Donghae walked up to the window. 
"No, little one... I'm not your appa. I just love children so it's natural for me to say things like that... Here go to your Umma." He said handing him over. 
"I need you to feed me to get my strength back... a hair cut would be nice too.... I have to get Yuchun back." He said.

Meek clung to Ryeowook and stared down at Eeteuk. 
"....Donghae can cut your hair...and I can feed you. Why did you come back after so long Eeteuk?"

Eeteuk looked up at him sadly. 
"I saw Yuchun today. He was with Junsu and he cleaned me up. It took me nearly two hours to get clean.... I will have to challenge Junsu in order to get him back and he's stonger than me right now." He said.

"I'll help you get well enough to fight him." Ryeowook squeaked before turning to walk away from the window.

Eeteuk hopped up onto the window and slipped inside. "Hair cut." He whined tailing Donghae around, sidestepping curious children.

Donghae went and got the hair cutting kit and sat Eeteuk down in the kitchen to cut his hair. 
All three kits sat at Eeteuk's feet staring up at him.

Eeteuk smiled down at them but continued to think about Yuchun and Ryeowook. Donghae snipped the last of his long hair off and smiled. "All done. Now let's just clean up and get you something to eat." He said.

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I am working on this fic starting 4/19/12. Sorry for the long wait but I'll be working on it for three days so I can definitely get SOMETHNIG out there.


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jahbkajsbcksjdfbishdbvshifvbifvb TEUKIE PLEASE BE LOYAL TO YOOCHUN ;~; and Yunho and Heechul dying? and Donghae! ;~;

/le new reder
As if you can get me to leave anytime soon! Don't worry about it ^^
well, Eeteuk is not good person, but I still feel his pain.. And why Yoochun has to ask Wook for Eeteuk to stay, he and Donhae are living in HIS house! But Eeteuk stealing child from mother, even if he is father..bad guy!
I see I have a spot *dances* See Can't be mad at Heechul but Leeteuk WHAT ARE YOU DOING DHAKHSKKHFUAJEKSDFHWEOJSKDKFH This update ok! (sorry I didn't read last night I ended up sleeping after only having four hours the night before ^^;;;)
SPECIAL SPOT FOR nikkijade :D even tho this doesn't work like LJ
I don't hate Heechul enough for someone to cut out his kits and stomp on them ;______; But I can't wait for the whole update and now I know to get some tissues when you update ^^
Nephinasan #7
Nobody should die except heechul because of the wrongs he committed. If that chart becomes a reality I will cry my little eyes out.
omana.... Teukie T^T fighting okey...???<br />
And you will make DongHae die?? OO WOOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >0< <br />
poor him! <br />
This makes me so sad.... >.< <br />
Neko's fighting!!^^
Archon #9