Chapter 21


Ryeowook held onto Yuchun who had started crying again at the funeral. 
An hour or so ago, after the funeral they had come and told Yuchun privatly that Junsu was in the early stages of pregnancy.

Yuchun stared at them in disbelief. "H-he was?..........." He said. Anyone could tell he was heartbroken hearing those words. He thanked them and left the room, hugging Ryeowook when he saw him and falling to the floor, wracked with sobs.

Ryeowook clung to him tightly. "...Yuchun..."He whispered rubbing his back gently.

Yuchun looked up at Ryeowook. "He was pregnant, Ryeowook.... Junsu was carrying my children............ I just want to go to sleep and wake up from this nightmare." He said. 


A Year and A Half Later

The boys, all three resembling typical 17 year olds, stood in the door way watching the typical arguement between Eeteuk and Donghae. It sensed to stop. It never did. 
Ryeowook had forgotten the boys, as did Leeteuk. Donghae remembered but never brought it up. (Quick explanation. If something goes wrong while bringing up the kits or if there's a shortage of neko, The parents will forget the kits so that if they inbreed, their emotions wont be in the way and it's also to prevent the pain when the kits have to leave. any questions message me and i'll explain better) The three now lived in the house as friends of the family, but even Donghae would have times to encourage them to find mates, beside Eeteuk and Ryeowook. 
Yuchun still had his moments where he thought of Junsu, and while he was on the verge of calling Eeteuk his mate something still continued to hold him back. He was phyically abusive to himself in the earlier part of the year but it lessened over time..but did show up once in a while. 

Meek was even more dramatic in cross dressing, and his ...though it was only kept to himself and once in a while Kota, had grown dramticaly as well. 

Hyukkie currently sat on the couch staring out the window as if in thought, as if he missed something that he didn't have at the moment.

Meek walked into the room and spotted Kota and Hyukkie. "Why do you look like you're waiting for something?" He asked Hyukkie. Hyukkie just looked at him. "I'm not."

"What's interesting to you then?. . . . . . . Don't answer that." He said. Meek left, unconcerned with the others' issues. Eeteuk looked at Yuchun in the doorway. "Since everyone else is having their daily fight, when will you take me as your mate?" He asked. Yuchun walked away, Eeteuk tailed him. "When I'm able to handle it and you're able to handle yourself..... I know you and Ryeowook still have a few 'encounters' and that you initiate them." Yuchun said. "At least I'm not sleeping with him this time." Eeteuk pouted.

"It doesn't matter." Yuchun growled. "I still just can't...."
Eeteuk pouted but let him go. "Hurry up and handle it." He whined. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
Hyukkie's tail twitched impatiently, his eyes every so often going to the clock.

Kota eventually got irritated. "Do you have a date or something?!" He snapped at Hyukkie.

Hyukkie gave him a curious look. "Do you want me to have one or something?" His white ear twitched, followed by his black. "Ugh! You're annoying Hyukkie!" Hyukkie just smiled and purred before turning back to the window.

Kota huffed and left the house, bored. Ryeowook was in the kitchen, cooking.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Everyone was either out or busy around the house, Hyukkie was no exception. He stood at the theatre, collar around his neck and bobbing on his feet. His tail swayed slightly and he purred as he waited. Slowly, a hand wound around his neck locking a leash on his collar. "Have I kept you waiting long?" Hyukkie purred. "Only as long as you wished for me to wait...." He said.
"As gentle as our last time?"
"As gentle or as rough as you like." Hyukkie purred, leaning his head back. "My master." "Get a room!" The ticket seller shouted. The one holding Hyukkie's leash ran a hand down said boy's tail, brushing it over and unusual lump in his pants... His tail.


Ryeowook now sat in his room with Donghae after scolding him about his earlier argument. "Hyung.... Yuchun lost his kits when Junsu died.... It's putting a lot of stress on him and Eeteuk so don't add to it." He said.

Donghae looked around before flopping onto the bed. "It's not fair..."
"Everything. I don't mean to sound like a child but our happy lives like we had before.... It's gone....." He burried his head in the pillow. "It may be selfish but I wish it was just us two."

Ryeowook smiled softly, patting his back and purring. "I know... We can leave, It's your choice to live here...... Your parents would flip if they knew about what we've become." He said.

"Forget my parents...." He growled but calmed down. "I promised Yuchun something a long time ago... I won't leave until I settle it."

Ryeowook's ear twitches and he felt jealousy rise in his chest. "What did you promise?" He asked.

"That i'd make sure he was happy before I left him." Donghae whispered, not moving.

Ryeowook frowned. "That's never going to happen." He said coldly. "Let's just leave..." He said.

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I am working on this fic starting 4/19/12. Sorry for the long wait but I'll be working on it for three days so I can definitely get SOMETHNIG out there.


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jahbkajsbcksjdfbishdbvshifvbifvb TEUKIE PLEASE BE LOYAL TO YOOCHUN ;~; and Yunho and Heechul dying? and Donghae! ;~;

/le new reder
As if you can get me to leave anytime soon! Don't worry about it ^^
well, Eeteuk is not good person, but I still feel his pain.. And why Yoochun has to ask Wook for Eeteuk to stay, he and Donhae are living in HIS house! But Eeteuk stealing child from mother, even if he is father..bad guy!
I see I have a spot *dances* See Can't be mad at Heechul but Leeteuk WHAT ARE YOU DOING DHAKHSKKHFUAJEKSDFHWEOJSKDKFH This update ok! (sorry I didn't read last night I ended up sleeping after only having four hours the night before ^^;;;)
SPECIAL SPOT FOR nikkijade :D even tho this doesn't work like LJ
I don't hate Heechul enough for someone to cut out his kits and stomp on them ;______; But I can't wait for the whole update and now I know to get some tissues when you update ^^
Nephinasan #7
Nobody should die except heechul because of the wrongs he committed. If that chart becomes a reality I will cry my little eyes out.
omana.... Teukie T^T fighting okey...???<br />
And you will make DongHae die?? OO WOOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >0< <br />
poor him! <br />
This makes me so sad.... >.< <br />
Neko's fighting!!^^
Archon #9