I Really Do Love You (Repost)

I Really Do Love You (Repost)
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Chapter 33


Tiffany had stubbornly agreed to dance with every man that placed his hands in front of her just to avoid dancing with a certain someone. She could feel his gaze on her. The more she saw his eyes, the more she wanted to avoid him. Darn the man! Why couldn’t he just learn to give up? She was so busy thinking that she didn’t notice him coming towards her. Before she could protests, a pair of arms came around her waist.

“I believe it’s my turn, Tiffany.” His voice, low & husky, didn’t sit well with her. It was happening again. Her heart was racing. Her mind was swimming around in her head. Butterflies fluttered around in her stomach. Her hands were trembling against his collar, “Don’t be nervous. I just want to enjoy one dance with the loveliest woman on the face of earth.”


“Jaejoong Oppa, why can’t you just leave me alone?” Her voice cracked. Damn! He affected her way too much, “Because I want you by my side. I want to hold you in my arms everyday for the rest of our lives. Will you forgive me?” That was the last straw. She couldn’t stand it anymore. He knew that she had a soft heart. He knew it & he was using it against her.


Tiffany gave him a hard shove & excused herself, “I’m sorry. I must see go see if they need any help in the kitchen. Thank you for the dance, Mr. Kim.” She left just as suddenly, wiggling her way through the huge crowd of people on the dance floor. She wasn’t paying attention to where she was going when she bumped into someone, “I’m so sorry. Why, hello uncle Kim.” She gave him a hug.

“Hello, Tiffany. You haven’t come to visit. How have you been?” His smile seemed to block out all the symptoms of her Jaejoong disease.

“I’m doing good. Sorry, I have had a lot to do lately. I mean, just helping with the wedding took weeks. Then I have work. Yoochun assigned a couple of big projects for me to finish. I still haven’t finished them yet. I wish I could pay you a visit.” Tiffany looked down at her feet.


“You don’t have to lie to me. I know the reason. Would it take too much time out of your busy schedule if we were to sit down & talk for a while?” He offered her his elbow.


She took it & shook her head, “Of course not. There’s always room for one more appointment.”

“Oh, then why do you keep on refusing Jaejoong’s calls for one?” They sat down on a bench next to the bushes of flowers.


“He’s an exception. I really see no point in talking to him.”


“What if others do? Will you listen to their advice?”


She paused & then began slowly, “Why does everyone think I’m wrong? Uncle Kim, I don’t understand. How come no one will see things my way? Aren’t I the victim?”

“I never said you weren’t. I’m just trying to make you see another side.”


“I have seen the other side. I have seen it too many times.”

“Will you listen to me?”


“Yes, I will listen to what you have to say but Uncle Kim, I really don’t see the point. I know what you are going to say.”


“Do you?”



“Then why haven’t you left yet?”


“I don’t get it.”


“Tiffany, there are some things in the world that have their own reasons. Everything has a reason, whether it is to live or to let live. So does Jaejoong. His reason is you. You are everything to him. He would walk through the roughest of fires for you. He would sacrifice his life for your forgiveness.”


“I understand what you are trying to say Uncle Kim, but what about me? Doesn’t my side deserve to be recognized?”

“We understand how hard it must be for you & there’s nothing much we can do to help you unless you let us. You still love him, don’t you?”


“Yes, I still love him.”

“Then why don’t you just give him another chance? Why not give both of you another chance?”


“Because I don’t want to get hurt again. I have been pushed away too many times already. One more & I won’t be sure of my own actions. I want to live, not die.”


“You will die if you keep shutting him out like this. I can tell that he still loves you very much.”


“I know but I’m...he just can’t love me. I don’t deserve his love.”


“Because you are not a ? Dear, that is the silliest thing I have ever heard.” He chuckled but she didn’t mimic his actions. Instead, she just stared up at the sky, “If I know Jaejoong well enough, he doesn’t care whether or not you are pure. To him, you are as innocent as a person can get. He loves you for you, not your body.”


“But I feel like I’m cheating him. He deserves someone who is so much better.”


“How much better can my future daughter-in-law get? I certainly won’t let another female wear my family’s name. You are the one, Tiffany. You can run but you can’t hide because his heart will always lead him to yours.” She couldn’t give him a reply. Instead, she stood up & mustered a smile.

“I will keep your words in mind. Now, if you will excuses me, I really must go & see if Jiwoo needs help. I will visit you when I can, uncle Kim.” She gave him a peck on the cheek & walked back into the grand hall.


Tiffany sighed when she finally handed the bouquet of white flowers to their last guests. It was Seohyun’s idea to present them with the flower, yet she didn’t come & help. She will let it go today, just because it was her wedding, “Here you are. Have a wonderful evening.” Her smile faded when she saw the couple holding hands & made their exit.


A voice behind made her jump slightly, “Isn’t it late?” Tiffany checked the clock to see it was already twelve-thirty.


“Well, I have no choice in this matter. I had to distribute these bouquets to everyone.” As she moved to retrieve the leftover ones, Jaejoong came to stand beside her.


“Here, let me help you with that.” Sensing his nearness, she immediately placed the flowers back down & stepped back, “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”


Tiffany shook her head violently, “No. I’m just...um, going to clean up the tables over there.” Her quick actions only brought her stumbling to the ground, along with a couple of porcelain dishes. Right before her head made contact with the fine china, a scream erupted from .

“Tiffany.” Jaejoong quickly dropped the bouquet & practically flew to her, “Are you okay, Tiffany?” She tried to get up only to be brought down again, as pain shot through her left leg, “Your head is bleeding. What’s wrong with your leg?”


Tears rolled down from her eyes & landed softly on her white a-line/princess sweetheart neckline, knee-length taffeta bridesmaid dress with a pink sash bow along with trickles of blood as Tiffany held her knee to her chest, “I don’t know but it...it hurts.”


“Here, let me take a look at it.” He said, but she refused, “Please, Tiffany? I only want to check if you are alright.” Even though she kept quiet, her hands carefully lifted the dress up to a point above the thigh, “Oh my gosh. We must get you to a doctor now.” Indeed, there was a

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 34: Awwww......greaaaat story! Loooove reading this one ^^
stelsunyi23 #2
Chapter 32: *butterfliesinmystomach gaaash, I need an updatee.

Chapter 30: Now I remember~ e n e Always hated the part where he said I hate you and was drunk~
Update more!
Chapter 24: :c what happened to Jae oppa? Fany is sad~ *sighs*
karma705 #6
Chapter 13: I meant more! :p
karma705 #7
Chapter 13: Taeyeon's the fiance?? Go with Junsu! Jae! Fall in luv with tiffany!! Waiting for mire!!
stelsunyi23 #8
omg i need your updaaaate xD u used to update errday. buuut hope u update sooon^^