
Endless Ukiss&Trax; Lovestory

Hey-yoh first I have to say sory that I didn't update so long v.v I'm sooo sorry >

'I really like him.He was the first one who really talk to me and he was always kind but I don't feel love or anything like that',Kitty says while she gets more quiet.

'Then are you in love with someone else right?'

'Uhm I never heard that you always have to be in love with someone',I reply smiling.

'I just wanted to know,sorry',he objects smiling like me.

'Well I'm 16,and yes in my age almost everyone has a crush on someone like their teachers,but not me'

'Well that's good because I have a crush on your teacher'

He laughs and I smile.He's a good guy.But what I just say isn't really true...I mean I love Eli since I know him,haha and the thing in his bed made it a little bit more excitning.But since we are here we didn't talk to much.

'We arrived.On time'

'Yupp',I answer and get out the car.

'I'll talk know to Eli,I promise'

'Fine but why Eli?',he replies confused.

'Oh I meant Jaeseop,'

Hoon open the doors and let me go first.He smiles like people do when they think about think someone just said and realize something.I pray that he doesn't think that I have a crush on Eli.

'Do you really wanna talk to Jaeseop alone?'

'No,I definatly don't have a crush on him',I exclaim.Then I realize he didn't ask me  something about him.

'Good to know',Hoon says smiling.

'You...know what?',I say confused by his and my own words.

'Good to know that you don't have a crush on Eli',he says quiet and winks.


It's really short ..I know.It's just that school just began and I haven't to much time.Hope you understand <3 Love you


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