Chapter 18

Foolin' Around

Your POV

When I got home I greeted my parents and told them I won’t eat. I went to my room and changed to my pajamas and plopped myself to bed. I put my arm over my face to cover it and I just thought of what happened today. I think I was a little mean to everyone today. I better apologize to them tomorrow and explain but for now I’ll go to dreamland. It was midnight when I woke up and I got hungry so I went down to the kitchen to get something to eat. I opened the fridge to see if there’s any food but I found nothing so I just took the carton of milk and poured it on the glass. I found cookies and so I ate that. I sat on the chair then I saw my phone vibrated so I checked who texted me and it was Hoya oppa. I looked at his message and he was asking me if I was okay. Why is he still awake anyway? I’ll answer him tomorrow this might be a long conversation. After finishing my milk I went back to my room and I took another peek on Hoya's text, should I reply or not? I was sleepy a while ago but now I’m wide awake and I don’t feel sleepy anymore. I replied and told him that I was sorry and he didn’t replied back probably he fell asleep so I plopped myself to bed and placed my phone beside me. I just closed my eyes and I’ll wait until I fall asleep. Suddenly my phone vibrated and when I took a look Hoya replied.

Hoya: why are you still awake?

me: I should ask you as well

Hoya: well I couldn’t sleep

me: me too… are you the only one awake there?

Stupid of course he would be the only one awake it’s like 1 in the morning already. I face palmed myself.

Hoya: of course everyone will be asleep at this time why?

me: nothing just making sure that you won’t see anything unsual hehe

Hoya: yah! don’t you dare scare me if I won’t be able to sleep I won’t let you sleep as well

me: you wouldn’t know if I’m asleep or not…. just wait if I won’t reply that means I’m asleep already :p

Suddenly my phone rang and when I looked who was calling I immediately answered but I put it away from my ear because I know he’s mad.

“Yah! Because of you I can’t sleep. I was about to but when you told me that I got paranoid.” he said.

“I’m sorry oppa it was just a joke so go to sleep.”

“You’re going to keep me company. You can’t put the phone down.” he said.

He’s acting like a child again. And instead of me getting angry I kinda like the fact that he called and that means his voice will be the last thing I will hear before I go to sleep.

We were talking for almost an hour and I was feeling sleepy already, my eyes are actually closing.

“~~~-ah are you still awake?” I heard him ask.

“Deh oppa.” I answered but it’s evident in my voice that I was already sleepy.

“You can’t sleep ahead of me.” he said.


“You should talk so I would be able to sleep.”

“I have nothing to say.”

“Then sing for me.”

I wanted to argue with him ‘cause I know my voice isn’t that good but I had no choice if I want to go to sleep he should be asleep first. Then I started singing his favorite song. (you just think of any song you like).

“Oppa.” I said and waited for him to answer but there was no response then that means he fell asleep. I remember unnie would always tuck him back to sleep when were still young and having a sleep over at her place. I hang up the phone and closed my eyes and in no time I fell asleep.


The next morning I did my usual routine and then headed to school. I saw Dongwoo so I greeted him and he greeted back. We were now walking our way to the bus stop.

“Sorry about yesterday.” I started.

“It’s okay. Mind telling me what happened?” he asked.

“Well I slept late since my neighbors were noisy and I get cranky when I don’t get enough sleep.” I sheepishly said.

“I’ll remember that I don’t want you getting cranky on me. You were kind of scary yesterday.” he teased.

I playfully punched his arm and we just talked and talked until we reached school.

Dongwoo walked me to my classroom today.

“So uhm..” he started as he was scratching the back of his neck. He looks cute when he’s embarrassed. “Would you like to go home together after school?” he continued.

“Sure. Meet you at the front gate.” I said as I bid goodbye and opened the door. I was about to walk in when someone passed by me. I saw it was Hoya and he looks pissed. I also went in and sat on my chair I tapped his shoulder and he was now looking at me well more like glaring.
“What’s wrong? Didn’t you get enough sleep?” I asked.

“Aniyo I just saw something on my way to school that annoyed me.” he answered.

“And what may that be? Is it about a girl?”

I was hoping he would say no but he nodded. Wow this is the first time that he got pissed off because of a girl is my bestfriend falling for a girl already. I wanted to but I decided not to for now, maybe when his head cools down.


Lunch break came and I invited him to eat but he didn’t want to so I ate by myself. I wanted to go to the rooftop but it’s lonely when it’s just me so I just went to the school grounds. From afar I saw someone sitting on my spot, well it’s not really mine but no one hardly ever seats there so I claimed it as my spot. As I got nearer I saw it was Dongwoo he was waving at me and I waved back. I sat beside him.

“Where’s Hoya?” he asked.

“He doesn’t want to eat.” I answered.

“Is it okay if I eat here with you?” he suddenly asked. I laughed at his question.

“Sure, why not?”

“It’s good that you’re happy now.” he said.

“Yeah well I got enough sleep already.”

We became quiet for a while until a girl passed by and he waved at Dongwoo. I looked at him and he waved back. I nudged him and I was grinning like a cheshire cat.

“Do you like that girl?” I asked as I pointed to the figure slowly drifting away from us.

“Aniyo she’s just a classmate.”

“But it seems like she likes you.” I stated the obvious. Well from the way she looks at him I can tell that she likes him.

“Well I don’t like her.” he said.

“So does that mean that you like someone else?”

“I don’t know if you can say that I already like her but I’m happy with her company.” he simply stated.

“Well I guess you can consider that you like her.” I said.

“How do you feel when you’re around Hoya?” I wasn’t expecting that question but since he now knows that I like him might as well tell him.

“Well I feel happy when he’s around and I get sad when I see him flirt with other girls. Do you feel that way about her as well?”

“Well sort of.”

“Then maybe you have a slight crush on her.” I said.

“Can I ask a question?”

“You’re already asking.” I stated.

“Right. Why won’t you tell him?” he asked. That question made me think and remember the past.

“If you don’t want to tell it’s alright. I’m just curious ‘cause it seems that you’ve liked him for a long time.” he suddenly said.

It’s not that I don’t want to but…


You were about to talk when the bell rang signaling that lunch was over. You were relieved that you didn’t have to tell him but a part of you wanted to tell him.




~here's another update... I realized that the flow of this story is soooo slow so I decided to make it move a little faster in the upcoming chapters....please do leave comments ^^

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great job!
sunnysun32168 #2
Chapter 38: awe so sweet,

both Hoya and Dongwoo!
it ended already......? T.T
i love this amazing fanfic from the start~ LOL.
i like the plot and how it ended. so well written.
one of my fav fanfics ever. <3 :D
stickylavi #4
TAT it ended...!!! I love both endings ahahaha <3 thank you for the wonderful story!!
stickylavi #5
meh T_T wanted the alternate ending... anyways Hoya's also good so it's okay I guess hehe ^^ aww Dongwoo waylt thank you for updating! ^^
ShinHyunAe18 #6
i just read your updates after a long time. anyhow, i think your writing really improved. i love the valentines update. haha :">
I also want to spend valentine's day with dongwoo<3
update soon!
stickylavi #8